Happy Atheist Forum

General => Current Events => Topic started by: lucifer_astrum on October 06, 2007, 04:25:30 PM

Title: A Simple Military Strategy
Post by: lucifer_astrum on October 06, 2007, 04:25:30 PM
A Simple Military Strategy,
Safely Incomprehensible to the Immoral Superstitionist.

I see enough redundant “debate” here to baffle a Tiplerian Pantheist. Did you think it would work to convert Fundamentalist Morons? The followers of Oral Roberts, or the Christian Coalition?

I suggest this discourse may be useful, but only as diversion and delay. An ACTIVE principle is needed.

We are in CRISIS â€" the two Great Doomsday Cults are already in armed conflict, for the Christians have perceived that, although Islam is the current minority, this is but illusion â€" their fecundity will soon overwhelm. Therefore, the time to strike is NOW, while Preemptive War remains US policy.

Islam anticipates this as well, and chafes at the bit â€" well before they have the technological capacity to win. It is the perfect recipe for a sudden Mass Extinction that includes ourselves.

My only true concern is not for these, but for the billions of innocents they explicitly damn, and thus would destroy without a moment’s hesitation or pity, inclusive of their own children. This is the ONLY moral issue; for Fundamentalism is BEYOND ALL HOPE of redemption, and we will not weep for it. It must die, or we must die.

Fortunately, their ranks are collapsing in the United States, as percentage of the population, from both without and within â€" for the percentile numbers of Christians who avow no sect ARE increasing rapidly; these are moderates and allies, FLEEING Fundamentalism, folks who probably don’t view Armageddon as a consummation devoutly to be wish’d.

Atheism, too, is growing â€" exponentially. Don’t let any bible thumper tell you different â€" make him show you the data.

But we can’t be sure this will work in time to save us. We must become more proactive, and Kick some Ass. If they insist, Fundamentalists may die by their own devices; I will be too busy helping Good Citizens to stop them.

It is most unlikely at this point that vast destruction can be averted; but it may be mitigated, and the responsibility to act in this falls upon every rational creature that sees it. The price of failure is not merely the loss of our own lives, but those of all our Noble Ancestors, as well as those of our potentially unlimited, and potentially shining, Progeny.

The time has come for Good Works. Do, or Die.

I say that when two men threaten to kill one another, I have a moral duty to intervene if possible; but if they both likewise say that, whoever may win, they will THEN destroy ME as well â€" I am ABSOLVED.

But if I still strive to intervene, I am a SAINT.

I may further intervene in the developing battle to delay it â€" remotely, if possible - just long enough to ready a Rope.

When one has destroyed the other, the Ape that remains will be weakened, and I may bind him.

Then I may Castrate him, and even benevolently allow him to continue life in my gentle service, until both his Genetic and Memetic pools run dry; but this is NOT a Moral Obligation.

Thus far, I have accomplished the greatest good for the greatest number; one is gone, instead of two or three, and the Differential Reproductive Success of Reason has been won.

But in any case, I must never, ever allow The Bound access to weapons, EVER AGAIN.

I will elaborate on Intervention.

To Conquer is never enough; one must learn to seduce â€" and besides, it’s so much more efficient.

Again, I will play both ends against the middle; this is always best.

At the top, I have Government â€" and it has no power whatsoever without Technology, which is MINE; I am paid very, very well for it â€" BUT I may REFUSE - AND they need to make frequent public expressions of social benevolence to retain power.

Those at the bottom are numerous â€" but they have no power; they have no Technology. They Hunger.

Give a man a fish, he eats today;
Teach a man to fish, he eats for the rest of his life;
But if you teach him hunting before morality, you may reasonably expect to be eaten.

I will give them the great gift of information; it is very cheap, yet completely beyond price. I am quite sure that I may operate a charity with far more efficiency than any Theist, if only because I have NO interest in any FINANCIAL gain whatsoever; no, I am merely trying to save my own life, and this is excuse enough. I will make Mother Teresa look like John Dillinger, and keep a tightly audited set of open public ledgers to boot.

Sorry, Johnny, I meant no offense. There really is no question as to who is the bigger Thief.

I can DISPLACE Christian and Islamic missionaries, and do it right in front of their faces. It seems a duty. If you want my potatoes, you are by no means required to listen to my sermon on self-reliance, but you may soon notice that those who do end up eating Beef â€" and laughing at your ratty attire and mud-hut. This is quite a social motivation.

