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Getting To Know You => Laid Back Lounge => Topic started by: quizlixx on April 28, 2009, 06:13:41 AM

Title: Watchmen
Post by: quizlixx on April 28, 2009, 06:13:41 AM
I just finished reading "watchmen" about 3 minutes ago. I can't express with words how amazing this book is. I am still in awe.  all i can say is that if you haven't read it, you must go and buy it now.
Title: Re: Watchmen
Post by: karadan on April 28, 2009, 08:54:03 AM
I bought the book after seeing the film. Loved the film. Absolutely loving the book.
Title: Re: Watchmen
Post by: joeactor on April 28, 2009, 02:34:52 PM
I've seen the move, and have the book... haven't read it just yet, but I intend to (in my dubious "free" time ;-)
Title: Re: Watchmen
Post by: Will on April 28, 2009, 05:37:35 PM
IMHO the graphic novel is a lot better than the movie, even though the movie does a very good job of being true to the source material. Here's a recording of Alan Moore, the author, reading the journal of Rorschach (spoilers):
Title: Re: Watchmen
Post by: Kylyssa on April 28, 2009, 06:11:50 PM
I love the graphic novel and I can't wait to watch the movie.  It'll have to wait until later though, due to budgetary concerns and my voluntary quarantine.  I want to see Star Trek, too, big time.
Title: Re: Watchmen
Post by: Steve Reason on April 28, 2009, 06:34:02 PM
I haven't read the GN, but I loved the movie. I've seen it 3 times so far. I hope it makes it to the dollar theatre.  :D
Title: Re: Watchmen
Post by: jrosebud on April 28, 2009, 10:16:16 PM
this is one of those rare occasions where i read the book before movie buzz hit.  was *really* excited when i found out that i would get to see nite owl in the flesh.  (and flesh we did see.   :D )

deconstruction of the hero at its finest.
Title: Re: Watchmen
Post by: Sophus on April 29, 2009, 12:17:02 AM
I've been meaning to see this. I don't suppose it's still in theaters is it?
Title: Re: Watchmen
Post by: Hat on April 29, 2009, 10:37:59 AM
I read the Graphic Novel the day before seeing the movie. Loved them both. I was a bit sad that we didn't get to see Rorscacah jumping out of a fridge in the movie, though x) I really wish I could go see it again, but they took it out of the thatres 2 days after I'd seen it.  A lot of people took their kids to see this movie, and left when the sex scene started so they probably whined about it being 'misleading' and got it taken off.

I had to giggle though, you'd think the big 16+ Rating at the start would give them a clue that it wasn't for kids.
Title: Re: Watchmen
Post by: karadan on April 30, 2009, 01:12:28 PM
Quote from: "Hat"I read the Graphic Novel the day before seeing the movie. Loved them both. I was a bit sad that we didn't get to see Rorscacah jumping out of a fridge in the movie, though x) I really wish I could go see it again, but they took it out of the thatres 2 days after I'd seen it.  A lot of people took their kids to see this movie, and left when the sex scene started so they probably whined about it being 'misleading' and got it taken off.

I had to giggle though, you'd think the big 16+ Rating at the start would give them a clue that it wasn't for kids.

Stuff like that annoys me greatly. Why the hell would someone take their kids to see a film like that? In my opinion, the age restrictions in the US for films aren't clear enough. The same goes for games. I've been on XBOX live before, playing very violent games only to hear a 7 year old kid skawking in my ear. Where are their parents? Why are they letting them play GTA online? It's pretty frightening to think that adult players are swearing their heads off at these children (and it does happen, a lot) whilst they use chainsaws to dismember people... That kind of crap would have traumatised me at 7 years old. Kids shouldn't be losing their innocence until their early teens.
Title: Re: Watchmen
Post by: quizlixx on May 06, 2009, 10:47:31 PM
Quote from: "karadan"
Quote from: "Hat"I read the Graphic Novel the day before seeing the movie. Loved them both. I was a bit sad that we didn't get to see Rorscacah jumping out of a fridge in the movie, though x) I really wish I could go see it again, but they took it out of the thatres 2 days after I'd seen it.  A lot of people took their kids to see this movie, and left when the sex scene started so they probably whined about it being 'misleading' and got it taken off.

I had to giggle though, you'd think the big 16+ Rating at the start would give them a clue that it wasn't for kids.

Stuff like that annoys me greatly. Why the hell would someone take their kids to see a film like that? In my opinion, the age restrictions in the US for films aren't clear enough. The same goes for games. I've been on XBOX live before, playing very violent games only to hear a 7 year old kid skawking in my ear. Where are their parents? Why are they letting them play GTA online? It's pretty frightening to think that adult players are swearing their heads off at these children (and it does happen, a lot) whilst they use chainsaws to dismember people... That kind of crap would have traumatised me at 7 years old. Kids shouldn't be losing their innocence until their early teens.
speaking from the mid-teen point of view. "my" generation has been almost completely desensitized to violence and sex, we were exposed to a wide variety of this content at such an early age. Todays media is turning into something far more primal than people realize, sex and violence are the main things the media uses to attract attention, then they just add more of it to KEEP peoples attention (attention span of a squirrel)
it's rather depressing.
Title: Re: Watchmen
Post by: ACSlater on May 07, 2009, 10:04:57 PM
Quote from: "Kylyssa"I want to see Star Trek, too, big time.

I couldn't agree more! I've been excited about this coming out and I'm not even a big Star Trek fan  :hail: