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90 minutes in heaven??????

Started by sleeper, January 09, 2008, 03:51:46 AM

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i just got done reading 90 minutes in heaven by don piper because a very close person to me (a Christian) wanted me to check it out...has anyone else read this...i wasn't very impressed with it, just your typical near death experience deal....actually it sounded more like a mushroom trip to me. does anyone have any comments on the book, or why so many people in these situations claim to have seen heaven


Well having both died and taken mushrooms... maybe it's time for my memoirs?

Is this book really worth it for someone who doesn't believe in fantasy after death?
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


I haven't read the book, but there was a discussion here on another thread that mentioned near-death experiences.  The Air Force can induce these experiences in people that are not dying: they subject them to G-force until they pass out (in that spinning chair thingy they've got).  When they come to they report having experiences that are identical to near-death experiences.

Since these experiences can be induced by physical forces, and can be reliably recreated, I have trouble believing they are anything other than physiological affects on a living brain.  I don't think they're tastes of any afterlife.

So - why do these people claim to have seen heaven?  They don't understand the experience they're subjected to and they very very badly want to see heaven.  So they think they do.

Anyway - why do they always presume they're seeing heaven?  How come nobody comes to and claims they got a glimpse of hell?  Or purgatory?  Or Elysium?

Big Mac

You brain does some amazing things if you really think about it. Without the human brain, we wouldn't be talking right now on so many levels. No written language, no keys to punch in said language, no computer, no internet, no customer support...nothing.

So does it shock me that the human brain could do such a thing? Nope.
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


Quote from: "SteveS"Anyway - why do they always presume they're seeing heaven?  How come nobody comes to and claims they got a glimpse of hell?  Or purgatory?  Or Elysium?

A long time ago (back when I was still a Christian) I remember watching a show on discovery (or a similar station) about near death experiences.  One of the women 'died' on the operating table and saw what she described as hell before being brought back to consciousness.

Mister Joy

Here are some 'Hell experiences'. Talk about cheese:


I agree with SteveS, the brain was probably just firing off.

But, I'd rather read Willravel's mushroom memoirs than this person's heavenly encounter--probably more entertaining. (I only tried shrooms once, it took too long to come back down and I've been chicken ever since. There was a clarifying moment though when I thought I saw a lamp come on and had a mind-blowing epiphany after a few minutes of staring that, indeed, the light had turned on.)
“It ain’t those parts of the Bible I can’t understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.”  ~ Mark Twain


Quote from: "laetusatheos"A long time ago (back when I was still a Christian) I remember watching a show on discovery (or a similar station) about near death experiences. One of the women 'died' on the operating table and saw what she described as hell before being brought back to consciousness.
Wow.  So - I guess I'm wrong - sometimes people think they see hell.  Somehow, that's even more twisted then thinking you're seeing heaven.


Quote from: "SteveS"
Quote from: "laetusatheos"A long time ago (back when I was still a Christian) I remember watching a show on discovery (or a similar station) about near death experiences. One of the women 'died' on the operating table and saw what she described as hell before being brought back to consciousness.

Hmmmm.....hell.....she was probably in Houston around August of 1999....that summer was truly hellaciously hot!  :evil:
Fight Global Warming......Save a Pirate!


Sleeper, I've read the  book, and to be hones wth you NDE or Near Death Experiences are real.  I've had a friend close to me that is or should I say was an atheist almost die and come out of it with such an experience.  I personally don't study adult NDE because they have been exposed to the outside world and may be doin this for the publicity.  There are books on chilldrens NDE, by a noted atheist Doctor, and I think this would help you alot.  It shocked the doctor, myself, and I;m sure it would you.  It is called Childens near-death experiences.


wayjust1 - I don't think anybody is contending that Near Death Experiences aren't real.  I think we're contending that they aren't occurring in your brain while you're dead, but rather while you're still alive, and they aren't glimpses of the afterlife.

So - now you've "known" an ex-atheist who you lead us to believe changed because of a near-death experience.  You also say you are shocked by the children's experience, as was the alleged "atheist doctor".  And - you can't find anything wrong with the bible.

How long are you going to keep up this "I'm really an atheist" charade?  How can you expect anyone (especially atheists,  :wink: ) to believe that?

rational liberal

As a Deist I do believe in an afterlife. However, I think that near death experiences aren't glimpses into heaven but, instead the amazing power of the mind and the sub-conscious at work. I find it also intriguing that the only recorded cases that I've heard, at least, come from christians. I've never heard of a person from any other religion talk about seeing a glimpse of heaven. Also, the "glimpses" that people talk about seeing are nearly identical to the biblical version of heaven. This leads me to believe that near death experiences are just a sub-conscience created illusion. Christians go through their whole life being taught what heaven looks like. Over, a certain amount of time such visions of heaven are stored at a sub-conscious level. Then, during near death experiences the conscious and the subconscious are seperated. Naturally, when the person is in a subcoscious state these teachings about heaven that have been stored up are released and thus, forms their visions of heaven. This is only my opinon mind you, but I think that it is a plausible explanation for this phenomenon.


Quote from: "rational liberal"Naturally, when the person is in a subcoscious state these teachings about heaven that have been stored up are released and thus, forms their visions of heaven. This is only my opinon mind you, but I think that it is a plausible explanation for this phenomenon.
Yeah, I agree - I see this the same way.


Just dreams. Why doesn't anyone "come back" with any useful infomation?

I read about a nurse injecting several of her patients (with ketamine?)  to induce NDE's


hi im new in this board so laetusatheos (sorry if i spelled your sn wrong)
QuoteA long time ago (back when I was still a Christian)
you said you used to be a christian, what made you an atheist ?