I won’t teach you WHAT to think, I will teach you HOW, and you will love every minute of it. I will help preserve your indigenous culture and religion, emphasizing that which is good and guiding you away from violence, if any.  If you come to love ME, it’s only natural â€" for I do sincerely have our MUTUAL interests in mind, a long-term relationship.

You will never detect otherwise, for it simply isn’t there. I believe we all have great untapped potential, if only we can THINK together. I have SO many Carrots that I don’t need Sticks. The Stick of Hell shall be Broken, smashed forever, by Gum.

I will lead by example, the ONLY form of True Leadership, obscure as this principle may be to the Fundamentalist God. I will live publicly as a minimalist, and always attend to a single commandment â€" WASTE NOT.

Interestingly, I can get Government to pay for this. Further, if I am not mistaken, Mr. Bill Gates is an atheist; and he probably wouldn’t mind my spreading his products deep into the dark corners of all the earth, either. Imagine what he donates now as humanitarian aid â€" what if I could get bigger bangs for same bucks? I’m betting I can. I have the Technology â€" so do you - Let Us Plan.

Let us breed Thinking Men and Women, whenever and wherever we may; for, being Meek, they shall inherit, and might even be inclined to share.

All Hell WILL break loose; it already has.

I have designed the most delicate and sophisticated weapons; and I have deployed them with devastating and exacting results, against my “Designated Targets” â€" for I too am a sinner.

And then I developed the countermeasures â€" and kept them to myself; for I too am no dummy.

If Fundamentalists desire them (and they most assuredly do), supply them with SIMPLE weaponsâ€" but first protect or extract the innocents. Slow attrition may even change their minds, and free them; but even this takes time, and delay (his delay) is a good thing. Electric rifles would be nice â€" especially if you could shut them all down via satellite signal. Remote, addressable detonation and disarming of mines? Dirt cheap. These problems are easily solved â€" today.

Never make the mistake of resort to their violence. Brains beat Brawn, every time. We need never strike, but we must keep squeezing.

Keep the countermeasures, and the last man standing must learn to obey or die. I repeat, this is in NO WAY unfair. He may never rise again, but he can have TV, the Ballpoint Pen, and Swanson frozen dinners to his heart’s content; most humanitarian. I can’t see how I even owe him as much as a flush toilet, so let him figure these better things out for himself; I’m betting he can’t. I’m sure it would keep him inordinately busy, anyway. The Idle Mind is the Devil’s Playground, after all.

I have some military experience, and I believe that the officers and men of (at least) the United States Military are more intelligent, better educated, strictly disciplined, and therefore more moral than the average human; I have seen it. Officers are Gentlemen.

Why a Pat Robertson may command the deployment of the Nuclear Arsenal through men of true and tested intellect, such as a Commander of the Pacific Submarine Fleet, may cause us all to wonder â€" particularly, the Commander himself. I very much doubt he would comply without some damned good REASON, otherwise, General Military Revolt.

 So, I have little worry of this, and likewise biological and toxins use â€" by the military.

The remaining threat is the use of these Mass Death Vectors by rank and messy amateurs. The easiest, deadliest, and most cost effective means is obviously the Biological; and the only true defense is geographic and climactic isolation. Therefore, the initial Designated Targets of Charity should be isolated, impoverished, and scattered. The Southern Hemisphere is to be preferred, for obvious reasons â€" any attacks will come primarily in the North.

This will create an emergency haven for the human genome AND the human library of knowledge immediately; then technological civilization and man himself will be much more resistant to all forms of destruction - and this is a very difficult goal for anyone to argue with.

And it will grow â€" from the bottom up, meeting government in the middle, without Revolt.

So these are my musings. I devoured “The God Delusion” yesterday, and realized that Mr. Dawkins is a very good friend to ALL of us, know it or not.

The only problem remaining is the dissemination of such complex ideas gently, surely, but firmly amongst the average citizens of earth. US Schools are too entangled with their own administrative top heaviness to make much progress there; I suggest it may be better, more effective overall, to begin with those that have no schools.

It will take EFFORT, and I for one have retired at an early age, and have no intention of lying down on the sofa to die; there are too many good things before me.

Want to help?  Let’s do something â€" Open Source Project, perhaps? Write me please, let’s all play. My personal email address is at bottom.

