Happy Atheist Forum

General => Philosophy => Topic started by: Scrybe on March 27, 2007, 04:27:01 PM

Title: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: Scrybe on March 27, 2007, 04:27:01 PM
I'd love to hear your opinions.  

When you implore someone to "Have an open mind." Do you mean anything other than, "Have an open mind to what I believe, and close it to what I don't believe."  

Do you consider yourself "open minded"?  

Do you find it a valuable character trait?  

Do you think there is ever a time to be less open minded?
Post by: Whitney on March 27, 2007, 06:01:04 PM
I define it as willing to listen to the rationalization for another's viewpoint before shrugging it off just because it doesn't fit your views.  It's a valuable character trait because that is the only way to learn, plus people like those who are willing to listen.  The only time it seems appropriate to be less open minded is when you've heard the person's claim multiple times before and they either don't have a reason for that view or say the same thing you've heard time and time again.
Post by: Scrybe on March 28, 2007, 12:16:50 AM
So you would be willing to hear an argument for the existence of God if it were different than those you have heard before?

(This is not a trap.  I have no intention of preaching at you.)
Post by: SteveS on March 28, 2007, 02:59:23 AM
I agree - a willingness to listen, especially if it's something new.  I invited the Jehovah's Witnesses in to hear them out on biblical prophesy.  Neither of us agreed with the other but we parted on the friendliest of terms.
Post by: Whitney on March 28, 2007, 04:31:20 AM
Quote from: "Scrybe"So you would be willing to hear an argument for the existence of God if it were different than those you have heard before?

(This is not a trap.  I have no intention of preaching at you.)

Yes.  If I found it convincing I'd change my views.
Post by: User192021 on March 28, 2007, 06:09:45 AM
To me, being "open minded" simply means that you are willing to listen to an opposing viewpoint as objectively as possible.  In a nutshell - giving a new idea a chance.  It does not mean believing everything you are told because you are an "open minded person."  Like someone once said (can't remember who), "Be open minded.  But not so open minded that your brain falls out."
Post by: Will on March 28, 2007, 06:33:47 AM
Open mindedness: the ability to overcome bias in order to objectively consider all options.

I'd consider it a positive.
Post by: Tom62 on March 28, 2007, 09:28:07 AM
I'm always willing to listen, but I can't always guarantee that I agree with what I've heard.
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: McQ on March 28, 2007, 11:03:37 PM
Quote from: "Scrybe"I'd love to hear your opinions.  

When you implore someone to "Have an open mind." Do you mean anything other than, "Have an open mind to what I believe, and close it to what I don't believe."  

Do you consider yourself "open minded"?  

Do you find it a valuable character trait?  

Do you think there is ever a time to be less open minded?

I don't agree with the phrasing of the question. I never implore anyone to have an open mind, simply because it has become such a convoluted definition, and people rarely define it the same way.

I am much more likely to suggest that people be fair-minded and rational. That's what I consider myself. Yes, it's a positive and valuable character trait. The only time I'll be less than rational or fair minded is when I catch you sleeping with my wife. Then you simply die. Afterwards, I'll consider the fairness of my actions.
Post by: Whitney on March 29, 2007, 12:14:47 AM
I like "fair-minded" better than open minded' it more directly gets across what I mean when I say open minded...I'll have to remember to use that.
Post by: Scrybe on March 29, 2007, 01:54:19 AM
Quote from: "laetusatheos"I like "fair-minded" better than open minded' it more directly gets across what I mean when I say open minded...I'll have to remember to use that.

Agreed.  Thanks for the good thought McQ.  And I'll be sure to steer clear of your wife!   :wink:
Post by: Scrybe on May 18, 2007, 07:16:43 PM
Quote from: "Willravel"Open mindedness: the ability to overcome bias in order to objectively consider all options.

I'd consider it a positive.

I really like this definition.  I'm wondering if anyone has some practical explanation for how one overcomes bias.  Does anyone have any examples from their own life?  The real issue I'm interested in is whether or not it is possible to overcome an existing bias without slipping into a new one.
Post by: tacoma_kyle on May 18, 2007, 09:17:32 PM
You overcome bias by being open minded, jeese! lol

Not really but when I am agruing with someone and I run into a bias of mine I just emplain it in general terms. This is why I like Toyota better than Chevy...bla bla bla its personal preferance based on this info.

I dont know, there is nothing wrong with being bias unless your spewing false info. For the most part bias' just seem to be opinions which there is nothing wrong with. It may be dumb, but its still opinion.
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: Naked4Jesus on May 20, 2007, 03:42:12 AM
Quote from: "Scrybe"I'd love to hear your opinions.  

When you implore someone to "Have an open mind." Do you mean anything other than, "Have an open mind to what I believe, and close it to what I don't believe."  

Do you consider yourself "open minded"?  

Do you find it a valuable character trait?  

Do you think there is ever a time to be less open minded?

Just to get the necessary blatantly open observation out of the way here, if I close my mind to any other way of thinking to focus soley on your way of thinking am I really having an open mind?   I'm being empathetic but damn, that's not necessarily open.  I'd have to lie if I said I would (I don't like having to lie) since once I said sure, I'm just seeing things your way I'd still be making my judgments and even though I'd try to rationalize what you said (I'm really am a sympathetic fellow) I'd still default to my judgemental nature.  

