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Thank god for atheists!

Started by Smarmy Of One, January 07, 2008, 02:08:09 PM

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Smarmy Of One

I was embattled in a theological argument (that I continually allow myself to get baited into) in a general topic forum on another site. After being pounded for 2 days from all sides, I finally came to the realization that "I don't need this."

I did a quick atheist Google search and found you guys. I've been lurking for a little while and finally decided to join in.

I look forward to getting to know everyone.

Thanks to tacoma_kyle for the avatar. I altered it a bit, hope you don't mind.



Haha no, its somethin that been running around a little.

Whats up?
Me, my projects and random pictures, haha.

"Tom you gotta come out of the closet, oh my gawd!" lol


Hi Smarmy - glad you found this place.  Welcome to the forum!


Welcome, Smarmy... great name!  Have fun here!
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
Come visit me on Facebook!

Smarmy Of One

Having fun already. Great to read so many well written and thought out posts. I think I'll learn a lot by frequenting here.

AND I already had my first argument and I've only been here since this morning!

Love it!  :D


Welcome, Smarmy. Feel free to give some background. Are you an atheist?
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette

Smarmy Of One

Sorry, I'm new, and assumed that everyone here was an atheist. Obviously that is not the case at all.

I am a devout atheist and have been for as long as I can remember. I was raised the youngest in a large catholic family.

When I was little I was fascinated by dinosaurs and my mother fed my interest with dinosaur books and toys. I was subjected to Darwinian theory long before I had any exposure to the church. My older siblings were already in school and often explained to me what they were learning in science class about evolution.

So I basically grew up accepting evolution as truth.

My mother dragged me to church until I was too big to drag. By the time I reached my early teens, I came to the realization that all I did in church was daydream. I don't know if you have ever attended a catholic service but they are BORING!

Anyway, I finally decided that I could daydream just as well at home on Sunday mornings so I stopped attending church at around 14 years old.

Over the years, my apathy toward the church and religion in general has grown more toward antagonism until now I am an active non-believer. One of my favourite things is to debate with christians, or jews or islamists about god.

I was once even invited to a mosque by an islamic friend (who was trying to save me) to debate with the imam. After about an hour, the imam started to speak Urdu with another guy and they asked me to leave. Good times.

I don't shy away from argument and I'm passionate about my own beliefs. I respect people with opposing opinions and I am glad when they fight back with equal passion (probably the result of growing up around so many brothers and sisters). I don't need to feel like I 'won' an argument, and the last thing I want to do is shut someone down.

I mostly just enjoy the unencumbered flow of ideas.

BTW, the title of this thread is meant to be ironic.  :wink:


Quote from: "Smarmy of One"My mother dragged me to church until I was too big to drag. By the time I reached my early teens, I came to the realization that all I did in church was daydream. I don't know if you have ever attended a catholic service but they are BORING!

Been there, done that.  Sit, stand, kneel, sing in monotone voice...repeat!

Welcome to the forum, Smarmy.   :P

Smarmy Of One

Thanks for the welcomes.

QuoteA fight with Big Mac doesn't really mean much around here...he fights with everyone.

I kinda got that impression.

Is it okay if I keep the notch on my belt anyway?  :D


^^Yes, Smarmy, if it makes you happy you may keep the notch.   8)