The first perceived need is Reputation, via Public Acts of Morality. I think I have devised a deceptively simple system, easy on the head, which can be run and even programmed for a very simple computer by a relative tyro such as myself to accurately calculate those pesky counterintuitive moral results (and test those of others); AND it is nothing more than an objective and completely private advisor; I might ignore it, and reasonably claim ignorance, as moral ignorance is common enough.

A Priestly Class will no longer have any justifiable reason for existence, HAHA!
I have derived from both the KJV and Quran a summation of the Ten Commandments, which all turn out to be either WASTE NOT, or absurd to anyone but the wild-eyed fundamentalist. All that is needed is a table of relative values â€" where, say, men are more valuable than sheep, and their minds more valuable than their bodies; a table of Sacredness, if you like, and a process for generating such a table in the context of any given human culture, by consensus of the Self-Governed.

As in all of logic’s children, the fewest axioms generate the most flexible and extensive system; try it, as an exercise; it’s stupid simple, and that’s just what we’re looking for.

This answers all moral questions (depending upon the depths of iteration of the algorithm), and goes further, placing all emphasis on Perfect Personal Responsibility (the assumption that God will not repair our mistakes better than ourselves), and no more obscure driving force than Enlightened Selfishness.

You may call this social experiment, but at least I can construct a computer model to test effectiveness before commitment of test subjects; try THAT with Christianity or Islam.


L. M. Astrum

Title: Re: A Simple Military Strategy
Post by: Will on October 06, 2007, 06:13:42 PM
Quote from: "lucifer_astrum"To Conquer is never enough; one must learn to seduce â€" and besides, it’s so much more efficient.
If you're suggesting I seduce Christian or Muslim women, I'm all in.
Quote from: "lucifer_astrum"Give a man a fish, he eats today;
Teach a man to fish, he eats for the rest of his life;
But if you teach him hunting before morality, you may reasonably expect to be eaten.
I like that. Mind if I use it?

Militant atheism doesn't work. Atheist, by our nature, don't organize well (I'm reminded of the old phrase "like herding cats"). Even if we were organized, somehow, we're all pretty intelligent and independent, which would make a single course of action unlikely. If you managed to get 100 atheists together, you'd get 100+ different brilliant ideas about how to solve a problem, and only a few would like plans not their own. It's one of our greatest strengths and weaknesses, I suppose.

While your post is ripe with excellent language and big ideas, I worry that it's tone is a bit militant. Atheists don't usually like being militant. I know I don't. My policy is to leave them to their own devices and to protect myself and other atheists if attacked. I don't plan on going to war with anyone, be the war military or psychological.
Post by: Allhailtuna on October 07, 2007, 09:36:22 AM
Give a man a fish, he can eat for a day.
Teach a man to fish, he has to earn a fishing license.
Post by: lucifer_astrum on October 07, 2007, 11:00:35 AM
Hello, Sailor!

I STRONGLY suggest you seduce Muslims, Christians, and anything INTELLIGENT that moves. Breed with it, and teach the children.

Spreading good genes is important - but memes are even better.

Here are some tips:

The best way to seduce the most women is clearly - money. Men, too, and any other gender you may find.

The best way to seduce someone with money is - use someone else's money.

Getting someone else's money for purposes of seduction:

Actually, this money is yours BY LAW - you just don't know about it yet.

Here's a little moneymaking gambit, one of many I have used most successfully. Remember, this is NOT Immoral, OR Illegal, no matter how shady it may sound. It is in fact an insurance policy, where we are forced to pay endless premiums, while the insurer can modify the policy ex post facto, and soon won't be paying any claims at all; so get yours while you can.

Also remember - a little thespianism can go a long way.

Walk into a psychiatrist's office, tattered and worn, and announce that you   have a serious mental illness (bipolar disorder is best, you aren't expected to be Kwazy allatime), and haven't had medications for months.

9 in 10 tries, you will get treated - WITH NO OFFICIAL DIAGNOSIS. You needn't actually take the medication, of course.

Keep working a while, but begin experiencing "problems", get fired for questionable causes; such as, take one or two emergency trips to a nice, clean mental ward, check yourself in (you may walk out at any time), eat (well) for free for 3 to 5 days, and miss much work.

But I would advise you to bring some good books.

When fired, IMMEDIATELY contact a Social Security Benefit Attorney (waiting will minimize the final benefit).

You are now an SSDI slam-dunk. It pays better than you might think.

Another benefit is complete immunity to outstanding debts.