Yes, I'm gonna hear you out but no I may not agree at all.
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: janafeir on January 01, 2009, 12:43:22 AM
I think being open minded for me is  50% listening  30% questioning 20% Chewing it over. Determining whether a point has been made that might put a new spin on things that I previously believed. Now this is not always the case after all I am human and though I would like to say I am always open minded, the truth is that sometimes I might change my percentages depending on the situation, morals and ethics. Or sometimes I am just a hard head  and when I eventually sit down and get the time to think over points that have been made they may or may not change mind as to how I am going proceed.
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: thirteen31 on January 01, 2009, 02:48:35 AM
Quote from: "Scrybe"I'd love to hear your opinions.  

When you implore someone to "Have an open mind." Do you mean anything other than, "Have an open mind to what I believe, and close it to what I don't believe."
'Open mind' to me is to be open to hearing other perspectives. An 'open mind' does not necessarily mean that I will choose to agree with the other perspective.

Quote from: "Scrybe"Do you consider yourself "open minded"?
I believe I am, but I am open to listening to someone else's views on that! :D

Quote from: "Scrybe"Do you find it a valuable character trait?
I believe it is. I am open to listening to other perspectives, but it is difficult to empathize with another's perspective if they are close-minded and adamant that I should follow.

Quote from: "Scrybe"Do you think there is ever a time to be less open minded?
No, open-mindedness is respecting others' ideas, feelings or opinions; is there ever a time to be less respectful?
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: Asmodean on January 01, 2009, 05:28:25 AM
Willing to explore more than one side of things even when that one side is seemingly much more appealing and to base one's conclusion on the view from all or at least multiple sides.

Sounds a bit tangled, I guess, but that's the very short version of my opinion.
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: Brock on January 01, 2009, 05:35:19 AM
Open-Minded simply put means you understand were someone is coming from without being rude or un-understanding. Aristotle said it best 'It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: DennisK on January 01, 2009, 04:58:59 PM
Quote from: "Brock"Open-Minded simply put means you understand were someone is coming from without being rude or un-understanding. Aristotle said it best 'It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
Great quote!  I doubt many of us can truly say we entertain thoughts outside our comfort zone, though.  The need to be correct usually trumps any urge to be "open" and it is difficult to shed bias on most subjects.

I would define open mindedness as being willing to give what I have to say your utmost attention and respect, usually resulting in your views altered more toward mine.  That's just plain logic. :D
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: McQ on January 01, 2009, 10:01:18 PM
Quote from: "DennisK"
Quote from: "Brock"Open-Minded simply put means you understand were someone is coming from without being rude or un-understanding. Aristotle said it best 'It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
Great quote!  I doubt many of us can truly say we entertain thoughts outside our comfort zone, though.  The need to be correct usually trumps any urge to be "open" and it is difficult to shed bias on most subjects.

I would define open mindedness as being willing to give what I have to say your utmost attention and respect, usually resulting in your views altered more toward mine.  That's just plain logic. :D  :hail:
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: Wechtlein Uns on January 02, 2009, 03:15:36 AM
I suppose in attending anything, what we are influences how we will judge it, understand it, or if we will accept it. And that in turn influences what we will become.

Note, I don't say "determine". There's always some amount of flexibility that only we alone have control over. A part of ourselves that is not predetermined, and thus enables us to affect ourselves based on what "we" want to be, and not what we "are".

Right? :shock:
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: thirteen31 on January 02, 2009, 04:04:13 AM
Open-minded is willing to consider and accept other's ideas and opinions.
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: rlrose328 on January 02, 2009, 04:11:44 AM
At the risk of repeating something someone has already said (because I just don't want to take the time to read it all right now... sorry)... I'm frustrated how Christians call me closed-minded because I don't instantly believe and/or agree with everything they say.

I posted on Facebook a link to a story about the Duggar family (the ones with 18 kids) and stated that I think they are irresponsible for overpopulating and having their older children be assigned to raising the younger ones and how teaching their children using the bible is irresponsible because they don't include facts.  Someone I know here locally posted that it's strange how those who CLAIM to be openminded and tolerate really aren't.

Were I TRULY closed minded and intolerant, I'd be trying to pass laws banning homeschooling and having more than, say, 4 children... which I'm not.  Can't say the same for the Christians, who banned marriage for those with whom they don't agree.

I'm just sayin'... open-minded and tolerant don't mean you have to take as fact everything that everyone else believes. It may mean you have to just deal with it if you DO disagree.  But making laws against what you don't agree with IS closed-minded and intolerant because you actively want to make sure no one can do what you disagree with.
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: Sophus on January 02, 2009, 05:51:50 AM
It's really just paying attention and considering/contemplating what is being said without wanting to believe (or cling to) a certain belief.
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: thirteen31 on January 02, 2009, 05:37:54 PM
Quote from: "rlrose328"I'm just sayin'... open-minded and tolerant don't mean you have to take as fact everything that everyone else believes.
Exactly, just because one says it is so, doesn't mean it is so. Right? But then, if two people were to say it were so and one disagrees, would it then be labelled as popular belief because the majority says it is so?  :hmm:
Title: Re: Define "Open Minded"
Post by: Wechtlein Uns on January 02, 2009, 05:53:33 PM
I often choose the opinion that is not mainstream first. Then I investigate the mainstream, and see what fits. Usually, when I'm going to investigate something, but am pressured to make an early choice, I choose the one that's not popular. Why? I still have a twinge of egoism inside me.  ;)