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Getting To Know You => Laid Back Lounge => Topic started by: Whitney on January 14, 2007, 07:42:50 PM

Title: Anyone else stuck at home due to the weather?
Post by: Whitney on January 14, 2007, 07:42:50 PM
We've been getting freezing rain/sleet almost non-stop; sometimes falling very hard since friday morning.  For the past hour of more a neighbor has been trying to get what sounds like a truck out of the parking lot...it sounds like he finally got it out.  Fortunately, the power is still up here although some parts of the state have had outages.....yet my cable went out around noon and I doubt it will be back up anytime soon (I should be doing school work anyway).

So ya, I'm pretty much stuck at home and not sure if my car can even be moved easily; at least tomorrow is a holiday....if the power does go out (there doesn't appear to be too much ice clinging to trees here so I think it won't go out) we have a gas stove which does a decent job of heating the apartment.

This winter has been the first time in school history to be shut down on account of the weather....they closed down for two days the last time it snowed here and closed at noon friday due to expected poor driving conditions...I guess they finally figured out that a lot of people have to drive long distances to get to campus (many professors live in Tulsa which is about an hour away....I live on the edge of town which isn't so bad yet there are a lot of crazy driver here who I don't like to be on icy roads with)

How's everyone else doing? :)
Post by: donkeyhoty on January 14, 2007, 08:41:47 PM
hahahah, southerners and snow/ice, I remember how funny that was.

Just rain here, evidently it sucks to be you.
Post by: joeactor on January 14, 2007, 10:13:06 PM
yeppers... nasty here too.  Won't even make it into the sixties today, and I think I even see a cloud...

Yeah, that's "bad" for where I'm at!

//paid my dues growing up in the midwest snow...
Post by: McQ on January 14, 2007, 10:22:49 PM
Just cloudy and a little drizzly here. Temperatures have been mild. I just saw on the Weather Channel that you guys in Oklahoma were getting hammered. Hang in there!
Post by: ImpaledSkier on January 15, 2007, 04:03:42 AM
Just helped drive a 15 passenger van pulling a trailer full of skis and bags from Houghton MI, to St. Paul, MN through a blizzard. I got the Houghton snow and by buddy got the St. Paul snow. It was good times. Our ski curcuit has been in a bit of a rut this year, we are getting no snow for our meets except on the drives to and from the hills.

Ice is a bitch though, good luck with that.
Post by: Faylen on January 15, 2007, 12:56:43 PM
I feel bad for you guys.  Out here in NJ, we really don't get too many extremes of weather.  If we get snowed in, it's only for a few hours, maybe a day, and it's the kind of snow that everyone else would laugh at.  (We're just never prepared for two whole feet, dontchaknow.)
Post by: ryanvc76 on January 15, 2007, 04:01:02 PM
I WISH we had some snow.  This is the warmest winter I've ever seen over here in Europe.  The highest slopes in the Swiss Alps barely have enough to keep the lifts going and most of the lower places are still closed.  They should be at peak season right now!  We went snowboarding in Engelberg, Switzerland yesterday and there was barely a foot of snow at 10,000 feet, on top of a glacier!
Post by: MommaSquid on January 15, 2007, 06:32:14 PM
Snow Mizer must have his brother tied up and stuffed in the closet.  Phoenix is frozen!


Of course it only lasts a few days around here; then it's back to sunny weather.  I shoveled enough snow when I lived in PA and I don't miss it one little bit.  

Good luck to those of you having real weather woes.
Post by: Whitney on January 15, 2007, 07:06:13 PM
I didn't know it ever got that cold in Pheonix....I have family in Tuscon and they can go swimming in the winter...yet, Pheonix is a lot farther north.
Post by: Tom62 on January 16, 2007, 10:04:32 AM
Sat this weekend on a terrace in the sun, enjoying my beer and great (portugese) food. Like Ryonvc76 already said before, it is warm in Europe, especialy in the South. It is a bit colder now that I'm back in Germany, but it is still 10 degrees (Celsius) warmer than it should have been for this time of the year.
Post by: MommaSquid on January 16, 2007, 05:10:24 PM
Quote from: "laetusatheos"I didn't know it ever got that cold in Pheonix....I have family in Tuscon and they can go swimming in the winter...yet, Pheonix is a lot farther north.

The low temp yesterday morning was 20 deg. F. (Brrrr!)  Near record low temps for this time of year.  Today, a mere 24 hours later, the temps are 25 degrees warmer.   I had the heat on yesterday and should be able to open the windows today.  Go figure.
Post by: Squid on January 19, 2007, 02:32:17 AM
Classes were cancelled yesterday here due to the weather.  I didn't know this until I found an empty parking lot.  I would have been late though, so it worked out I suppose.
Post by: Tom62 on January 19, 2007, 01:40:29 PM
It is still warm for this time of the year, but yesterday we had one of the worst weather storms in westeuropean history.
Post by: ryanvc76 on January 19, 2007, 05:42:02 PM
Quote from: "Tom62"It is still warm for this time of the year, but yesterday we had one of the worst weather storms in westeuropean history.

No joke! We had hurricane force winds for hours on end!  They actually put a halt on the entire German rail system - the first time since WWII.  Where the hell is the snow??!!
Post by: McQ on January 19, 2007, 07:41:08 PM
Repent, you sinners! It is the "END TIMES"! That is why this weather is the way it is, don't you know?

Sadly, there are people, and I know a few, who believe this is true.

Sorry for all the crappy weather you guys are getting hammered with. If you want relief, come to Pennsylvania. Everything has missed us. We're having very nice weather.
Post by: Whitney on January 20, 2007, 03:44:49 AM
Quote from: "ryanvc76"
Quote from: "Tom62"It is still warm for this time of the year, but yesterday we had one of the worst weather storms in westeuropean history.

No joke! We had hurricane force winds for hours on end!  They actually put a halt on the entire German rail system - the first time since WWII.  Where the hell is the snow??!!

I saw video of that on the news....people were having to run into the wind in order to move at the same speed as walking.
Post by: Tom62 on January 22, 2007, 08:52:15 AM
[quote="ryanvc76]No joke! We had hurricane force winds for hours on end!  They actually put a halt on the entire German rail system - the first time since WWII.  Where the hell is the snow??!![/quote]

They've announced snow for tomorrow.
Post by: User192021 on February 15, 2007, 02:57:09 AM
I live in Buffalo, NY.  That should answer your question.