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Are you a hardcore atheist?

Started by Whitney, December 18, 2008, 02:14:54 AM

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This is just for fun, it doesn't really mean anything:

QuoteCopy and paste the list below on your own site, boldfacing the things you’ve done. (Feel free to add your own elaboration and commentary to each item!)

       1. Participated in the Blasphemy Challenge.
       2. Met at least one of the “Four Horsemen” (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris) in person.
       3. Created an atheist blog.
       4. Used the Flying Spaghetti Monster in a religious debate with someone.
       5. Gotten offended when someone called you an agnostic.
       6. Been unable to watch Growing Pains reruns because of Kirk Cameron. <--never watched growing pains
      7. Own more Bibles than most Christians you know.  <--probably, but they are all from when I was religious.
      8. Have at least one Bible with your personal annotations regarding contradictions, disturbing parts, etc. <---I have Gen 1 marked up pretty well, then I decided I didn't feel like reading the Bible again.
      9. Have come out as an atheist to your family.
      10. Attended a campus or off-campus atheist gathering.
      11. Are a member of an organized atheist/Humanist/etc. organization.
      12. Had a Humanist wedding ceremony. <---ours was non-religious but not specifically Humanist.
      13. Donated money to an atheist organization.
      14. Have a bookshelf dedicated solely to Richard Dawkins.  <--I like Richard Dawkins, but I don't like him that much.
      15. Lost the friendship of someone you know because of your non-theism.
      16. Tried to argue or have a discussion with someone who stopped you on the street to proselytize.
      17. Had to hide your atheist beliefs on a first date because you didn’t want to scare him/her away.
      18. Own a stockpile of atheist paraphernalia (bumper stickers, buttons, shirts, etc).
      19. Attended a protest that involved religion.
      20. Attended an atheist conference.
      21. Subscribe to Pat Condell’s YouTube channel.
      22. Started an atheist group in your area or school.
      23. Successfully “de-converted” someone to atheism.
      24. Have already made plans to donate your body to science after you die.
      25. Told someone you’re an atheist only because you wanted to see the person’s reaction.
     26. Had to think twice before screaming “Oh God!” during sex. Or you said something else in its place.
      27. Lost a job because of your atheism.
      28. Formed a bond with someone specifically because of your mutual atheism (meeting this person at a local gathering or conference doesn’t count).
      29. Have crossed “In God We Trust” off of â€" or put a pro-church-state-separation stamp on â€" dollar bills.
      30. Refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
      31. Said “Gesundheit!” (or nothing at all) after someone sneezed because you didn’t want to say “Bless you!”
      32. Have ever chosen not to clasp your hands together out of fear someone might think you’re praying.
      33. Have turned on Christian TV because you needed something entertaining to watch.
      34. Are a 2nd or 3rd (or more) generation atheist.
      35. Have “atheism” listed on your Facebook or dating profile â€" and not a euphemistic variant.
      36. Attended an atheist’s funeral (i.e. a non-religious service).
      37. Subscribe to an freethought magazine (e.g. Free Inquiry, Skeptic)
      38. Have been interviewed by a reporter because of your atheism.
      39. Written a letter-to-the-editor about an issue related to your non-belief in God.
      40. Gave a friend or acquaintance a New Atheist book as a gift.
      41. Wear pro-atheist clothing in public.
      42. Have invited Mormons/Jehovah’s Witnesses into your house specifically because you wanted to argue with them.
      43. Have been physically threatened (or beaten up) because you didn’t believe in God.
      44. Receive Google Alerts on “atheism” (or variants).
      45. Received fewer Christmas presents than expected because people assumed you didn’t celebrate it.
      46. Visited The Creation Museum or saw Ben Stein’s Expelled just so you could keep tabs on the “enemy.” <---I tried very hard to watch expelled but got fed up with the craziness about half way through and turned the movie off.
      47. Refuse to tell anyone what your “sign” is… because it doesn’t matter at all.
      48. Are on a mailing list for a Christian organization just so you can see what they’re up to…
     49. Have kept your eyes open while you watched others around you pray.
      50. Avoid even Unitarian churches because they’re too close to religion for you.

QuoteAnd just so you know how you fare, here’s a scale to rank yourself (adapted from Darwin’s Dagger’s suggestions):

    0-10: Impressive, but not too far from agnosticism.

    11-20: You are, literally, a “New Atheist.” But you now have something to strive for! Go for the full 50!