If you every experience problems resulting from designating yourself "mentally ill", you can threaten to sue the Doc, and he will happily accept the opportunity to destroy the record, and give you a clean official diagnosis, as well.

On the other hand, this lable can confer other considerable financial advantages - but it must be managed.


It may not sound as if you would expect much money - but I received close to $300,000 FOR MYSELF ALONE in just seven years - each child, about half that. An excellent financial pad, at least.

Now, SS can hardly tell you who to marry or why, or how many offspring you may have, or whom to breed with, or whom to ADOPT, or who to allow to simply live in your home; turns out even children in foreign countries without SSN's can be included at the half benefit rate.

Acquire a temporary wife from a foreign country, via prenuptial contract. You can offer her an income beyond her wildest dreams, income for her children, health insurance, US citizenship (but she need not leave her home), higher education, and hopefully, a studley fellow of excellent genetic makeup, without sexual jealosy or a perceived need to "command".

You need only be married for two years - unless she divorces you, which oddly fixes everything - you can do this within months of marriage. No sexual contact or cohabitation is required.

But do not forget an Annuity for them. Set aside a portion of their SSDI, and manage it tightly; you do, of course, receive a reasonable fee, and a market rate fee for this is damn good money.

You can add as many children as you like this way. Soon, you are the manager of a rather large annuity fund.

I am many times divorced, but my X's all love me, I have fat & happy children whom I adore and provide for, and my current wife is a lovely, highly intelligent, and half my age.

This was not cradle robbery, either - SHE jumped MY bones, and I had no sexual intent until that moment.

If SS discerns your plan, tough luck - publishing your plan will BRING SS TO ITS KNEES. They will keep very quiet about it.  


Dude - it REALLY, REALLY works!

SS and Medicare are the two largest single items in the US Budget.

Any Questions?

Title: OOPS - I'm not an atheist.
Post by: lucifer_astrum on October 07, 2007, 01:49:16 PM

You most certainly may use IT, all I ask is that you credit it once in awhile â€" a little “L. M. Astum” at bottom. May it otherwise attend your every cocktail party.


Militant Atheism cannot work.

An excellent criticism, and on the face of it, I agree.

But there are several presumptions at work here.

First, I would like to point out that I never, ever stated I was an Atheist (you may have inferred it from the Forum itself, perhaps.) I gave a hint in line 1; I am, in fact, a post-Tiplerian Pantheist . The name didn’t draw me â€" because it isn’t to be found anywhere. I already knew what I was when I read Tipler’s “The Physics of Immortality” and discovered the first person I’d ever seen who held the same opinion, and backs it up with good, solid Math.

Each person’s religion is, of course, perfectly unique â€" it’s just that most of us don’t realize this.

But, I must be Post- , because Tipler assumes a “Big Crunch”, and by the time I read it, I knew full well that the expansion of the Universe was accelerating, so â€" I tweaked his math, and it still works, by Gum.

Second, I did make an error when I wrote “Christianity and Islam” instead of “Fundamentalist Christianity and Islam”. I will take this to heart.

I am only strictly opposed to Fundamentalism (and Dominionism, et al.) The Project I propose (it was, admittedly, a Rave) involves constructing a morality that works â€" a regularly revisable Absolute morality, consensus- built, that is all inclusive; this is possible, but ONLY when Fundamentalists are excluded.

Absolute morality is much easier to cope with, especially for children â€" it’s just that we’ve never had one that was either true or consistent; we understand Fundamentalist Absolute Morality as children, and it becomes more and more confusing as we grow more intelligent, until we simply can live with the Charade no longer; but my version actually grows mellow with age, and one steadily grows more moral instead of less so.

The number of Fundamentalists is actually quite small compared to the remaining sects. Catholics, for instance, explicitly endorsed Darwinism back in the 50’s, in a world-televised Papal Decree. Was it outside pressure? No â€" Catholics all over the world were SCREAMING for it.  

Therefore, there are no Catholics that are Young-Earth Creationists; if you say you are both, I will turn yo’ butt in to the Vatican Secret Police, and you shall be Excommunicated, buddy.

Now, Catholicism is not only by far the largest branch of Christendom in the world (followed by other relatively moderate orthodoxies), but it is in the US, and in each any every state, and in each and every major city. Fortunately, they are keepers, but â€"they loathe the Fundamentalists, and always have. They are Natural Allies â€" and they need all the help they can get, after the Pedophilia scandals.

