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The people I work with

Started by Jesster85, December 12, 2007, 02:55:53 AM

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I just got home from work and I have to share this with all of you.

There is this Pentcostal girl that works with me. I try to keep other people from making fun of her for her religion. Occationaly the topic of religion gets brought up. She doesn't know that I'm an Atheist, but she knows we don't agree on much.

Anyway today we started talking about the Golden Compus ( I haven't seen it yet). And she says "Atheist people just want to get God taken out of everything and they want to let the gays get married". To which I said " what's wrong with letting gay people get married?" She replied "Being gay is an abomination. I wish things were like they were in the old days. Back then gay people were delt with." :shock:

And to clearify she was refering to the old testiment way of dealing with gay people. I had to wait on a customer right then or I would have let her have it. I work for a Christian company so there are more than a few that beleive the way she does. I'm just glad I have some sane people I can talk to.
"We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."-Richard Dawkins


Stoning them to death instead of dining with them. It's hilarious how hypocritical fundamentalists are. Jesus regularly dined with whores, gentiles, and *gasp* tax collectors! He was about inclusion, and his followers are about exclusion. Funny how things turn out, eh? If the guy named Jesus was frozen in 32AD and unfrozen today, he'd laugh his carpenter ass off.

You know what else is an abomination? Periods (Deut.). Next time she's mensy, throw some pebbles of justice.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Wow.  Just.... wow.  The flagrant ignorance of the believing public truly horrifies and saddens me.  

Should we do with Christians what they did "back in the day?  Where's a hungry lion when you need one...
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
Come visit me on Facebook!


I do really feel bad for Jesster he has to go out every day and be nice to these people 2 in particular that are quite mental, some of the stories he tells me make me want to pick up a few stones.
Freethought and Toasters have never killed anyone.
Everything you need to know about life can be learned from Toasters.


She is not very bright. It's obvious she didn't pay attention in science class. One day we were discussing "Are you smarter than a Fifth Grader?"and I desided to ask her some questions that were on the show. I asked her "What is the nearest star to Earth?" Easy question right? She said she didn't know. So I told her the answer, that it's our Sun. And she said "No it's not. The Sun is huge and stars are so tiny." When I told her that they just looked small to us because they were far away  she looked at me like I was crazy.

The scariest thing is she is studing to be a nurse!
"We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."-Richard Dawkins


Wow thats a retard lol
Me, my projects and random pictures, haha.

"Tom you gotta come out of the closet, oh my gawd!" lol


Man, this thread got funny fast.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Wow... I can't believe the strength you must have to keep your mouth shut! LOL!

Steve Reason

Ha ha, I would've been soooo fired from that job.  :lol: You're a stronger willed person than I'll ever be.  :D
I do not fear death, in view of the fact that I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it. ~ Mark Twain


I'd have quit the job. It would be a conflict of interest to surround myself with people who I can't get along with.
We just need to hope she never joins a marching band. One of the colorguards in the Green Beret marching band is a gay guy, and he's really up front about it... she would probably hit him... and then we would all beat her up...

ANYWAY about stupid people, my physics teacher pulled a class-length joke on us once... he said that gravity isn't a force, it's an effect. Gravity doesn't really exist, the planet just keeps going up really fast, so if you throw something up, the earth hits it. A bunch of my class believed it.
Also... imagine this... you know the kind of person who thinks that something is funny just because they said it? Imagine those people in critical thinking class, it's kind of sad and yet really funny.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.


Reminds me of when I was in on an interview at the first company I worked for. We had this woman come in for a programming job, she seemed pretty talented, understood the software quickly, was immediately available and seemed happy with the salary we'd advertised. Great, we thought. So introduce her to everyone before discussing terms, then back for the rather cliched "is there anything else you'd like to ask us" bit at the end.

Yes, she says, there is. She's a member of the Orange Order (militant Northern Irish presbyterians), can we tell her if there is anyone in the company that is Catholic, atheist or gay as she won't work with any of them.

Right... umm... (thinks: the MD is a Catholic, and in a company of 7 you've just described 4 of us) we'll be in touch some other time...

Big Mac

Religion: The Other White Feces. (The First one is Bird Pooh-Pooh, duh)

I find it amusing how Christians bicker between their sects almost as much as gun-totin', bomb-wearing, wife-beating Muslim fanatics. And they say they have nothing in common!

Last year I had the disgusting experience of working at Wal-Mart as I found another employer (my last one and I had disputes because they seemed to be rather ambivalent about paying me properly for overtime). I worked in probably the worst one in Austin but the most amusing feature was how all the Christians thought I was one of them. I remember eating lunch one day when I heard the classic: "I don't have a religion, it's a personal relationship with Jesus....the preacher said my head would hurt a little after the lobotomy....Father Ralph shoved something hard in my mouth and told me to keep my eyes closed......Gays are evil....."

At any rate, this girl turns to me as if to gain support as she was bickering with some guy who was Muslim or something (I personally would love to hit both of them for their noise but that's another story) and I just stare at her because she claims she's married to Jesus. I mean, there's loving a fictional character and then there's LOVING a fictional character. I guess that makes me married to Princess Leia or other sci-fi women I had crushes on when I was a kid.

Shoruke, I had an English teacher who played a similar joke. He told people that "Believe it or not, tooth paste contains lots of sugar!" and went on this tangent about how some kids he knew would suck down tubes of sugar. Being the natural skeptic, I doubted it but a lot of others (especially the Jesus Freaks) swallowed it. I guess my cynical views make me doubt things more often but that should of been obvious.
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?

Ninja Donkey

Oh man, just reading this here thread has made me want to come back to posting.

I was working in the bakery of this restaurant this past weekend.  A supervisor that I'm good friends with was in the back, and she and I were just socializing. One of the dishwashers came over, and proclaimed that women were the most easily decieved people on Earth. He said the bible said so.  Being that I was standing next to a woman, i began to inch away. But he continued.  I guess I rolled my eyes once or twice as he went on his rant, so he asked me "You're not an atheist, are you?"  and of course my logical answer was "As a matter of fact, I am."  Didn't seem to matter to him.  He continued his rant about Darwin and monkeys and evolution and how he doesn't think he looks anything like a monkey, so it can't be true.  I missed the rest of the conversation, because I simply walked away to get ingredients for a recipe I was baking at the time (and also to leave the conversation)  When I got back, he was gone, and the girl was pissed at me for leaving her alone with him. I do feel bad about ditching her, but not so much about leaving the conversation.
"Don't you know there ain't no devil, it's just god when he's drunk" - Tom Waits


I had a discussion with a coworker on it a week or so back---I was reading The God Delusion and he asked about it. He is a pretty reasonably guy though--pretty smart guy too. But we started talking about evolution---but I couldnt really discuss it properly with him because he had it COMPLETELY WRONG! He thinks evolution was 'random mutations' which just so happened to create everything here. I was like 'No thats not how it works---' then he would go on about statistically this or that. After about 10 minutes of basically repeating the same thing I ended it by saying somethin like neither of us are getting anywhere.

I wouldnt mind discussing it again, but I'm not ganna go outta my way to. We still get along fine.
Me, my projects and random pictures, haha.

"Tom you gotta come out of the closet, oh my gawd!" lol


Quote from: "Ninja Donkey"He continued his rant about Darwin and monkeys and evolution and how he doesn't think he looks anything like a monkey, so it can't be true.
A common misconception - he should try comparing himself to an ape instead of a monkey and the similarity should present itself......

Quote from: "Ninja Donkey"I do feel bad about ditching her, but not so much about leaving the conversation.
:lol:  Sounds like a very normal reaction!  Honestly, what do people expect?