The questions every individual should be able to answer.

Started by KebertX, June 27, 2010, 06:37:09 AM

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Quote from: "Tank"
Quote from: "Asmodean"Tried to make it a bit different from your answer :P
Never said "improve" :P Said "different"
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.


Quote from: "Asmodean"
Quote from: "Tank"
Quote from: "Asmodean"Tried to make it a bit different from your answer :P
Never said "improve" :P Said "different"
Well I thought some were better, they were sometimes longer.
If religions were TV channels atheism is turning the TV off.
"Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt." ― Richard P. Feynman
'It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.' - Terry Pratchett
Remember, your inability to grasp science is not a valid argument against it.


Quote from: "Tank"Well I thought some were better, they were sometimes longer.

Here and there :P Didn't bother with writing a book over this though
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.


Quote from: "Tank"Actually I think the OP should answer all the questions  :bananacolor: )

~ What’s the difference between religion and science?
Religion is asserted as intrinsically true.  Science is only determined to be true after we can externally determine that it's true.  Science requires evidence, Religious faith not only lacks evidence, its independence from evidence is its pride and joy, shouted from the rooftops.

~ Can a religion change with society?
Of course.  Look how Muslims gave up slavery, Hindus gave up the caste system, and Christians gave up Witch Burning.

~ Was man created or did he evolve?
Evolve.  This is pretty much apparent based on everything we know from science.

~ Is there a God?
Depends on how you define God.  If God is real in your mind, it's as real as it needs to be, regardless of external existence.  The problem is when God is asserted onto society based on no external evidence.  In terms of external existence, Probably Not.  I believe in God, only I spell it 'nature'.

~What is the definition of God?
An Invisible man in the sky.  Or an Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Benevolent, Creator-Being. OR an omnipresent external spiritual force.  It depends on your religion, the first 2 are impossible, the last is very unlikely.

~What gives you certainty in your belief?
Observation.  What can be shown to me to be true, I will gain more certainty in my belief of that thing.

~ How do you deal with doubt?
Channel my doubt into a question, search out an answer to the question, assimilate my doubts into a new source of information.

~ Who created God?
The imagination.  Or if you prefer the definition: " omnipresent external spiritual force." The Big Bang.  The same source of all other matter and energy in the universe.

~Is God male or female?
Neither.  What a ridiculous question!

~ What does God need from us?
Nothing.  There is no personal god. It creates a paradox.

~ Who is/are the Messiah(s)?
Deepok Chopra.  JK, Messiah is sort of a retarded concept. Based on the Christian concept of Original sin, implying that Humans need a savior.

~ Who is the Devil?
A work of fiction adapted from a Pagan God and turned into an entity of pure evil in order to justify a genocide.  There is no Devil, and if God is the opposite of the Devil, then there is no God either.

~ What is faith?
Faith is a truth that appeals to your emotions, and not your intellect.  Something you feel inside you, in terms of spirituality if you have faith in something, it is true enough for YOU, but not necessarily external reality.  Faith can be placed in things that are not real, like America winning the World Cup.  That is why fact is more reliable than faith.  

~ What is a fact?
Facts are truths that appeal to the intellect.

~ How can we tell which is which?
A lot of people surprisingly cannot.  Facts are externally verifiable, faith must be placed in things that are only inside your mind.

~ What is truth?
A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it.  Truth is reality as it really is, regardless of what anyone thinks about it.  People are generally incapable of seeing the pure truth of reality because of out limited perception of the universe.  For example: Tomatoes are not red. They are every color BUT red, red is the photon wavelength that is bounced back off of the tomato.

~How do we determine truth?
We seek an empirical answer.  Math, and the scientific methods are the two basic ways humans deduct truth from given premises.  Once again, our faith in something as true must come from tested observations.

~ Which truth is right?
In terms of spirituality: All of them.  In terms of religion: None of them.  In terms of reality: Only one.

~ Is the holy-book(s) literally true?
Sorry, stupid question!  ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

~ What is the origin of the holy book(s)?
People out in the desert were enamored by faith in their invisible sky man, and wrote fictional fables about him.  The bible is a collection of desert scribblings that were compiled together from multiple sources.  The Qu'ran was the ramblings of a seemingly crazy man who wanted to explain God.

~ How do we accept a holy book that positively portrays unacceptable behaviors like slavery, incest, murder, etc.?
We have reason.  All those people who say that they get their morals from a Holy Book, actually get their morals from reasoning, just like everyone else.  Virtually no one gets their morals from Holy Books, because they know slavery and stoning and genocide are wrong.  They know this because they have the ability to reason, and that makes the evil things in scriptures tolerable. YOU DON'T ACCEPT UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIORS LIKE SLAVERY INCEST AND MURDER JUST BECAUSE PEOPLE THOUGHT THEY WERE OKAY 2000 YEARS AGO!

~ Can we take what we like about a religion/belief system and make our own version and throw out the rest?
If we don't, then we are not reasonable.  See above.