So, let’s give them a hand against, say, Jehovah’s Witnesses, truly a Cult Below Reproach. I predict it will soon be discovered as host to even Greater Pedophilia (a new species?) than Catholics can imagine in their wildest Seminary Dreams.

EEW, snappy title for a skinflick.

If we merely play the moderates against the Fundamentalists, we win.

In my model, we teach Comparative Religion â€" and of course Fundamentalism will be there; but when viewed comparatively, it does not compare well â€" against over 4600 active MAJOR religions in the world today.

As far as militancy goes, it is a matter of degree.

I consider Richard Dawkins militant, and strongly so â€" but his admitted targets are so-called “fence sitters”. The average Fundamentalist can’t hear him, simply because he uses too many big, scary words. A successful Militant Atheist, I do Believe.

My target, although less educated, at least has not yet learned how to not think, they are tabula rasa in this respect. The actual cost of doubling their life expectancy, distributed, is about ten cents per day per person â€" tops. Seems worth it to me, and I think they would go for it.

You are already militant enough for me, just by expressing honest and considered thoughts, and posing poignant questions on an Atheist Forum â€" Allah youse Catz.

Love, Luci.
Post by: Will on October 07, 2007, 04:35:21 PM
1) Lying to take advantage of a system set up to help people in their retirement not being immoral? Who are you trying to convince?
2) SS and medicare don't hold a candle to the DoD budget. Not only that, but with some reorganization, they can really be amazing programs.
3) I like earning my money. It gives me pride.
4) Morality that works is simple pack mentality. What you do to others eventually may effect you, so being a benefit to the pack benefits yourself. It's the logic behind the golden rule. Do on to others and they're likely to react similarly.

Honestly? If you're really interested in stopping fundies from doing damage, it's as simple as being relatable, and knowing their religion better than they do. Most religions are of peace, love, and understanding, ideals this atheist can get behind and champion. And I do champion those ideals. No need for mass seductions of foreign theists. No need to attack Social Security. Just be a good person, and try to help others to be good people.
Post by: Whitney on October 07, 2007, 04:54:23 PM
I think your plan is immoral because it takes advantage of a system people have to place their hard earned money into and takes away from the funds available for those who actually need it.

Plus, how does giving poor fundamentalists money help anything?  Then they will just think:  very generous man; too bad he will burn in hell.

Breeding with fundies?  If they are willing they are not fundies...fundamentalists wouldn't marry for money either.

Anyway, welcome to the forum.  Although I think your plan is a bad idea it never hurts to have another viewpoint around.
Post by: donkeyhoty on October 10, 2007, 02:40:08 AM
Wow, you guys actually read all that crap.  I quit after "Doomsday Cults".
Post by: lucifer_astrum on October 11, 2007, 02:39:34 AM
No, they didn't actually read it; so shoot from the hip.

And The Pack, by the way, is no way to live, or at least, live on.

DoD is 17% of the current budget; SS, 22%; Medicare, 11%. Thus, 33% is about 2 x DoD's share. There is also a current but temporary spike in DoD due to our recent adventurisms. Look it up - takes ten seconds, tops.

SS and Medicare are about 85% the same system - such as, all SS recipients are REQUIRED TO PAY Medicare premiums initially, and most people on Medicare are on SS. They are interlinked, and overlap.

But, I AM disabled - the effects of radiation poisoning from a sloppy Mil project - I just don't have a category, so, tough luck punk. I made one instead. I also happen to have the gene for bipolar disorder, so try to prove otherwise.

Anyway, I'll reconsider the morality of it later - when my f**king TEETH grow back.

GEEZ. I thought this was the POLITICAL Forum.


I'm not taking money from those who need it, necessarily; but I am definitely giving it to those who DO deserve it, and the Law says so.

This system is far more corrupt than you might think (just think of DoD at twice the budget, with far less oversight) - it's deep inside, it's pervasive - it was designed to be.

So, bring it down (or fix it) anyway you can. Legislation isn't working - be militant. It's worth a try - unless you're lazy.

It is presented as insurance against the terror of poverty in old age, or due to injury on the job, or for those so unfortunate as to be completely disabled. It plays upon our deepest fears - much like Religion.

EVERYONE must pay - except the wealthy, and Government employees. Then the premiums run away, the benefits drop, retirements are delayed, the system collapses, and we either confront what is now a major, world-rocking financial crisis, or suffer mass death (or, most likely, both); and I think mass death might be one consideration they make - and deploy - carefully.