    21-30: You are an atheist, but babies aren’t running away from you. Yet.

    31-40: You are the 5th Horseman! Congratulations!

    41-50: PZ Myers will now be taking lessons from you.

( reposted from: ... eist-list/ and ... e-atheist/ )


Ahh, this ones easy!  No!  I'm nowhere near hardcore, yet I doubt anyone could ever really effectively pin agnosticism on me either.  But I do get to say yes to 24 and 49.
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.
                                                                                                                    -Winston Smith, protagonist of 1984 by George Orwell


Well, I know what I'm doing at work tomorrow!  :D

Doubting Thomas29

I must confess, I am a little crazy, I did spend from seven pm at night till three am debating with catholics why atheists have the truth.  That was a couple years ago, I was having symptoms must have been what it was.


Participated in the Blasphemy Challenge.
Met at least one of the “Four Horsemen” (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris) in person. (dawkins)
Created an atheist blog.
Used the Flying Spaghetti Monster in a religious debate with someone.
Gotten offended when someone called you an agnostic.
Been unable to watch Growing Pains reruns because of Kirk Cameron.
Own more Bibles than most Christians you know.
Have at least one Bible with your personal annotations regarding contradictions, disturbing parts, etc.
Have come out as an atheist to your family.
Attended a campus or off-campus atheist gathering.
Are a member of an organized atheist/Humanist/etc. organization.
Had a Humanist wedding ceremony.  (married in a catholic church.  ug.)
Donated money to an atheist organization.
Have a bookshelf dedicated solely to Richard Dawkins. (he shares it with his peers)
Lost the friendship of someone you know because of your non-theism.
Tried to argue or have a discussion with someone who stopped you on the street to proselytize. (jehovah's witnesses accosted me at the mailbox)
Had to hide your atheist beliefs on a first date because you didn’t want to scare him/her away.
Own a stockpile of atheist paraphernalia (bumper stickers, buttons, shirts, etc).
Attended a protest that involved religion.
Attended an atheist conference.  (dale mcgowan's secular parenting seminar was worth more than the $30 i paid to attend.)
Subscribe to Pat Condell’s YouTube channel.
Started an atheist group in your area or school.
Successfully “de-converted” someone to atheism. (my hubby.)
Have already made plans to donate your body to science after you die.
Told someone you’re an atheist only because you wanted to see the person’s reaction. (reaction: "oh, but you're such a nice person!")
Had to think twice before screaming “Oh God!” during sex. Or you said something else in its place.  (well, i've at least thought about it.)
Lost a job because of your atheism. (can't prove it, but don't think it helped.)
Formed a bond with someone specifically because of your mutual atheism (meeting this person at a local gathering or conference doesn’t count).
Have crossed “In God We Trust” off of â€" or put a pro-church-state-separation stamp on â€" dollar bills.
Refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. (i leave off "under god")
Said “Gesundheit!” (or nothing at all) after someone sneezed because you didn’t want to say “Bless you!” (yep, this is me.  not that i do the dane cook "when you die, nothing happens" routine, but i think wishing someone good health when they're sneezing is a better sentiment than "i hope you don't lose your soul through your nose!")
Have ever chosen not to clasp your hands together out of fear someone might think you’re praying.
Have turned on Christian TV because you needed something entertaining to watch.
Are a 2nd or 3rd (or more) generation atheist.
Have “atheism” listed on your Facebook or dating profile â€" and not a euphemistic variant.
Attended an atheist’s funeral (i.e. a non-religious service).
Subscribe to an freethought magazine (e.g. Free Inquiry, Skeptic)
Have been interviewed by a reporter because of your atheism.
Written a letter-to-the-editor about an issue related to your non-belief in God.
Gave a friend or acquaintance a New Atheist book as a gift.
Wear pro-atheist clothing in public.
Have invited Mormons/Jehovah’s Witnesses into your house specifically because you wanted to argue with them.
Have been physically threatened (or beaten up) because you didn’t believe in God.
Receive Google Alerts on “atheism” (or variants).
Received fewer Christmas presents than expected because people assumed you didn’t celebrate it.
Visited The Creation Museum or saw Ben Stein’s Expelled just so you could keep tabs on the “enemy.”
Refuse to tell anyone what your “sign” is… because it doesn’t matter at all.
Are on a mailing list for a Christian organization just so you can see what they’re up to…
Have kept your eyes open while you watched others around you pray.
Avoid even Unitarian churches because they’re too close to religion for you. (i've thought about taking my daughter to a uu rational sunday school, but not gone myself since i'm not spiritual at all.)