~ What is morality?
To me, morality is just the acceptance of the simple concept that people should not harm one another.  Blasphemy and Homosexuality are not immoral, they don't harm anybody.  Murder and theft are immoral, they harm people.

~ Is there a moral yardstick that applies to all cultures?
See above.  Just about every society agrees with the concept that the entire society does better when individuals don't harm each other.

~ Where does morality, or our “conscience,” comes from?
Most likely, evolution.  Under the conditions of having to live in a social environment, homo sapiens developed a natural inclination towards morality.  A part of the brain that tells you instinctively to conform to societies rules.  Natural Selection favors good Karma, your existence is more endowed with positivity when you produce positive energy.

~ Is altruism or morality possible without belief in a deity?
STUPID QUESTION.  The obvious answer is yes.

~ What is sin?
Anything immoral.  In the Judaio-Christian sense, sin is something that violates the word of God, which, of course does not really come from an invisible man in the sky, but controlling primitive people who found Sin an easy way to scare lower classes into falling into line.

~ What is the punishment for sin?
You produce energy, you receive the same sort of energy back.  You do something immoral, and create a negativity deficit, which will naturally come back to you to retain an equilibrium of neutral Karma.  That's just what I tend to think, in the real world, the punishment for most "sins" are prison in this society.

~ Is thought the same as deed?
Your thoughts become your actions. Your actions become your character.  Your character becomes your destiny.  Thoughts aren't the same as DOING something, because they only have secondary effects in the real world.

~ Does God want to test us? Why?
No. The short answer would be, because he's not real, the longer answer would mention that God would have to be an impersonal force if he were real, and impersonal forces don't care about "testing" you.

~ Should a person have sex before marriage?
Why not? Consenting adults can do whatever they want.

~ Is masturbation a sin?
STUPID QUESTION.  Sexual gratification is not immoral.

~ What determines sexual orientation?
A combination of genetic and environmental factors.

~ Why is God interested in our sexual behavior?
Because the people who wrote those parts of the bible were concerned with controlling people.

~ Should women be treated differently than men?
Equal rights, liberties, and opportunities.  But women are men ARE different, you may want to adjust your behavior accordingly (in a non-discriminatory way).

~ Do we have free will?
Debatable. Chaos Theory vs. Multiverse Theory.  We have choices, but our choices are a product of the EXACT situation that leads up to them.  All sentient beings can make decisions, but it may or may not be physically possible for our decisions to be different than what they end up being.  Possibly branching off into infinite alternate universes, each of which having different EXACT configuration of particles in the universe, leading to an infinite number of differences in different universes.  Including different decisions made by different people.  There's actually quite a bit of quantum physics supporting this.  On the other hand, universes may not differentiate, in which case there is one reality, and there is only one future, and our decisions always will be what they end up being.

~ Is everything predetermined?
Still debatable.  In a way they are determined by configurations of particles in the universe, but (See above) there may be an infinite number of alternate possibilities for the future.

~ What entity predetermines fate or destiny?
No entity.  The laws of physics and natural forces of the universe.

~ Why is there suffering?
Buddhist philosophy says suffering is a product of attachment.  When I read these things, it seems to make sense, we suffer as an eventuality of life, because we are attached to things that provide us happiness, and suffer when we lose these things, (Money, Beliefs, Health, Love, Life, etc.)

~ What is best path to happiness?
Detachment.  When we truly accept the impermanence of things that make us happy, we become free of the attachment that makes us suffer.  You need to KNOW, not fear, KNOW that you are going to die someday, before you can truly start living.

~Does God intercede in human tragedies?
No, God only exists inside individual people's minds.

~Does prayer work?
No, Prayer is only a thought.  The thought must become an action before it has a significant effect.

~If so, why does God allow holocausts, and disasters?
Because God is either not externally existent, of is completely impersonal.

~ If not, why pray?
It makes you feel good to persist in the delusion that a loving being is hearing your problems, but it won't accomplish anything noticeable 99.9999999999999999999...9% of the time

~ Does meditation work?

~ How does meditation work?
The mind controls the body, meditation is the practice of calming and controlling the mind.  I can personally attest to the fact that it works like a charm.

~ What is a soul?
A lifeforms supposed spiritual energy.

~ Do animals have souls?
Only when they can create their soul.  You need to create these spiritual things in your own mind.

~ Does a soul have the same thoughts and feelings when outside the body?

~ If a soul does not carry our memories, then what is a soul since it is our memories that make us up?
Intangibility.  How convenient for people who don't want their beliefs tested.  Once again, it's only real if it exists in your mind.  Every being has an entire spiritual universe, which does not have any external reality.  Each being creates their spiritual reality on it's own.  In terms of external reality, you might say that a soul is imaginary.

~ What purpose does a brain serve if a soul can exist and feel without it?
STUPID QUESTION! Souls can't feel, and they can't really exist without a mind, and a mind is a product of the synapses in your brain.

