Happy Atheist Forum

Religion => Religion => Topic started by: Whitney on January 05, 2009, 02:52:38 AM

Title: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Whitney on January 05, 2009, 02:52:38 AM
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 8234002661 (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1839369108234002661)

I guess Maher released it to the net because I've heard it is on you tube too.
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: curiosityandthecat on January 05, 2009, 02:58:40 AM
Looks like tomorrow's a movie day!

 :D  :D  :D  :D
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: curiosityandthecat on January 05, 2009, 01:26:31 PM
Incidentally, here's the YouTube playlist (http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=CF6818481C3F1EDA).

Edit: Nevermind. Half the videos have country restrictions and Lion's Gate has removed a couple others. Lame.
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Arthur Dent on January 05, 2009, 10:49:40 PM
the guy at 45 minutes or so is HILARIOUS. hahahahaha.
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: seasonsofmadness on January 06, 2009, 07:23:43 AM
I just finished watching it.  Can't say that I learned anything I didn't already know, but it was interesting to see how ignorant so many religious people are, with the logic of "well you just can't question God." Especially the senator, with "You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate though."
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: dr.zalost on January 06, 2009, 08:38:09 PM
I got about half way through it when a message popped up saying the vid in question was no longer available.
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Ninteen45 on January 07, 2009, 04:02:37 AM
Bwa ha ha!

QuoteYou need a holy ghost enema, right up your rear end!
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: G.ENIGMA on March 17, 2009, 01:16:38 AM
Quote from: "dr.zalost"I got about half way through it when a message popped up saying the vid in question was no longer available.

Enjoyed it immensely

You can view it here (http://tvshack.net/documentaries/Religulous) there is a pop up ad at the first click of the movie but no worries unless your a gambler and can't resist :pop:
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Maverick9092 on March 17, 2009, 05:15:25 AM
This movie is the atheist version of Expelled..

Also, isn't this piracy?
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: curiosityandthecat on March 17, 2009, 05:19:13 AM
Quote from: "Maverick9092"This movie is the atheist version of Expelled..
Which is what makes it worth watching! Not like Ben Stein's pseudo-scientific bag o' crap.

Quote from: "Maverick9092"Also, isn't this piracy?
No more than telling someone where to buy cigarettes is considered smoking.
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Maverick9092 on March 17, 2009, 05:27:43 AM
Quote from: "curiosityandthecat"
Quote from: "Maverick9092"This movie is the atheist version of Expelled..
Which is what makes it worth watching! Not like Ben Stein's pseudo-scientific bag o' crap.

Quote from: "Maverick9092"Also, isn't this piracy?
No more than telling someone where to buy cigarettes is considered smoking.

I'm asking if it's ethical to do so, not necessarily the legality of it.  This is a free-thinking forum.. is it ethical to post where to watch a copyrighted video?
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Ihateyoumike on March 17, 2009, 07:17:53 AM
Quote from: "Maverick9092"I'm asking if it's ethical to do so, not necessarily the legality of it.  This is a free-thinking forum.. is it ethical to post where to watch a copyrighted video?


In the meantime, I can watch the copy I have downloaded on my computer if I don't wanna watch the stream online.

jesus would pirate.  :banna:
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Enoch Root on March 17, 2009, 01:05:20 PM
While I agree with Maher's take on the subject and have no problem with a documentary pointing out the absurdities of organized religion, I really, really don't like the mechanic of sticking a person in front of a camera and then embarrassing them. I spent the whole time thinking Maher deserved a punch in the face. He, an experienced performer, points the camera at some Joe and Jane Average, mocks them, films them squirming under the spotlight, and then has final editing power over what parts of the interview are shown.

You want to do that to a major religious leader or authority figure, that's fine. That's what those priests or televangelists get paid the big bucks for, they're the spokespeople. But finding a bunch of truckers that are singing hymns on a Sunday morning and tearing them apart on camera is just not nice. I think he could have done a far better job making his argument by being more fair.  There's plenty of scholars out there that have studied religious doctrine for decades, but he feels more at ease interviewing trailer trash.
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Hitsumei on March 17, 2009, 03:00:14 PM
I don't like Maher either. I think that it isn't very smart, clever, or funny, and he is just a mocker. He doesn't make jokes, witty observations, or say anything clever, he just rolls his eyes, and mocks.

I can't stand his show either. I watch it occasionally to see guests that I like to keep track of their public appearances, and was particularly pleased when Christopher Hitchens was on his show, and said that his audience would laugh at anything, before flipping them off.
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Hitsumei on March 17, 2009, 03:05:38 PM
Quote from: "Ihateyoumike"jesus would pirate.  :banna:

That's because Jesus without question would be at least a hardlining socialist, and are most a full on communist.
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: curiosityandthecat on March 17, 2009, 03:09:35 PM
Quote from: "Hitsumei"I don't like Maher either. I think that it isn't very smart, clever, or funny, and he is just a mocker. He doesn't make jokes, witty observations, or say anything clever, he just rolls his eyes, and mocks.