24.  babies, eh?  pass the salt.
"Every post you can hitch your faith on
Is a pie in the sky,
Chock full of lies,
A tool we devise
To make sinking stones fly."

~from A Comet Apears by The Shins


1. Participated in the Blasphemy Challenge.
2. Met at least one of the “Four Horsemen” (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris) in person.
3. Created an atheist blog.
4. Used the Flying Spaghetti Monster in a religious debate with someone.
5. Gotten offended when someone called you an agnostic.
6. Been unable to watch Growing Pains reruns because of Kirk Cameron.
7. Own more Bibles than most Christians you know. --> Had a school Bible in 1973 , which I threw away after I graduated
8. Have at least one Bible with your personal annotations regarding contradictions, disturbing parts, etc.
9. Have come out as an atheist to your family.
10. Attended a campus or off-campus atheist gathering.
11. Are a member of an organized atheist/Humanist/etc. organization.
12. Had a Humanist wedding ceremony.
13. Donated money to an atheist organization.
14. Have a bookshelf dedicated solely to Richard Dawkins. --> I only have  a copy of his his book "The God Delusion"
15. Lost the friendship of someone you know because of your non-theism.
16. Tried to argue or have a discussion with someone who stopped you on the street to proselytize.
17. Had to hide your atheist beliefs on a first date because you didn’t want to scare him/her away.
18. Own a stockpile of atheist paraphernalia (bumper stickers, buttons, shirts, etc).
19. Attended a protest that involved religion.
20. Attended an atheist conference.
21. Subscribe to Pat Condell’s YouTube channel.
22. Started an atheist group in your area or school.
23. Successfully “de-converted” someone to atheism.
24. Have already made plans to donate your body to science after you die.
25. Told someone you’re an atheist only because you wanted to see the person’s reaction.
26. Had to think twice before screaming “Oh God!” during sex. Or you said something else in its place.
27. Lost a job because of your atheism.
28. Formed a bond with someone specifically because of your mutual atheism (meeting this person at a local gathering or conference doesn’t count).
29. Have crossed “In God We Trust” off of â€" or put a pro-church-state-separation stamp on â€" dollar bills.
30. Refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
31. Said “Gesundheit!” (or nothing at all) after someone sneezed because you didn’t want to say “Bless you!” --> This is not an issue for someone who lives in Germany
32. Have ever chosen not to clasp your hands together out of fear someone might think you’re praying. --> I try to avoid it as such as possible
33. Have turned on Christian TV because you needed something entertaining to watch. --> But I can't watch it for more than 10 minutes without getting sick
34. Are a 2nd or 3rd (or more) generation atheist -->  My father is an atheist now, but it took him quite some time to "get out of the closet"
35. Have “atheism” listed on your Facebook or dating profile â€" and not a euphemistic variant.
36. Attended an atheist’s funeral (i.e. a non-religious service). --> It was the most emotional experience that I ever went through
37. Subscribe to an freethought magazine (e.g. Free Inquiry, Skeptic)
38. Have been interviewed by a reporter because of your atheism.
39. Written a letter-to-the-editor about an issue related to your non-belief in God.
40. Gave a friend or acquaintance a New Atheist book as a gift.
41. Wear pro-atheist clothing in public.
42. Have invited Mormons/Jehovah’s Witnesses into your house specifically because you wanted to argue with them.
43. Have been physically threatened (or beaten up) because you didn’t believe in God.
44. Receive Google Alerts on “atheism” (or variants).
45. Received fewer Christmas presents than expected because people assumed you didn’t celebrate it.
46. Visited The Creation Museum or saw Ben Stein’s Expelled just so you could keep tabs on the “enemy.”
47. Refuse to tell anyone what your “sign” is… because it doesn’t matter at all.
48. Are on a mailing list for a Christian organization just so you can see what they’re up to…
49. Have kept your eyes open while you watched others around you pray. --> Doesn't happen so often, because I only go to church for funerals. No-one around me (family and friends) are  people who pray.
50. Avoid even Unitarian churches because they’re too close to religion for you.
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