~ Is there an Afterlife?
Life continues, in the sense that it begets more life.  Your Karma is recycled back into the universe, like a drop of water returning to the ocean.  Everything you would define yourself as dies when you die, but you leave an incredibly minute imprint on the universe, and that same energy is responsible for the existence of other lifeforms

~ Where is it, where do we go after death?
See above.  Your energy is dispersed into the universe.

~ Why do we need an afterlife?
We don't. It's an inevitability that we die, and the universe continues to exist after we die.  If by "Afterlife" the question is referring to Heaven.  That's just not real.

~ When does life begin?
When something fits the criteria of life.  Reproduction, Metabolism, Homeostasis, Growth, and Response to Stimuli.  Life is a scientific term, it has earned its scientific definition.

~ When should abortion be allowed?
When the "baby" is unable to survive outside the womb, or the health of the mother is impeded by the fetus.

~ Is it ever appropriate to kill another person?
Two words: Adolf Hitler.

~ What are supernatural beliefs?
Belief in anything that cannot be examined in a scientific manner.

~ Are there extraterrestrials?
Probably, it's a big universe.

~Who are they?
That is the stupidest question on this survey. Obviously we don't know.

~ Do psychics work, and if you are religious, are they allowed?
Psychics are either frauds, or deluded individuals who actually think they know the future.  I'm not religious, but they are not allowed.  Psychics give people false hope, spread lies, and hold back society.

~ Where do the voices in our heads come from?
It's called intuition.  Or Delusional Schizophrenia.

~ Will there be a doomsday?
Only if major world religions continue to self fulfill the prophecies in their Holy Books.

~ What is the greatest danger facing man’s existence?
Our own destructiveness.

~ How do we stop conflict?
See "How can we improve humanity?"  Putting an end to conflicts through education, and mutual concern for one another.

~ Should different cultures be preserved, or are our cultural differences the source of strife?
Preserved. We are able to rise above our differences.  I have enough faith in humanity to say that.

~ Should political leaders invoke a deity in decisions or policy?
Not if their expecting the deity to help in any way.  Look inside yourself for an answer, don't bother with the sky.


Oh my god, I didn't realize how long this was.  Once again, I didn't mean for people to try to answer them one by one.  Here are my answers, enjoy...?
"Reality is that which when you close your eyes it does not go away.  Ignorance is that which allows you to close your eyes, and not see reality."

"It can't be seen, smelled, felt, measured, or understood, therefore let's worship it!" ~ Anon.


Why do we exist? We as a species exsist due to a series of biological changes known as evolution.
What is the best thing about existing?Awareness
What is our purpose?Each individual has to give their life it's own purpose. I try to make my purpose loving people and helping them when i have the ability
Is the world a better place for having had humans in it?No, but it has the potential to be
How can we improve humanity?We need to learn empathy and that empathy needs to drive us to act
What is the best advice or philosophy for living?Enjoy the beauty in life because it doesnt last long and help your fellow human beings be able to do the same

What is religion? A man made system of beliefs often without foundation in reality
Why are there multiple religions?Because there are so many people with so many fears and desires
Should religions be challenged?always
Is skepticism a good thing?yes,but cynicism is not
Why do people get angry when their beliefs are challenged?because theyve invested so much in them
Which religion is right?If there were a right religion there'd be no religon just reality
Can all religions be correct?No they often say they are the only truth
What does fear have to do with belief?fear is the method used by many religions to control their followers' thoughts
Do we have a need to believe in something?yes, but its best believe in ( rather know )things that are real like love and compassion
What is spirituality?in reality probably a deep emotional connection happening in the mind

Can religion and science coexist?If you are good at compartmentalization

What is truth?verifiable knowledge
How do we determine truth?we investigate and try to set aside bias
Which truth is right?The one who has the correct facts
Is the holy-book(s) literally true?Ive yet to find one
What is the origin of the holy book(s)?humans
How do we accept a holy book that positively portrays unacceptable behaviors like slavery, incest, murder, etc.?We shouldnt i spent too much of my life doing just that
Can we take what we like about a religion/belief system and make our own version and throw out the rest?People do it all of the time but its intellectually dishonest

What is morality?according to stanford encyclopedia of philosophy  1.descriptively to refer to a code of conduct put forward by a society or,
a.some other group, such as a religion, or
b.accepted by an individual for her own behavior or
2.normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons.I prefer the second definition

Is there a moral yardstick that applies to all cultures?In general treat others with kindness
Where does morality, or our “conscience,” comes from?We have evolved morality as a means to survive as a species since we live in family groups and larger societal groups
Is altruism or morality possible without belief in a deity?of course

What is sin?an arbitrary concept imposed by various religions
What is the punishment for sin? depends on the religion
Is thought the same as deed?no
Does God want to test us? Why?