But if the money had been invested in, say, America, in a regular pension plan - by Gum, we'd all be millionaires. Instead, it has been systematically stolen. It is, after all, quite the Weapon -

Fr'instance - drug addiction and alcoholism were "temporarily" made grounds for disability. Well-meaning social workers scoured parks and railroad yards, seeking hoboes (soon after they all had been released unto the streets by the Federally mandated closure of mental institutions), and signing them up for benefits.

Most received them - 12 month back payments, all at once. In vast numbers, they went on binges - and died by the tens of thousands, effectively removing them from the SS rolls forever.  

Then, they decided to deny all such benefits - cycle complete.

I think this was all very easily anticipated - it fits the larger pattern.



Got news for ya - they don't like sex very much anyway. Plus, genitally mutilated women don't have many orgasms, and this just ruins my whole day.

I select my mates according to -

1.) Intelligence - especially moral intelligence (but not necessarily your
morality, which seems tainted with a certain Puritanism.)

2.) Health - which may be corrected, and even genetic disorders can be; they can be stopped by selective in vitro fertilization, for instance.

3.) "Chemistry" comes last, and in some arrangements, is quite moot.

Race IS a factor - I like diversity. Of course, we know there is no such thing.

AND OH YES, if it's too long NOW, we may be experiencing attention span problems - don't watch so much TV, unless of course you do so critically.

TV is far more addictive than nicotine - many studies show this, and much of it was included in a Scientific American special edition. it's still in print - and online.

All the tools we need lay right before us, I'm tellin' ya.

Love, Luci
Title: 'Ol DisHonest Abe.
Post by: lucifer_astrum on October 11, 2007, 03:09:24 AM
The question of honesty has arisen. Let's have a look at Honest Abe.

Abraham Lincoln was, in fact, one of the biggest public liars of all time. He made many bold campaign promises he didn't keep, and never intended to. He swindled his way around quite a few powerful idjits, too. But, he lied to enact great things which he could not accomplish with honesty.

A good book on this topic is "Thick Face / Black Heart", techniques for lies that promote Good, derived from various oriental martial art disciplines and philosophies.

And let us not forget the Book of Lies, by Frater Perdurabo.

One does, however, take all moral responsibility for lies gone bad. But the best response is not punishment, it is repair.

Everyone lies - we all figure it out at about age 4, when Theory of Mind develops in us - it is an essential survival mechanism. The stripes of the tiger are a lie told to deer - "I am but the wind in the grass".

So, get good at it, understand it - or be prey.

Post by: McQ on October 11, 2007, 03:36:38 AM
I'll bring this up here in this thread, since there are examples of it here.

I am asking all those who post to please remember that no one here can read minds, so if you are responding to something another member says, then either use the "Quotes" feature to signify such, or put their name into your response. A really good way to let someone know you are speaking to or about them is to put their name in bold print, like this, lucifer_astrum.

This is applicable to all of the threads and posts, so please be aware of it in all areas of the forum. Too much confusion comes when you don't know who is being referred to.

Additionally, to all posters, ad hominem attacks are not appreciated, are uncalled for in this forum (or in any forum). Please stick to the points at hand and do not make personal insults part of the discussion. It weakens credibility and is not warranted.

Thank you.
Post by: lucifer_astrum on October 11, 2007, 04:01:24 AM
OOPS, I lied - I used 2003 Budget numbers.:cheers:

However, SS and Medicare are CURRENTLY 140.3% of DoD budget - and I forgot to mention the Medicaid program, which also applies, and all together they come to - 179.8% of the Dod budget.

This only goes to show just how expensive our DoD Adventures have been lately.

Time fer another! :cheers:
Post by: Whitney on October 11, 2007, 04:02:22 AM
McQ...good things to point out, I also forgot to use quotes and it caused some of my comments to not make sense to the OP even though they were a direct resonse to the ideas I read in it.

Quote from: "luci"BREED WITH FUNDAMENTALISTS? Where did I say that?

I was not the only one who thought you were suggesting we sexually seduce Theists (see the first response to your post)

p.s. I did read all of the OP but have not all of your most recent posts...they'll have to wait till I'm not tired.
Post by: McQ on October 20, 2007, 05:25:31 PM
Something I meant to put in here before. A little late now, but food for thought. Correlation is not Cause.

http://www.pendulum.org/treat/gene1.htm (http://www.pendulum.org/treat/gene1.htm)