Happy Atheist Forum

Getting To Know You => Introductions => Topic started by: Julsgirl17 on March 06, 2007, 03:49:48 AM

Title: New here... confessions of a Catholic School Girl
Post by: Julsgirl17 on March 06, 2007, 03:49:48 AM
I'm 14 years old and i've been to a catholic school since 3rd grade.  The older I became, the more I began to think for myself and realise, around 7th grade, that I was being fed alot of propaganda.  It had to be a big secret, because people would stop talking to me if they knew, all of my classmates being devout, brainwashed, loyal catholics.  The public school system in my area is pretty horrible, so I went to a Catholic high school.  Everyday, i'd challenge my theology teacher, but then give up to keep my beiefs a secret.  Finally, someone was pushing too hard, and it "slipped out".  My teachers lost all respect for me, and my theology teaher claimed I was doing it "for attention".  This January, I transfered out of the catholic school, into my public school, thinking I wouldn't be as hated.  Someone was asking me why I switched, and if I missed the religious aspects of my old school, so I told the truth, not realizing that I lived in the most religious and Red county in my blue state.  Now i'm bothered by people every day.  They say things like "You sit in your chair like that because you're an atheist" and "you got that grade because you're an atheist".  I once suggested to one of them that they should pray to Jesus to get a grade as good as mine, and the next day, the stupid teasing stopped.  Someone in a different class, different then the one where I was asked about my beliefs, asked me if the rumors were true.  While wondering why people didn't have anything better to talk about, I confirmed it.  He made a comment about taking out back and knocking some sense into me.  I let it go, but today, I found a note in my locker saying that I shold repent and beg forgivness, or when they came to kill me, I wouldn't go to Heaven.  This prompted me to find others, and make sure I wasn't the only Godless person around.
Post by: Whitney on March 06, 2007, 06:02:50 AM
Welcome to the forum.  First of all, if I were you I'd report that note to the principle's office first thing tomorrow morning...that's just scary and it's best not to just assume it was a mean joke.  (I don't mean to scare you, just want you to be safe).  Congratulations on being able to think for yourself, unfortunately doing so can come along with unwanted backlash from others...I'm not really sure how to handle that part; I was already in college by the time I realized religion is brainwashing and am surrounded by classmates who don't seem to care much about religion.  Good luck and don't let the other kids get to you, they are just afraid because you don't fit their cookie cutter expectations.
Post by: User192021 on March 06, 2007, 10:05:59 AM
Welcome to the forum Julsgirl17.  Snapping out of the religious brainwashing trance at the age of 14 is impressive - especially in a Catholic school.  I didn't abandon my faith until I was 22.  Like laetusatheos said, unfourtunately, thinking for yourself can come at a high cost.  I live in a mostly Catholic area, Buffalo, NY, but no one really seems to care too much about religion.  Nothing like parts of the south and midwest.  It's definitly a shame you're getting this much backlash for being intelligent.  The only advice I can give you is to stick it out and know that you're not alone.  Try not to let the fundies get to you too much.
Post by: MommaSquid on March 06, 2007, 05:47:07 PM
Welcome to the forum Julsgirl17.  

Be safe, and remember:  Just because someone asks you a question doesn't mean you have to answer them.  Discretion is your right.
Post by: donkeyhoty on March 06, 2007, 10:57:25 PM
First of all, welcome and congratulations on your disbelief of magical forces.  (I wish I could travel a few hundred years into the future to see the harry potter books forming the basis for a religion)

Secondly, doesn't your area have any good non-sectarian private schools?  I live in a heavily catholic area(fortunately its also heavily aging) and it has several non-sectarian private high schools(including one of the best in the country, whatever that means, its like saying my shit has one of the most pleasant odors in the country).  

And third, everyone in high school is a loser.  There is no such thing as a cool high school student.  Eventually you will graduate and never see any of the people at your school again, unless you go into the mini-mart at the gas station rather than paying at the pump.  Then you can ask them if god has gotten them promoted to assistant manager yet.
Post by: MrE2Me on March 07, 2007, 08:27:09 AM
Man, high school was enough of a pain in the ass without religion factoring into it...I can't imagine how much worse it must be to have to deal with that extra level of pressure and bias.  I second laetusatheos's suggestion to mention the threatening note to some authority figure at your school.  Unfortunately, this type of response is the price many people have to pay for being strong and independent enough to think outside of the prescribed box.  I can't commend you enough for your decision and your wisdom, especially at such an early age.  Don't be a stranger!
Post by: McQ on March 07, 2007, 06:05:59 PM
OK, I'll fess up, but don't tell me I'm the only one who got this initial impression:

Did anyone else blink twice and raise an eyebrow when they saw the title of this thread?

Of course, now that I've read it and know what it's about, I'm fine, but c'mon, who else did a double-take? It sounds like the title of a XXX movie!

Post by: User192021 on March 07, 2007, 06:12:56 PM
Quote from: "McQ"OK, I'll fess up, but don't tell me I'm the only one who got this initial impression:

Did anyone else blink twice and raise an eyebrow when they saw the title of this thread?

Of course, now that I've read it and know what it's about, I'm fine, but c'mon, who else did a double-take? It sounds like the title of a XXX movie!

I did the same thing.
Post by: donkeyhoty on March 07, 2007, 10:06:47 PM
Quote from: "McQ"It sounds like the title of a XXX movie!
Only us depraved, degenerate atheists like watching women dress up as school girls and partake in debauchery.  Or maybe, that's just me (I doubt it).
Post by: User192021 on March 07, 2007, 11:39:24 PM
Quote from: "donkeyhoty"
Quote from: "McQ"It sounds like the title of a XXX movie!
Only us depraved, degenerate atheists like watching women dress up as school girls and partake in debauchery.  Or maybe, that's just me (I doubt it).

You're right, it is just us.....

Catholics prefer little boys.    HAYOOOOO!!
Post by: SteveS on March 08, 2007, 02:27:34 AM
LOL to the above!!!!  That was a low blow User192021, but much deserved!  I salute you.

Hello Julsgirl17.  I'm confirming the above opinions that a note that mentions killing should be brought to the attention of an authority.  Isn't it nice how the followers of gentle Jesus treat someone who simply holds a different opinion?

Your experience is shocking to me.  I went to a public high school and at many times was openly sarcastic and disrespectful of established religion.  I got a lot of blank looks, but no hostility.  These people have definitely crossed a line.  Personally, I think behaviour like this would constitute a hate crime if it were regarding anything other than religion (like race or sex for example).

On a positive note, seeing the behaviour of these bigots has to make you feel you're on the right road to a higher mind....
Post by: MrE2Me on March 08, 2007, 06:20:34 AM
Quote from: "SteveS"Personally, I think behaviour like this would constitute a hate crime if it were regarding anything other than religion (like race or sex for example).
Good point, it's yet another area where religion gets a free pass.
Post by: Julsgirl17 on March 09, 2007, 05:19:22 AM
Yeah, I have a feeling that if it were a Catholic getting the note, it would become some primetime special about standing up for what you believe in.  I live in Dennis Hastert's distric (funny as I used to live in Pelosi's) and my school is one of the Top 10 worst in the state for test scores.  So my choice was a horrible education, but I wouldn't have to pray after the pledge.  I had no clue that it would get this bad though.  I think it's really sad when the only decent schools around are religious.  It felt amazing to read your comments and support.  Monday morning is going to be a lot easier just because I know i'm not alone now. Thanks so much!

P.S. I must confess that's what I was going for with the title... hey, it got your attention, didn't it?
Post by: McQ on March 09, 2007, 09:52:11 PM
Quote from: "Julsgirl17"Yeah, I have a feeling that if it were a Catholic getting the note, it would become some primetime special about standing up for what you believe in.  I live in Dennis Hastert's distric (funny as I used to live in Pelosi's) and my school is one of the Top 10 worst in the state for test scores.  So my choice was a horrible education, but I wouldn't have to pray after the pledge.  I had no clue that it would get this bad though.  I think it's really sad when the only decent schools around are religious.  It felt amazing to read your comments and support.  Monday morning is going to be a lot easier just because I know i'm not alone now. Thanks so much!

P.S. I must confess that's what I was going for with the title... hey, it got your attention, didn't it?

Way to go, Julsgirl17! And keep plugging away. Don't let the bastards get you down!

(can I say 'bastards' in here, to a 14 year old?)

Post by: Whitney on March 10, 2007, 12:32:06 AM
Quote from: "McQ"(can I say 'bastards' in here, to a 14 year old?)


lol; I'm sure by 14 every cuss word is already memorized.
Post by: McQ on March 10, 2007, 02:58:09 AM
Quote from: "laetusatheos"
Quote from: "McQ"(can I say 'bastards' in here, to a 14 year old?)


lol; I'm sure by 14 every cuss word is already memorized.

Yeah, I suppose so (sigh). Just being a dad, I guess. That's better than being the skeezy old guy who jumped when he saw the title of this thread!   :lol:
Post by: SteveS on March 13, 2007, 04:32:06 AM
Lol, McQ, I've learned a very hard lesson --- when you hear your 3 y.o. echo back something you've just said, it drives home why swearing in front of your children is a really, really bad idea  :oops:
Post by: McQ on March 13, 2007, 07:40:51 PM
Quote from: "SteveS"Lol, McQ, I've learned a very hard lesson --- when you hear your 3 y.o. echo back something you've just said, it drives home why swearing in front of your children is a really, really bad idea  :oops:

The best curses my kids heard growing up came from my wife (who probably has only used them twice in her whole life!). She was parked in a spot on River Street, in Savannah, GA and a semi truck sideswiped her on the driver's side. She and my four boys were all in the car waiting for me to come back to the car from making a hotel reservation. While I stood at the front desk, I turned to see my wife, fours boys in tow, holding the shattered side view mirror of our car in her hand. Crying.

She told me what happened, and I checked that no one was hurt. As we gathered our wits, called for the police (hit and run....the bastard didn't stop, he just slowed down and then gunned it), I walked everyone back outside to look at the car. On the way out, my wife told me that she might have let a couple of choice words slip, especially when she saw the truck driver take off.

Later, in the hotel room, I was just checking on the boys again, when one of them said, "Dad, you should've heard what mom said!"

With that, the 10 year old chimed in to say, "Yeah, I don't know what it meant, but it sounded dirty!"

I later found out that my children learned, on that sunny September morning, the words, shit, bastard, asshole, and yes.......fucking asshole from my mild mannered, otherwise gentle-as-a-lamb, wife.

I understand that a Navy frigate cruising down the river had to ask her to keep it down, because she was embarrassing the sailors on board.  :lol:

P.S.: They already knew shit and bastard from me, but I wasn't going to tell my wife that!
Post by: SteveS on March 14, 2007, 07:24:19 PM
Good story!

Quote from: "McQ"P.S.: They already knew shit and bastard from me, but I wasn't going to tell my wife that!

Solidarity, brother!

In my case I had no excuse, my wife never uses the word (yup, the F bomb).  I plead guilty and went straight to sentencing....
Post by: MommaSquid on March 14, 2007, 09:22:26 PM
IMAO, women curse out of frustration.

Why do men curse?

In case you're wondering; no, I didn't learn any new words here today.   :)
Post by: McQ on March 15, 2007, 01:17:30 AM
Quote from: "MommaSquid"IMAO, women curse out of frustration.

Why do men curse?

In case you're wondering; no, I didn't learn any new words here today.   :shock: You???

I'm not exactly sure why we curse, but I'll bet money it has something to do with how cool or badass we think it makes us appear.  :lol:

And, MommaSquid on a more serious note, I just read something else you wrote.... :cry:

...and I want to echo the words, "Here’s hoping for a series of fortunate events."
Post by: SteveS on March 15, 2007, 01:19:16 AM
Quote from: "MommaSquid"Why do men curse?
For me, too much time spent in hockey rinks and locker rooms growing up.  Also, since the refs ignored you unless you swore, I figured they were the only words they understood?  :wink:
Post by: Tom62 on March 15, 2007, 08:58:09 AM
Quote from: "MommaSquid"Why do men curse?

I curse when I'm frustrated about something or when I'm really, really angry about something. My PC at home has become truly evil now after receiving so many of my curses :evil: . The funny thing is that curses are something that you pickup very early, when you are learning a new language. My repertoire of english, dutch, french and german curses is now quite extensive :wink: . Some foreign curses are works of "beauty" when you translate them back in your mother-tongue (like "Oh, bordel, putain de merde" or "Krijg de vliegende kankertering"). It is also interesting to notice the cultural differences. For example the Dutch don't have any curses which address human excrements or sexual intercourse, so they think it is quite normal to use words like "sh#t" and "fu#k in public.
Post by: McQ on March 15, 2007, 03:02:45 PM
Quote from: "Tom62"
Quote from: "MommaSquid"Why do men curse?

I curse when I'm frustrated about something or when I'm really, really angry about something. My PC at home has become truly evil now after receiving so many of my curses :evil: . The funny thing is that curses are something that you pickup very early, when you are learning a new language. My repertoire of english, dutch, french and german curses is now quite extensive :wink: . Some foreign curses are works of "beauty" when you translate them back in your mother-tongue (like "Oh, bordel, putain de merde" or "Krijg de vliegende kankertering"). It is also interesting to notice the cultural differences. For example the Dutch don't have any curses which address human excrements or sexual intercourse, so they think it is quite normal to use words like "sh#t" and "fu#k in public.

I didn't know that about the Dutch. Damn I like the Dutch more and more all the time!
Post by: doubter5 on March 15, 2007, 03:33:09 PM
Sorry to hear about your situation... You can read about others who have have stories to tell much like yours..

Check 'em out at:
http://www.positiveatheism.org/mail/eml8361.htm (http://www.positiveatheism.org/mail/eml8361.htm)
and: http://www.abarnett.demon.co.uk/atheism/why_become.html (http://www.abarnett.demon.co.uk/atheism/why_become.html)

Also check out my Atheism 101 vids at my site: http://www.digitalfreethought.com (http://www.digitalfreethought.com)
(see the VidLinks Button on the right)
They might give you more help in your defense of Atheism.

Hang in there!
Post by: Big Mac on March 18, 2007, 04:22:56 AM
I curse because it's funny and people go "Oh my, I'm telling your parole officer" and I'm like "Yeah, whatever, you're gay, bitch." And I use my ninja-pirate powers to act all mature but I really have a large penis. Would you like to see?

Sorry, haven't been on in a while.

Welcome aboard. I used to receive all kinds of death threats from people. It's best to report them.
Post by: MattC on March 20, 2007, 06:44:36 AM
Welcome Julsgirl17 and hello to everyone!  Juls, you've willingly become a member of a minority--but it's a huge, happy, intelligent, moral, and supportive minority.  The internet is a great place to find friends and learn, but don't give up yet on your local peers!  Let us know how things are going, and I look forward to reading your posts.

Oh, I just noticed that I'm jumping in a week late on this.  Oh well!
Post by: Scrybe on March 22, 2007, 07:58:26 PM
That is a crazy story!  Where I went to high school you would have been the most popular.  Us Christian kids were the ones getting picked on and insulted.  (But never threats of violence!)  I suppose living in Seattle I see a very different dominant culture.  I lived in Oklahoma for a couple of months, and couldn't stand it.  

But anyway, yeah, what those guys said…. Ignore the idiots.  (Except report the threats.)  Don't worry about popularity.  Once you reach college a good percentage of the morons will have been weeded out.  I'm sorry you are going through this harassment.