Should a person have sex before marriage?depends on the individual and their circumstances
Is masturbation a sin?No its recreation
What determines sexual orientation?biology and socialization
Why is God interested in our sexual behavior?
Should women be treated differently than men?people should be treated as individuals on their merits

Do we have free will?to a certain extent but its not god given
Is everything predetermined?no
What entity predetermines fate or destiny?our choices and the choices of others determine our lives

Why is there suffering?some people are lack empathy , some people hurt others, and there are diseases and natural cirsumstances that cause it
What is best path to happiness?im trying to find that out now
Does God intercede in human tragedies?clearly not

Does prayer work?in that it can relax a believer to a certain degree yes
If so, why does God allow holocausts, and disasters?it only works in circumstances where a person needs to be calm and prayer can calm people it works the way deep breathing does
If not, why pray?i dont
Does meditation work?in the same way prayer does
How does meditation work?

What is a soul?i dont know i think its a poetic name for the mind
Do animals have souls?
Does a soul have the same thoughts and feelings when outside the body?no
If a soul does not carry our memories, then what is a soul since it is our memories that make us up?
What purpose does a brain serve if a soul can exist and feel without it?

Is there an Afterlife?probably not
Where is it, where do we go after death?
Why do we need an afterlife?we dont it takes away meaning for our current one

When does life begin?acording to jayz when the church ends... where abortion is concerned the argument is silly because even a sperm cell or an egg is life skin cells are life bacteria are life
When should abortion be allowed? yes but not in the third term unless a womans life is in danger
Is it ever appropriate to kill another person?to protect yourself or loved ones

Where do the voices in our heads come from?I only have one voice in my head and that is me it comes from my mind im just not sure where in my mind

Will there be a doomsday?If we dont take care of our environment or an asteroid hits the earth
What is the greatest danger facing man’s existence?other humans
How do we stop conflict?thats the million dollar question
Should different cultures be preserved, or are our cultural differences the source of strife?Cultural identity should be preserved unless that culture is a threat to other people
Should political leaders invoke a deity in decisions or policy?no they should have reason
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices -William James
Anything worth knowing is difficult to learn- Greek Proverb
what if god ain't looking down what if he's looking up instead-Ani difranco "what if no one's watching


Why do we exist? Because we think.  ;)

What is the best thing about existing? Being able to think!

What is our purpose? To make a purpose.

Is the world a better place for having had humans in it? No.

How can we improve humanity? Make me Supreme Dictator.

What is the best advice or philosophy for living? Amor fati.

What is religion? Highly important nonsense.

This is all I could take. Sorry....
‎"Christian doesn't necessarily just mean good. It just means better." - John Oliver


Why do we exist? Because we do, if we didn't then it doesn't matter. If we can never know, then there's no point in getting all mind hurty over it, and if can... Well I still don't care, it would be interesting to know however.
What is the best thing about existing? Oh, the usual mushy things.
What is our purpose? Don't know, don't care to know.
Is the world a better place for having had humans in it? Yes, and no. About even.
How can we improve humanity? Spread a little love, if nothign else it couldn't hurt... Much.

What is the best advice or philosophy for living? "Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world â€" No, you move." - Captain Frikken America

What is religion? A personal belief regarding the nature/existence of the divine.
Why are there multiple religions? People. Are. People. We can't agree on ANYTHING.
Should religions be challenged? Yes, but respectivly.
Is skepticism a good thing? Yes.
Why do people get angry when their beliefs are challenged? As a general rulle people are arrogant, hubristic, and stubborn.
Which religion is right? All of them, as well as none of them.
Can all religions be correct? See the above.
What does fear have to do with belief? Certain people use their belief as a security blanket, these kinds of people see their god as the ultimate authority figure.
Do we have a need to believe in something? Yes, because it's a fundamental part of humanity to believe.
What is spirituality? It's a lot of things, and nothing in particular.

Can religion and science coexist? I'd like to think so.
What’s the difference between religion and science? Science is written in pencil, and religion is made of clay. Metaphorically speaking.
Can a religion change with society? Yes.
Was man created or did he evolve? Can't it be both?

Is there a God? Yes and no.
What is the definition of God? A being, or at least a thingie that makes... stuff happen.
What gives you certainty in your belief? Apathy.
How do you deal with doubt? Hmm, it's not really an issue with me. MY beliefs are constantly evolving,a nd adapting to new circumstances.
Who created God? God was created much the same way we were, natural phenomena caused a small weak thign to come into existence which evolved into something much greater. That's my current theory.
Is God male or female? Both, and neither.
What does God need from us? Nothing really, I don't think.
Who is/are the Messiah(s)? N/A
Who is the Devil? We are.  :devil:

What is faith? A song by Sharon Knight.
What is a fact? A Japanese band.
How can we tell which is which? Sharon is more celtic inspired, and Fact has a more post-hardcore proggy sound.

What is truth? Fortitude, and sincerity in action, character, and utterance.
How do we determine truth? Hmm, you know it when you see it. It's like music that way.
Which truth is right? All of them, none of them... It really depends.