1. Participated in the Blasphemy Challenge.
       2. Met at least one of the “Four Horsemen” (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris) in person.
       3. Created an atheist blog.
       4. Used the Flying Spaghetti Monster in a religious debate with someone.
       5. Gotten offended when someone called you an agnostic.
       6. Been unable to watch Growing Pains reruns because of Kirk Cameron.
       7. Own more Bibles than most Christians you know.
       8. Have at least one Bible with your personal annotations regarding contradictions, disturbing parts, etc.
       9. Have come out as an atheist to your family.
      10. Attended a campus or off-campus atheist gathering.
      11. Are a member of an organized atheist/Humanist/etc. organization.
      12. Had a Humanist wedding ceremony.
      13. Donated money to an atheist organization.
      14. Have a bookshelf dedicated solely to Richard Dawkins.
      15. Lost the friendship of someone you know because of your non-theism.
      16. Tried to argue or have a discussion with someone who stopped you on the street to proselytize.
      17. Had to hide your atheist beliefs on a first date because you didn’t want to scare him/her away.
      18. Own a stockpile of atheist paraphernalia (bumper stickers, buttons, shirts, etc).
      19. Attended a protest that involved religion.
      20. Attended an atheist conference.
      21. Subscribe to Pat Condell’s YouTube channel.
      22. Started an atheist group in your area or school.
      23. Successfully “de-converted” someone to atheism.
      24. Have already made plans to donate your body to science after you die.
      25. Told someone you’re an atheist only because you wanted to see the person’s reaction.
      26. Had to think twice before screaming “Oh God!” during sex. Or you said something else in its place.
      27. Lost a job because of your atheism.
      28. Formed a bond with someone specifically because of your mutual atheism (meeting this person at a local gathering or conference doesn’t count).
      29. Have crossed “In God We Trust” off of â€" or put a pro-church-state-separation stamp on â€" dollar bills.
      30. Refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
      31. Said “Gesundheit!” (or nothing at all) after someone sneezed because you didn’t want to say “Bless you!”
      32. Have ever chosen not to clasp your hands together out of fear someone might think you’re praying.
      33. Have turned on Christian TV because you needed something entertaining to watch.
      34. Are a 2nd or 3rd (or more) generation atheist.
      35. Have “atheism” listed on your Facebook or dating profile â€" and not a euphemistic variant.
      36. Attended an atheist’s funeral (i.e. a non-religious service).
      37. Subscribe to an freethought magazine (e.g. Free Inquiry, Skeptic)
      38. Have been interviewed by a reporter because of your atheism.
      39. Written a letter-to-the-editor about an issue related to your non-belief in God.
      40. Gave a friend or acquaintance a New Atheist book as a gift.
      41. Wear pro-atheist clothing in public.
      42. Have invited Mormons/Jehovah’s Witnesses into your house specifically because you wanted to argue with them.
      43. Have been physically threatened (or beaten up) because you didn’t believe in God.
      44. Receive Google Alerts on “atheism” (or variants).
      45. Received fewer Christmas presents than expected because people assumed you didn’t celebrate it.
      46. Visited The Creation Museum or saw Ben Stein’s Expelled just so you could keep tabs on the “enemy.”
      47. Refuse to tell anyone what your “sign” is… because it doesn’t matter at all.
      48. Are on a mailing list for a Christian organization just so you can see what they’re up to…
      49. Have kept your eyes open while you watched others around you pray.
      50. Avoid even Unitarian churches because they’re too close to religion for you.
"Rational arguments don’t usually work on religious people. Otherwise there would be no religious people."

House M.D.