I can't stand his show either. I watch it occasionally to see guests that I like to keep track of their public appearances, and was particularly pleased when Christopher Hitchens was on his show, and said that his audience would laugh at anything, before flipping them off.
I like Maher because it's lip service to my views. I'm pretty liberal, socially libertarian, and he just knows how to stroke that. When I want smart jokes, I watch Keith Olbermann and Rachael Maddow.  :D
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Hitsumei on March 17, 2009, 03:19:26 PM
Quote from: "curiosityandthecat"I like Maher because it's lip service to my views. I'm pretty liberal, socially libertarian, and he just knows how to stroke that. When I want smart jokes, I watch Keith Olbermann and Rachael Maddow.  :D

I've seen very little of either of them, actually, but what I did see, I liked. Olbermann was smart, well articulated, and knows how to put forward a lucid point, and Rachael Maddow is just dreamy. I've been hearing more and more of her lately, and then I saw her on the Daily Show, and was very very impressed. I've been meaning to check out her show. I think I will download a few episodes today.
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Lilbeth on March 17, 2009, 03:40:27 PM
I saw this in the movies and enjoyed it immensely. I love Maher and think he has alot of guts......At least something is being put out there to contradict things for many of the unthinking people out there......but hey, doesn't mean it will do anything...I know many refuse to see this.....and many hate Maher, and it doesn't matter, anyway...but he has alot of guts and is my kind of person......just like the silent, more dignified way of introducing logic gets a hooray from me, also.
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: G.ENIGMA on March 18, 2009, 10:50:39 PM
Quote from: "Maverick9092"This movie is the atheist version of Expelled..

Also, isn't this piracy?

I have no idea whether it is piracy :raised:) you would have to ask the question about piracy to the owner of the publicly available website.

In any case I hope you enjoyed watching it ;) .
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Ihateyoumike on March 18, 2009, 11:55:03 PM
One of the most ridiculous things in this movie, imo, is the short clip of Kirk Cameron where he is saying, "You have to learn how to go around the person's intellect." I would like to know what that clip is from so that I can see if it was out of context. My (and I'm sure alot of people's) assumption was that it is a clip from something where he is describing to christians his method of attempting to bring people into his religion. It seemed to be from a recruiting video for evangelism, and if that's the case, that's hilarious that he would be openly saying that you have to get past someone's intelligence to be able to get them to believe.

Anyway, I don't know why that just popped into my head. It just struck me as odd.
Title: Re: Religulous - watch it on google video
Post by: Enoch Root on March 19, 2009, 12:40:06 PM
Quote from: "Ihateyoumike"One of the most ridiculous things in this movie, imo, is the short clip of Kirk Cameron where he is saying, "You have to learn how to go around the person's intellect." I would like to know what that clip is from so that I can see if it was out of context. My (and I'm sure alot of people's) assumption was that it is a clip from something where he is describing to christians his method of attempting to bring people into his religion. It seemed to be from a recruiting video for evangelism, and if that's the case, that's hilarious that he would be openly saying that you have to get past someone's intelligence to be able to get them to believe.

It's pretty common in Christian circles to vilify human logic and reasoning.  They see it as the enemy of faith.  I have some experience on this; I've preached sermons about it.  And I've seen more than one Kirk Cameron evangelism video: he's very much into ignoring intellectual arguments and focusing on the "spiritual" (read: emotional) arguments.  That's generally how most evangelism works: you appeal to a person's emotions, their loneliness, their sense of inadequacy, or you tell them that they're missing something, they have a "God-shaped hole in their heart".  A "good" evangelist can whip up a crowd better than the most sweet-talking politician.  I'll admit that even when I was a die-hard Christian I was spooked a few times watching how a large crowd could be so obviously emotionally manipulated.  (Later on we would discuss how these conversions weren't true conversions, because they didn't last, but rather were emotional reactions.)

It's not that Christians hate all intellectual pursuits, it's that they consider human logic to be inherently faulty, and those who cling to it need to "let go and let God".  The gospel makes perfect sense to them and they consider it a very logical message.  In fact the book of Romans is a step-by-step logical explanation of the Christian gospel, and provided you make a few prior assumptions (assumptions which I've come to reject), it sort of makes sense.  Or at least it's consistent with itself.  But the moment you start seriously questioning many of the assumptions made in the bible--that God exists, that he loves us, that we are born sinful, that it was perfect and just for God to wipe out whole civilizations along with their children--you're relying on human reasoning.  Human reasoning is faulty because humans are faulty, and you have to let go of your logic, because "God's ways are higher than our ways", and we can't see the whole picture, and so and and so forth.