Is the holy-book(s) literally true? If you're talking about the bible probably not, given it's inconsistancy. If you're talkign about my Scott Cunningham books, then yes for the most part.
What is the origin of the holy book(s)? Long dead cultists, and the sadly also dead Scott Cunningham.
How do we accept a holy book that positively portrays unacceptable behaviors like slavery, incest, murder, etc.? Negatively, I hope.
Can we take what we like about a religion/belief system and make our own version and throw out the rest? That's what most people do anyway.

What is morality? Conformity to ideals of righteous human conduct.
Is there a moral yardstick that applies to all cultures? Not really... Right, and Wrong are very subject and vary form locale to locale.
Where does morality, or our “conscience,” comes from? Our brain, and our heart.
Is altruism or morality possible without belief in a deity? Both are possible for all people, unforunately.

What is sin? A Judeo-Christian concept.
What is the punishment for sin? I'm told burning for all eternity.
Is thought the same as deed? No, they are very different things.
Does God want to test us? Why? I'm pretty sure it doesn't care.

Should a person have sex before marriage? If they want to, and do it safely and concentually then I don't care one way or the other.
Is masturbation a sin? Possibly, I'll aks a Christian... Yes.
What determines sexual orientation? Lots of things. Probably a combination of one's genes, and upbriing.
Why is God interested in our sexual behavior? It most likely isn't, I can't imagine why it would be... Unless he likes to watch.
Should women be treated differently than men? Yes, and no.

Do we have free will? Yes, and no.
Is everything predetermined? Maybe, maybe not... It doens't matter.
What entity predetermines fate or destiny? I assume Destiny.

Why is there suffering? So that there may be joy.
What is best path to happiness? That depends on the person, and the situation.
Does God intercede in human tragedies? Sometimes, usually not.

Does prayer work? To a certain extent.
If so, why does God allow holocausts, and disasters? It allows us to reap what we sow, and because of balance.
If not, why pray? In the off chance that it might.
Does meditation work? Yes.
How does meditation work? By focus, and relaxation.

What is a soul? An intangible essence within, and about all things.
Do animals have souls? Yes.
Does a soul have the same thoughts and feelings when outside the body? Yes, and no.
If a soul does not carry our memories, then what is a soul since it is our memories that make us up?They have the echoes of our memories, the essense holds the echoes all memories.
What purpose does a brain serve if a soul can exist and feel without it? for thinking of course! Which is why ghosts have such a hard time oving on, they've lost their way without their brain. The only have the echo of it.

Is there an Afterlife? I'd like to think so.
Where is it, where do we go after death? Probably a higher plane of existance.
Why do we need an afterlife? We don't, it just is.

When does life begin? It doesn't, it always is and always will be... Or at least that's my take on it.
When should abortion be allowed? When it would alleviate suffering.
Is it ever appropriate to kill another person? Sometimes.

What are supernatural beliefs? The belief in things which are not yet explained by science.
Are there extraterrestrials? Yes.
Who are they? They are who they are.
Do psychics work, and if you are religious, are they allowed? Some do, most don't.
Where do the voices in our heads come from? Our brains mostly.

Will there be a doomsday? I don't know, and I don't want to know.
What is the greatest danger facing man’s existence? There's quite a lot of them.
How do we stop conflict? We don't, unless you want to stop a lot of other things as well.
Should different cultures be preserved, or are our cultural differences the source of strife? People will always find ways to divide themselves, I say we keep waht we have now because I can understand it.
Should political leaders invoke a deity in decisions or policy? No.
"You are trying to understand madness with logic. This is not unlike searching for darkness with a torch." -Jervis Tetch


‎"Christian doesn't necessarily just mean good. It just means better." - John Oliver


I wonder how a god would answer the first question. Why would a god exist?


Quote from: "KebertX"Why do we exist? I Think we're lucky to exist, and we do because that's just how things are. It just happened.

What is the best thing about existing?Just that, existing.

What is our purpose?Uhm, define purpose. I believe MY purpose is to better the human race.

Is the world a better place for having had humans in it?Of course, We've accomplished so much.

How can we improve humanity?By focusing on reality, and using that to understand why we're here and why we should

What is the best advice or philosophy for living?I can't sum that up in one sentance.

What is religion?I believe religion is a form of government. If you don't have control, god does, and you use him to strike fear into the hearts of wrong-doers.

Why are there multiple religions?Because of what I said above.

Should religions be challenged?YES!

Is skepticism a good thing?If you don't have skepticism, your not human.

Why do people get angry when their beliefs are challenged?because they were raised knowing their belief as truth, and when someone says its not, it angers them.

Which religion is right?Of course none of the are right. it's silly to believe one religion over another.

Can all religions be correct?No, because the Hebrew God says, you shall have no other gods before me, sooooo.

What does fear have to do with belief?YOUR GOING TO HELL IF YOU DO THIS, SO DON'T DO IT! And alot of people will not.

Do we have a need to believe in something?No.

What is spirituality?The believe in spirits... Which is again, silly.

I don't have time right now to do all of them, maybe I'll get around to them later.
Quote from: "Tank"The Catholic Church jumped on the Big Bang as if it were a choir boy! .


Quote from: "Tank"
Quote from: "KebertX"Think of this as a meme.  How do you answer these questions for yourselves?  A lot of Atheists here won't have a problem just shrugging these off, but give them a little thought anyway.  It should be a little fun...

Why do we exist?
Plastic - George Carlin

Quote from: "KebertX"What is the best thing about existing?
cake, video games, sex, junkfood, laughter

Quote from: "KebertX"What is our purpose?

Quote from: "KebertX"Is the world a better place for having had humans in it?
Nopers. but she's a patient bitch and that's why we love her.

Quote from: "KebertX"can we improve humanity?
yes yes, it all starts with physical fitness and and good nutrition.

Quote from: "KebertX"What is the best advice or philosophy for living?
Don't fake laugh too much,         you'll get smile lines early.

Quote from: "KebertX"What is religion?
Santa Clause for adults.

Quote from: "KebertX"Why are there multiple religions?
to make shit fun,
it turns the existence of our species into a game show, to find out which one was right.

Quote from: "KebertX"Should religions be challenged?
no, just removed and anybody that still wants to believe, be killed,........ really dude, we're overpopulating anyway.

Quote from: "KebertX"Is skepticism a good thing?

Quote from: "KebertX"Why do people get angry when their beliefs are challenged?
fear - I'll elaborate upon request.

Quote from: "KebertX"Which religion is right?
The Church of the Fonz............ "Can I get a Ayyyyye.... Now sit on it" -peter griffen-

Quote from: "KebertX"Can all religions be correct?
that would kind of fuck up the game show wouldn't it?..... well, wouldn't it!?

Quote from: "KebertX"What does fear have to do with belief?
fear is how they get the young ones.

Quote from: "KebertX"Do we have a need to believe in something?

Quote from: "KebertX"What is spirituality?
a code word for closet atheists...... come out the closet you fucking coward.

Quote from: "KebertX"Can religion and science coexist?
isn't that happening right now, if have they ended all science classes and burned the books since my graduation?

Quote from: "KebertX"What’s the difference between religion and science?
science is always ready to admit something went wrong and they're ready to try something new.

Quote from: "KebertX"Can a religion change with society?
gee willikers...... well, let's see.  Do they still use the same book?

Quote from: "KebertX"Was man created or did he evolve?
evolved............ until around 1998-2005 we began to de-evolve, especially what used to be the american man.

Quote from: "KebertX"Is there a God?

Quote from: "KebertX"What is the definition of God?
the thing that i just said doesn't exist..

Quote from: "KebertX"What gives you certainty in your belief?
but if I don't believe, then I don't have a belief........ -question fail-.

Quote from: "KebertX"How do you deal with doubt?
Push the coffee table over and dance to one of my Britney Spears playlists.
Quote from: "KebertX"Who created God?
Stupid questions activate my sense of humor.......I'm trying not to be too goofy here.

Quote from: "KebertX"Is God male or female?

Quote from: "KebertX"What does God need from us?
hormone pills.

Quote from: "KebertX"Who is/are the Messiah(s)?
Vanilla Ice, Marky Mark and Paula Abdule

Quote from: "KebertX"Who is the Devil?
My sister, she makes friends with all my exes? W .T.F!?!?

Quote from: "KebertX"What is faith?
just a fancy pants way to say "belief"   ie "I believe in you timmy"  - "I have faith in you timmy"

Quote from: "KebertX"What is a fact?
Something that can be independently and repeatedly determined.

Quote from: "KebertX"How can we tell which is which?
faith and facts aren't even....... like really, the two don't correlate to be compared

Quote from: "KebertX"What is truth?
when i tell you something i really believe.
like I might say Ju Ju Bee is a cute chick, and I'd be telling the truth because Ju Ju Bee may have foold me, but then I'll find out that Ju Ju Bee is a drag performer,so  I would go back and  say Ju Ju Bee is a dude.
kind of like science.

Quote from: "KebertX"How do we determine truth?
3rd party gossip.

Quote from: "KebertX"Which truth is right?
the one that's not left, some of these questions are just filler, but I'm having fun.

Quote from: "KebertX"Is the holy-book(s) literally true?
uuummmmmmm......... talking snake?

Quote from: "KebertX"What is the origin of the holy book(s)?
The holy magazine, and before that, the holy newsletter, and before that, the holy pamphlet.

Quote from: "KebertX"How do we accept a holy book that positively portrays unacceptable behaviors like slavery, incest, murder, etc.?
because the stories in it are more amusing than season 2 of desperate housewives.
season 2 was fucking crazy.

Quote from: "KebertX"Can we take what we like about a religion/belief system and make our own version and throw out the rest?
yes, but we can't make it our own, we have share, sharing is caring homey.

Quote from: "KebertX"What is morality?
what religion was supposed to be and has yet to achieve.

Quote from: "KebertX"Is there a moral yardstick that applies to all cultures?
there's a few. it seems that rape, pedo's, "snitching", talking sideways to your parents.

these and some others pretty much universally frowned upon.