Quote1. Participated in the Blasphemy Challenge.
2. Met at least one of the “Four Horsemen” (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris) in person.
* No but I have e-mailed Dawkins a couple of time and had replies.
3. Created an atheist blog.
4. Used the Flying Spaghetti Monster in a religious debate with someone.
5. Gotten offended when someone called you an agnostic.
6. Been unable to watch Growing Pains reruns because of Kirk Cameron. <--never watched growing pains
7. Own more Bibles than most Christians you know. <--probably, but they are all from when I was religious.
8. Have at least one Bible with your personal annotations regarding contradictions, disturbing parts, etc. <---I have Gen 1 marked up pretty well, then I decided I didn't feel like reading the Bible again.
9. Have come out as an atheist to your family.
10. Attended a campus or off-campus atheist gathering.
11. Are a member of an organized atheist/Humanist/etc. organization.
12. Had a Humanist wedding ceremony. <---ours was non-religious but not specifically Humanist.
* No but I feel my marriage vows were a sham in the sense that they were in a church and in 2009 we will be celebrating our 25th by retaking our vows with a humanist minister.
13. Donated money to an atheist organization.
14. Have a bookshelf dedicated solely to Richard Dawkins. <--I like Richard Dawkins, but I don't like him that much.
* No but I have virtually all of his books (to my knowledge there's only about 10 or so ... bookshelves are bigger than that aren't they?)
15. Lost the friendship of someone you know because of your non-theism.
16. Tried to argue or have a discussion with someone who stopped you on the street to proselytize.
17. Had to hide your atheist beliefs on a first date because you didn’t want to scare him/her away.
* I've been married for nearly 25 years, I don't hide my atheism at all and I would not do so were I ever to date again
18. Own a stockpile of atheist paraphernalia (bumper stickers, buttons, shirts, etc).
19. Attended a protest that involved religion.
* Does started a e-petition on the UK Prime Ministers site, getting 1500 signatures and getting a reply back from the government that got subsequently reported count?
20. Attended an atheist conference. (does anti-creationist/anti-ID count?)
21. Subscribe to Pat Condell’s YouTube channel.
22. Started an atheist group in your area or school.
23. Successfully “de-converted” someone to atheism. (I *think* so)
24. Have already made plans to donate your body to science after you die.
* No but I have made it absolutely clear that I do not (under ANY circumstances want a religious burial)
25. Told someone you’re an atheist only because you wanted to see the person’s reaction.
26. Had to think twice before screaming “Oh God!” during sex. Or you said something else in its place.
27. Lost a job because of your atheism.
28. Formed a bond with someone specifically because of your mutual atheism (meeting this person at a local gathering or conference doesn’t count). (ALL of my friends are atheists, I'm not sure I could be close friends with a theist)
29. Have crossed “In God We Trust” off of â€" or put a pro-church-state-separation stamp on â€" dollar bills.
* No but I'm not American so I should get a default pass on this because I probably would)
30. Refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
* Again I'm not American and yes, I would have serious problems with the US pledge.
31. Said “Gesundheit!” (or nothing at all) after someone sneezed because you didn’t want to say “Bless you!”
32. Have ever chosen not to clasp your hands together out of fear someone might think you’re praying.
33. Have turned on Christian TV because you needed something entertaining to watch.
34. Are a 2nd or 3rd (or more) generation atheist. (what does this mean?)
35. Have “atheism” listed on your Facebook or dating profile â€" and not a euphemistic variant.
36. Attended an atheist’s funeral (i.e. a non-religious service).
37. Subscribe to an freethought magazine (e.g. Free Inquiry, Skeptic)
* do e-mail subscriptions count?
38. Have been interviewed by a reporter because of your atheism.
39. Written a letter-to-the-editor about an issue related to your non-belief in God.
40. Gave a friend or acquaintance a New Atheist book as a gift.
* Can't remember but I regularly give science oriented books to friends for Christmas and got "The God Delusion" and other similar books from one of them.
41. Wear pro-atheist clothing in public. (well anti-theist ... I guess that counts)
42. Have invited Mormons/Jehovah’s Witnesses into your house specifically because you wanted to argue with them.
* No but I've argued with them on the doorstep and the only reason I don't invite them in is because God (a.k.a. my wife) would object.
43. Have been physically threatened (or beaten up) because you didn’t believe in God.
* I live in the UK, if I lived in the US I strongly suspect I would have been (except I'd make damned sure I knew a martial art)
44. Receive Google Alerts on “atheism” (or variants).
45. Received fewer Christmas presents than expected because people assumed you didn’t celebrate it.
46. Visited The Creation Museum or saw Ben Stein’s Expelled just so you could keep tabs on the “enemy.” <---I tried very hard to watch expelled but got fed up with the craziness about half way through and turned the movie off.
* No but I've downloaded it on bittorrent with the intent of doing so.
47. Refuse to tell anyone what your “sign” is… because it doesn’t matter at all.
48. Are on a mailing list for a Christian organization just so you can see what they’re up to…
* Not any more but I was for a long time ... I stopped because I never read the bloody things.
49. Have kept your eyes open while you watched others around you pray.
50. Avoid even Unitarian churches because they’re too close to religion for you.

