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Bodies: The Exhibition

Started by donkeyhoty, November 11, 2007, 02:29:59 AM

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Has anyone seen this exhibition, the one with all the bodies(obviously)?   It's been going around the country(world?).

I went to see it today, and, this statement lacks all hyperbole, it was freakin' sweet.

I really enjoyed seeing the circulatory system(all of it).  For some reason I didn't really think it would look like it did, the capillaries looked almost like netting(or a frayed fabric).  It was great.

Also, when looking at the reproductive systems area I was standing next to some dude and his son, maybe 8, and the guy says to his kid, "That's the kidneys there.... and there's your junk."

If it comes to your area, or is currently in it, you really need to see it.
here's the link
"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."  - Pat Robertson


I haven't seen that one, but I did see BODY WORLDS at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) in June.  Looks like the exact same thing you saw.   I took my 7yo son and while he was bored to tears (except when we saw the cancer ridden lung), I was fascinated.  I'd heard about Body Worlds three years ago or so and was so happy it came to an exhibit near us.  It was fabulous!

When Body Worlds first opened, it was picketed by religious folks complaining it was sacriligious to display the bodies like that, "trapping the soul" in this hell, some of them were quoted as saying.  Made me even MORE excited to see it.  I couldn't WAIT to give them money.  LOL!  :lol:
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
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I appreciate the bodyâ€"it's beauty and it's amazing functionalityâ€"but that's just eww.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Ooooh. Is this the one by that German guy? Whatisname? Gunter Hagens or some such?

Mucho creepy.

Religion controls the weak, stupid and criminal minded in ways that threats of community service and prison cannot. - The Misanthropic Bitch


The only problem with bodies the exhibition is the cadavers are all Chinese.  Meaning they're probably dissidents or prisoners that were executed.  But who knows.

But really, you should see any of these exhibits, whether it's the Body Worlds or The Exhibition.  It's stunning, unless you've had a lot of anatomy classes and got to dissect bodies, then it's probably not as cool.  But, seeing all the arteries seperated from the rest of the tissue and bone is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time.
"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."  - Pat Robertson


I'm curious why people find it creepy... I'm not a doctor but wow, it was fascinating to see all these parts of the body that I've only ever seen in books.  There were some cadavers posed, but there were also viewing cases all over the place with everything from the parts of the inner ear to comparisons of diseased body parts and healthy ones.  The one we saw also had a camel (both adult and young) that were partially exposed.  Those were fascinating, too.

It really gave me an opportunity to show my son lungs that were diseased with emphysema and cancer, something a book just can't convey.  We saw brains and skeletons and all sorts of nifty things.  The posed cadavers were only slightly interesting to me... the body parts on display were much more interesting.

I guess it's strange... I didn't find it creepy at all.  What does that say about me?  LOL!

The Body Worlds project is done by the German guy, yes... but all of the cadavers were self-donated specifically for the project (at least that's what their literature says).  They have to fill out all the forms ahead of time.  I thought that was cool, too!
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
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Interesting topic.  Here in Chicago, the Science and Industry museum had "slices" of bodies in display cases in one of the stairwells - on a certain level I found them fascinating - but on another I was completely ... horrified.  Honestly - I started to feel light-headed and physically sick.

I think my initial reaction was one of 'privacy', or something.  Who were these people?  Why was I being allowed to 'gawk' at their inner-most 'pieces'?  I view my reaction as almost entirely irrational - but I felt it very strongly.

I'm not claiming the exhibit was wrong in any way - just that I had a strong reaction to it.  Maybe this was the ultimate ego-problem?  Me being faced with the fact that I'm nothing more than a meat-computer?

If I have a chance to view the exhibit I'll certainly take the chance --- I wonder how I'll react now?  I was quite young the first time I saw the 'body slices' - maybe I've mellowed.  Who knows?

Can anybody expand on why they felt the exhibit was creepy?  Was it a reaction anything like mine - or am I just totally screwed-up?


I saw this exhibit years ago here in Germany.  I thought it was very interesting in the fact that it let us non-medical people get a look at how our bodies work.  

The thing that really struck me, oddly, were the tattoes that a couple of the bodies had.  Tattoes are an artistic expression of someones personality, and seeing the tattooes made you think of the person alive.  

I'm pretty sure that the individuals who donated their bodies to this signed waivers and wished to participate.  Granted, there was probably cash involved.

Quote from: "donkeyhoty"The only problem with bodies the exhibition is the cadavers are all Chinese.  Meaning they're probably dissidents or prisoners that were executed.  But who knows.

This was not the case in the exhibit that I saw, so I guess they used different bodies in the US.
"[The Bible] has noble poetry in it... and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies." - Mark Twain

"Religions are all alike - founded upon fables and mythologies." - Thomas Jefferson



Quote from: "SteveS"Was it a reaction anything like mine - or am I just totally screwed-up?
It's kind of creepy, considering the muslces look like freezer-burned steak, but that doesn't discount the fact that you may be totally screwed up.

The actual whole bodies weren't as interesting as the parts all separated from each other. There were fetuses and embryos, which were also enlightening, and they could be used, like most things about babies, to support either side of the abortion debate.
"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."  - Pat Robertson