Happy Atheist Forum

Getting To Know You => Introductions => Topic started by: ahmewife on December 07, 2006, 06:39:56 PM

Title: Hello, Hallo and Guten Tag!
Post by: ahmewife on December 07, 2006, 06:39:56 PM
Hello!  I'm new around here.  I was surfing around for a place to hang my hat that I am "allowed" to be a non-Christian, non-Muslim, non-Buddhist, non-Wiccan, non-anythingelse-ian an still be "allowed" to be a good, honest, upright member of society and stumbled on you guys.  Yeah... it's been one of those weeks that it's hard to not be a Christian.   :lol:

Anyway... thanks for letting me "in".
Title: Re: Hello, Hallo and Guten Tag!
Post by: McQ on December 07, 2006, 09:00:22 PM
Quote from: "ahmewife"Hello!  I'm new around here.  I was surfing around for a place to hang my hat that I am "allowed" to be a non-Christian, non-Muslim, non-Buddhist, non-Wiccan, non-anythingelse-ian an still be "allowed" to be a good, honest, upright member of society and stumbled on you guys.  Yeah... it's been one of those weeks that it's hard to not be a Christian.   :lol:

Anyway... thanks for letting me "in".

Welcome, ahmewife! Come on in, rest, relax, and grab a drink. This is one of the few places where you can be yourself and not get stoned for it. (No not that kind of stoned, the other kind!)
Post by: Whitney on December 07, 2006, 11:06:40 PM
Hi ahmewife, welcome to the forum :)
Title: Re: Hello, Hallo and Guten Tag!
Post by: ahmewife on December 08, 2006, 04:12:29 AM
Quote from: "McQ"This is one of the few places where you can be yourself and not get stoned for it. (No not that kind of stoned, the other kind!)

Well THAT'S good to know!  LOL

Thanks for the welcome!