For the definite ones I'm high in the 21 & 30 bracket so I am an atheist, but babies aren’t running away from me yet but if my ones where I've adapted slightly are allowed it would seem I'm the 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse ... Cool!

James C. Rocks: UK Tech Portal & Science, Just Science

[size=150]Not Long For This Forum [/size]


Hmm, i score about 2 or 3 in this... That does not mean i am agostic though. It just means i don't place so much importance on being a non-believer.

I guess, because of the surroundings i've been brought up in, i've never had to think much about being atheist because i've never really come into contact with religious nutters.

It was only early this year when i was dating a girl whom i liked very much that i really started to think about how religion warps peoples minds. She was christian and it ended between us because of our different views. I realised that not believing in a higher power was the reason she felt she couldn't be with me. That really pissed me off. That was one of the reasons i came to HAF, so i could vent :)

So, i'm not really an atheist activist. I'm an atheist pacifist. I guess, if confronted by someone religious, i'll stand my ground but to be honest, i am already surrounded by people who don't dwell on religion because they just don't need it in their lives. They don't however feel they need to react against religion because it doesn't encroach on their way of life. My friends, family and i lead a life completely away from religion and it is nice and cozy.
QuoteI find it mistifying that in this age of information, some people still deny the scientific history of our existence.


1. Participated in the Blasphemy Challenge.
2. Met at least one of the “Four Horsemen” (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris) in person. i wish
3. Created an atheist blog. nott a very social person. I like to read to write
4. Used the Flying Spaghetti Monster in a religious debate with someone no one debates here so boring heh [\i]
5. Gotten offended when someone called you an agnostic
6. Been unable to watch Growing Pains reruns because of Kirk Cameron.  is that a tv show?[\i]
7. Own more Bibles than most Christians you know.  
8. Have at least one Bible with your personal annotations regarding contradictions, disturbing parts, etc. no but im thinking of doing it
9. Have come out as an atheist to your family.
10. Attended a campus or off-campus atheist gathering.
11. Are a member of an organized atheist/Humanist/etc. organization. only if thos forum is considered an organisation?? heh
12. Had a Humanist wedding ceremony.
13. Donated money to an atheist organization.
14. Have a bookshelf dedicated solely to Richard Dawkins.  no but i have some atheist books, and more in my amazon wishlist
15. Lost the friendship of someone you know because of your non-theism.
16. Tried to argue or have a discussion with someone who stopped you on the street to proselytize.
17. Had to hide your atheist beliefs on a first date because you didn’t want to scare him/her away. no first date yet XD
18. Own a stockpile of atheist paraphernalia I only have a darwin fish car emblem.
19. Attended a protest that involved religion.
20. Attended an atheist conference.
21. Subscribe to Pat Condell’s YouTube channel
22. Started an atheist group in your area or school.
23. Successfully “de-converted” someone to atheism.
24. Have already made plans to donate your body to science after you die.
25. Told someone you’re an atheist only because you wanted to see the person’s reaction.
26. Had to think twice before screaming “Oh God!” during sex. Or you said something else in its place
27. Lost a job because of your atheism.
28. Formed a bond with someone specifically because of your mutual atheism (meeting this person at a local gathering or conference doesn’t count).
29. Have crossed “In God We Trust” off of â€" or put a pro-church-state-separation stamp on â€" dollar bills. euro dont ahve that :)
God made me an atheist, who are you to question his wisdom!


1. Yep
2. Not yet.
3. Yep.
4. Yep
5. Yep.
6. LOL, yep.
7. Yep. And a Qur'an, and Book of Mormon. And Torah. And a few others. I also have the Lord of the Rings novels.
8. Yep.
9. Half-way. I've decided not to tell my grandmother and uncle.
10. Yep.
11. Does HAF count?
12. Yep, and it was beautiful.
13. Yep.
14. Nope.
15. Yes.
16. Yes, always.
17. Maybe when I was in high school.
18. No.
19. Oh yeah! Prop 8 protests, most recently.
20. We have conferences?
21. Of course.
22. Nope.
23. Many, yes.
24. No, I'm being buried under a tree in linens that will help to speed decomposition.
25. Nah.
26. evo... evo... EVO.... EVOLUTION!!!!
27. I could lose my current job because of it.
28. HAF!
29. LOL, other people do that too?
30. Oh yeah.
31. I say gesundheit because it sounds funny coming from someone as serious as me.
32. Hahaha, that's a bit extreme.
33. Yes.
34. I'm afraid not. My children, though, will be.
35. Yep.
36. Yes, it was also beautiful.
37. We have magazines, too?!
38. No. But that would be very cool.
39. Of course.
40. God Delusion.
41. Hmmm, no.
42. Oh my god yes. It's too much fun to miss out on.
43. Yes.
44. Nah.
45. I love Christmas and everyone that knows me is aware of that.
46. I might visit the creation museum some day.
47. "What's your sign?" "I'm not an idiot! Wee, we're having fun!"
48. Nah.
49. Absolutely.
50. THANK YOU. I've been waiting for someone to say that.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.

