Happy Atheist Forum

General => Media => Topic started by: karadan on January 14, 2010, 03:36:26 PM

Title: Tapes of Kent hovind talking to his wife from jail.
Post by: karadan on January 14, 2010, 03:36:26 PM
So i was bored at work when i came across this thread at the Atheist Experience website. My apologies if you guys have seen these before but they are new to me. They are rather revealing about Mr Hovind's state of mind. His delusion doesn't just run deep, it is total. I felt sorry for his wife to be honest. She sounded at the end of her tether a few times. To think his ego is so big that he can't empathise with her or even say sorry when she starts vocalising her worries about their marriage. The man is nothing but loathesome.

http://atheistexperience.blogspot.com/2 ... -from.html (http://atheistexperience.blogspot.com/2007/02/kent-hovinds-bizarre-phone-calls-from.html)

There are some fundy posts below the vids which beggar belief, although i have a sneaking feeling many are trolls.

I've done a lot of face-palming today.