Quote from: "KebertX"Where does morality, or our “conscience,” comes from?
for myself, childhood, remembering what was interesting, frustrating, challenging from then.
makes me want to be a better adult for the next generation coming.

Quote from: "KebertX"Is altruism or morality possible without belief in a deity?
it's the only way. god tells his little friends down here to do toooooooooooo much foul shit.

Quote from: "KebertX"What is sin?
a monosyllabic bible word.

Quote from: "KebertX"What is the punishment for sin?
the holy newsletter says death.

Quote from: "KebertX"Is thought the same as deed?
nigga what?

Quote from: "KebertX"Does God want to test us? Why?
no, he knows better, he made us in his image, so he already knows we'll cheat on it.
that's how i got into college.

Quote from: "KebertX"Should a person have sex before marriage?
hell yes, what if you get married and find out you're not sexually compatible with the person you chose?!

Quote from: "KebertX"Is masturbation a sin?
only if you use the left hand on a tuesday.

Quote from: "KebertX"What determines sexual orientation?
nature, (these are just my high ass thoughts),
but I think nature makes homos so we won't overpopulate as our species is dominate and damaging on this planet.
but because of religion, a lot lot lot of homos try not to be that or whatever, so because of religion which says "be fruitful and multiply"
we won't just do what nature does so we just keep making more people, taking up more space, using up more shit and increasing the big ass mess we already made.

Quote from: "KebertX"Why is God interested in our sexual behavior?
he's competitive.
you gotta realize this god dude is the guy who fucked another dudes virgin wife,
got her pregged up,
made her keep it, and then made the other dude raise his kid. but wouldn't let him claim him on his taxes.

Quote from: "KebertX"Should women be treated differently than men?
no, women have gone too far with one major thing,
and don't think I'm taking a pro "hitting women" stance, but the behavior of a lot of women is based off the fact that they KNOW they will not get punched in the face for it.

Quote from: "KebertX"Do we have free will?

Quote from: "KebertX"Is everything predetermined?

Quote from: "KebertX"What entity predetermines fate or destiny?
lord of skittles

Quote from: "KebertX"Why is there suffering?
because we made too many people and not enough food.......... well there's enough food, but not enough money to buy it...........

well, there's enough money to buy it, but one person is allowed to have billions of these dollars, while another person has none.

so I guess I'd say there's suffering because of capitolism.

Quote from: "KebertX"What is best path to happiness?
the endorphins

Quote from: "KebertX"Does God intercede in human tragedies?
question fail

Quote from: "KebertX"Does prayer work?
questions fail

Quote from: "KebertX"If so, why does God allow holocausts, and disasters?
okay, i'll play along, it's the Test thing.

Quote from: "KebertX"If not, why pray?
dude I don't so it's another "Question fail"

Quote from: "KebertX"Does meditation work?
I don't think anybody really meditates, I think they just fake it to seem all deep n shit

Quote from: "KebertX"How does meditation work?

Quote from: "KebertX"What is a soul?
its what shang tsung takes from you in Mortal Kombat.

Quote from: "KebertX"Do animals have souls?
fuck yea.

Quote from: "KebertX"Does a soul have the same thoughts and feelings when outside the body?
thoughts, but not feelings, to a naked soul everything is kind of liquidy, but not in a gross way.

Quote from: "KebertX"If a soul does not carry our memories, then what is a soul since it is our memories that make us up?
white bloodcells and vaginal mucus

Quote from: "KebertX"What purpose does a brain serve if a soul can exist and feel without it?
It keeps the weight of our heads even so our necks can hold them up straight.

Quote from: "KebertX"Is there an Afterlife?
yea nigga, it's call DEATH

Quote from: "KebertX"Where is it, where do we go after death?
Why do we need an afterlife?
We? you mean where do you go after death.

I'm staying in my house.

Quote from: "KebertX"When does life begin?
sound like an abortion question.......... so uuummmmm.

when it's old enough that you can see if it will be productive and innovative or just another dumbfuck taking up space. so you know like 11-13 years old.

Quote from: "KebertX"When should abortion be allowed?
between the condom breaking and 13 years old.

Quote from: "KebertX"Is it ever appropriate to kill another person?
uuuuhh duh yea, whey should we be taxed to keep pedophiles alive in prison, just kill them.

Quote from: "KebertX"What are supernatural beliefs?
the results of too much daydreaming.

Quote from: "KebertX"Are there extraterrestrials?
i don't know, but i love watching alien shows.

Quote from: "KebertX"Who are they?
Audrey 2 and Howard the duck.

Quote from: "KebertX"Do psychics work, and if you are religious, are they allowed?
There is insufficient rigorous research to be able to answer this question.

Quote from: "KebertX"Where do the voices in our heads come from?
there are no voices in our heads, just thoughts. there would have to be......

vocal cords,
and british accents to have voices in our heads.

Quote from: "KebertX"Will there be a doomsday?
there already is a doomsday, they're the best hardcore rap group out of nevada.

Quote from: "KebertX"What is the greatest danger facing man’s existence?

Quote from: "KebertX"How do we stop conflict?
All commit suicide, given any two humans there will always be conflict.

Quote from: "KebertX"Should different cultures be preserved, or are our cultural differences the source of strife?

Quote from: "KebertX"Should political leaders invoke a deity in decisions or policy?

Quote from: "KebertX"I obviously don't expect people to answer all of these, just have fun with the philosophical questions of life!

There you go. I may answer one resulting question if I feel in a good mood.


"You are trying to understand madness with logic. This is not unlike searching for darkness with a torch." -Jervis Tetch


Why do we exist?
Ultimately I have no clue why anything exists rather than not existing but think there is valid reason to think humans evolved on Earth by natural process and that is why we exist.

What is the best thing about existing?
As opposed to not existing?  

What is our purpose?
Nature seems to dictate that our purpose is to multiply but on an individual basis we can make up our own purpose (including one that doesn't include multiplying).

Is the world a better place for having had humans in it?
The answer to that depends on if one cares more about the state of the Environment or about the welfare of Humans.  I personally like people so I'll say yes it is better off...but I say this knowing it's a completely subjective opinion.

How can we improve humanity?
Control population and figure out a way to get everyone to mind their own business.

What is the best advice or philosophy for living?
If someone isn't bothering you don't make it your business to bother them.

What is religion?
I'll defer to the dictionary:
1.a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2.a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
3.the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.

Why are there multiple religions?
There are multiple religions because no one knows what they are talking about yet since it is human nature to want to have the answers they do their best to make up a story that seems to fit reality.  Yet as times change and we learn more about reality and as power hungry people learn how to abuse religious followers more religions pop up to fill new needs.

Should religions be challenged?
In appropriate settings, yes.  But not, for example, at work just because you see a co-worker wearing a cross.

Is skepticism a good thing?
Yes, skepticism drives learning and the development of new ideas.  If we were not skeptical then we'd always assume what we are told is true (including lies) and wouldn't have a reason to continue studying the world around us to make sure we still have the best possible grasp of how it works.

Why do people get angry when their beliefs are challenged?
Many people's beliefs are also a core part of their self identity so a challenge to their beliefs is like saying something is wrong with them; or at least is perceived that way.

Which religion is right?

Can all religions be correct?
Theoretically they could all be correct if god were real and that god viewed all religions as individual expressions of worship (aka pluralism)....but realistically no they can't all be correct.

What does fear have to do with belief?
Other than fear being a common tactic for making people fear questioning a religious belief I'm not sure what the question is referring to.

Do we have a need to believe in something?
Practically all people have beliefs but not all people have religious beliefs.  I don't find a reason to think that the average person has a biological need to believe in a higher power.

What is spirituality?
A word that doesn't seem to be used in the same way by any two people.

Can religion and science coexist?
yes...but not in all cases since some religions are more accepting of reality than others.

What’s the difference between religion and science?
 :blink: one uses blind faith and the other actually investigates reality to determine truth

Can a religion change with society?
Obviously it can as it has over time and the change is historically documented.

Was man created or did he evolve?

Is there a God?

What is the definition of God?
being that created all that exists

What gives you certainty in your belief?
I don't consider my beliefs to be certain.

How do you deal with doubt?
Explore it.

Who created God?

Is God male or female?
if there is a god I double it would have a need for reproductive parts

What does God need from us?

Who is/are the Messiah(s)?

Who is the Devil?

What is faith?
belief in something without proof/reason

What is a fact?
something that can be objectively verified

How can we tell which is which?
by using their definitions....

What is truth?
What someone is doing when they are conveying information they believe to be a fact.

How do we determine truth?
see definition of fact

Which truth is right?
see definition of fact

Is the holy-book(s) literally true?

What is the origin of the holy book(s)?

How do we accept a holy book that positively portrays unacceptable behaviors like slavery, incest, murder, etc.?
Compartmentalization and bigotry.

Can we take what we like about a religion/belief system and make our own version and throw out the rest?
One can...but it kinda defeats any claim to religion being fact and not just something people make up.

What is morality?
A set of codes/actions humans follow in order to interact with each other peacefully.

Is there a moral yardstick that applies to all cultures?
Not really, but generally it seems to be universally considered immoral to kill members of your own group unless they have broken a moral code.

Where does morality, or our “conscience,” comes from?
As with other social animals, our morality was selected for over time because working together was more beneficial than working as individuals.

Is altruism or morality possible without belief in a deity?

***got bored at this point so I might answer the rest later***


Quote from: "Byronazriel"What do you mean by "pollination?"

moving seeds around to keep plant life going.


we over-bred our species and fucked up natures plan.

that's just one thought though.


Quote from: "TheWilliam"we over-bred our species and fucked up natures plan.
Kinda' like an overbred virus fucks up its host.
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.