Mister Joy

1. Participated in the Blasphemy Challenge. What's that?
2. Met at least one of the “Four Horsemen” (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris) in person. seen but not spoken to Dawkins, so no
3. Created an atheist blog.
4. Used the Flying Spaghetti Monster in a religious debate with someone.
5. Gotten offended when someone called you an agnostic.
6. Been unable to watch Growing Pains reruns because of Kirk Cameron. ditto laetusatheos: never watched or heard of
7. Own more Bibles than most Christians you know.
8. Have at least one Bible with your personal annotations regarding contradictions, disturbing parts, etc. semi-annotated but that was more to do with studying various Christian writers than arguing against religion
9. Have come out as an atheist to your family.
10. Attended a campus or off-campus atheist gathering. no, but I intend to start such a thing at my university at some stage
11. Are a member of an organized atheist/Humanist/etc. organization.
12. Had a Humanist wedding ceremony.
13. Donated money to an atheist organization.
14. Have a bookshelf dedicated solely to Richard Dawkins. Yet it doesn't ask me how wide my bookshelves are!
15. Lost the friendship of someone you know because of your non-theism.
16. Tried to argue or have a discussion with someone who stopped you on the street to proselytize.
17. Had to hide your atheist beliefs on a first date because you didn’t want to scare him/her away.
18. Own a stockpile of atheist paraphernalia (bumper stickers, buttons, shirts, etc).
19. Attended a protest that involved religion.
20. Attended an atheist conference.
21. Subscribe to Pat Condell’s YouTube channel. I consider bookmarking it the equivalent for those who don't have a youtube account. Condell is OK - thunderf00t is awesome.
22. Started an atheist group in your area or school. working on that
23. Successfully “de-converted” someone to atheism. No, only to agnosticism and I wouldn't have the arrogance to say that it was my influence alone that did it
24. Have already made plans to donate your body to science after you die.
25. Told someone you’re an atheist only because you wanted to see the person’s reaction. I tell people, very pointedly, that I'm a homosexual non-believer if I think they're bigoted and backwards enough to be wound up by it. Because winding up dogmatic people is both easy and fun.
26. Had to think twice before screaming “Oh God!” during sex. Or you said something else in its place. No! Blasphemy is kinky!
27. Lost a job because of your atheism.
28. Formed a bond with someone specifically because of your mutual atheism (meeting this person at a local gathering or conference doesn’t count).
29. Have crossed “In God We Trust” off of â€" or put a pro-church-state-separation stamp on â€" dollar bills. No but if I had any I probably would get out the tipex...
30. Refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Never been asked to!
31. Said “Gesundheit!” (or nothing at all) after someone sneezed because you didn’t want to say “Bless you!”
32. Have ever chosen not to clasp your hands together out of fear someone might think you’re praying.
33. Have turned on Christian TV because you needed something entertaining to watch.
34. Are a 2nd or 3rd (or more) generation atheist.
35. Have “atheism” listed on your Facebook or dating profile â€" and not a euphemistic variant.
36. Attended an atheist’s funeral (i.e. a non-religious service). I've attended the funeral of a dead atheist but the service was religious because of his family.
37. Subscribe to an freethought magazine (e.g. Free Inquiry, Skeptic)
38. Have been interviewed by a reporter because of your atheism. They must be pretty desperate for stories
39. Written a letter-to-the-editor about an issue related to your non-belief in God.
40. Gave a friend or acquaintance a New Atheist book as a gift.
41. Wear pro-atheist clothing in public.
42. Have invited Mormons/Jehovah’s Witnesses into your house specifically because you wanted to argue with them.
43. Have been physically threatened (or beaten up) because you didn’t believe in God.
44. Receive Google Alerts on “atheism” (or variants).
45. Received fewer Christmas presents than expected because people assumed you didn’t celebrate it. I don't know anyone that stupid
46. Visited The Creation Museum or saw Ben Stein’s Expelled just so you could keep tabs on the “enemy.”
47. Refuse to tell anyone what your “sign” is… because it doesn’t matter at all. Though it doesn't get asked often. Within two minutes of knowing me, people realise I'd only scoff at a question like that.
48. Are on a mailing list for a Christian organization just so you can see what they’re up to…
49. Have kept your eyes open while you watched others around you pray.Every day in primary school.
50. Avoid even Unitarian churches because they’re too close to religion for you.


I just have to say this:
I love the Flying Spaghetti Monster in there xD

Me and my friend preach of the FSM in 2nd hour xD
The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike. - Delos B. McKown

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Buddha


I think I'm going to have to take hat list and adapt it to a more generic audience ... I'll check it isn't copyrighted.

James C. Rocks: UK Tech Portal & Science, Just Science

[size=150]Not Long For This Forum [/size]


1. Participated in the Blasphemy Challenge.
2. Met at least one of the “Four Horsemen” (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris) in person.
3. Created an atheist blog.
4. Used the Flying Spaghetti Monster in a religious debate with someone.
5. Gotten offended when someone called you an agnostic.
6. Been unable to watch Growing Pains reruns because of Kirk Cameron.
7. Own more Bibles than most Christians you know.
8. Have at least one Bible with your personal annotations regarding contradictions, disturbing parts, etc.
9. Have come out as an atheist to your family. Some but, not all
10. Attended a campus or off-campus atheist gathering.
11. Are a member of an organized atheist/Humanist/etc. organization.
12. Had a Humanist wedding ceremony.
13. Donated money to an atheist organization.
14. Have a bookshelf dedicated solely to Richard Dawkins.
15. Lost the friendship of someone you know because of your non-theism.
16. Tried to argue or have a discussion with someone who stopped you on the street to proselytize.
17. Had to hide your atheist beliefs on a first date because you didn’t want to scare him/her away.
18. Own a stockpile of atheist paraphernalia (bumper stickers, buttons, shirts, etc).
19. Attended a protest that involved religion.
20. Attended an atheist conference.
21. Subscribe to Pat Condell’s YouTube channel.
22. Started an atheist group in your area or school.
23. Successfully “de-converted” someone to atheism.
24. Have already made plans to donate your body to science after you die.
25. Told someone you’re an atheist only because you wanted to see the person’s reaction.
26. Had to think twice before screaming “Oh God!” during sex. Or you said something else in its place.
27. Lost a job because of your atheism.
28. Formed a bond with someone specifically because of your mutual atheism (meeting this person at a local gathering or conference doesn’t count).
29. Have crossed “In God We Trust” off of â€" or put a pro-church-state-separation stamp on â€" dollar bills.
30. Refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
31. Said “Gesundheit!” (or nothing at all) after someone sneezed because you didn’t want to say “Bless you!”
32. Have ever chosen not to clasp your hands together out of fear someone might think you’re praying.
33. Have turned on Christian TV because you needed something entertaining to watch.
34. Are a 2nd or 3rd (or more) generation atheist.
35. Have “atheism” listed on your Facebook or dating profile â€" and not a euphemistic variant.
36. Attended an atheist’s funeral (i.e. a non-religious service).
37. Subscribe to an freethought magazine (e.g. Free Inquiry, Skeptic)
38. Have been interviewed by a reporter because of your atheism.
39. Written a letter-to-the-editor about an issue related to your non-belief in God.
40. Gave a friend or acquaintance a New Atheist book as a gift.
41. Wear pro-atheist clothing in public.
42. Have invited Mormons/Jehovah’s Witnesses into your house specifically because you wanted to argue with them.
43. Have been physically threatened (or beaten up) because you didn’t believe in God.
44. Receive Google Alerts on “atheism” (or variants).
45. Received fewer Christmas presents than expected because people assumed you didn’t celebrate it.
46. Visited The Creation Museum or saw Ben Stein’s Expelled just so you could keep tabs on the “enemy.”
47. Refuse to tell anyone what your “sign” is… because it doesn’t matter at all.
48. Are on a mailing list for a Christian organization just so you can see what they’re up to…
49. Have kept your eyes open while you watched others around you pray.
50. Avoid even Unitarian churches because they’re too close to religion for you.