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Getting To Know You => Laid Back Lounge => Topic started by: afreethinker30 on August 09, 2008, 11:48:01 PM

Title: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: afreethinker30 on August 09, 2008, 11:48:01 PM
Let's pretend you are the one calling the shots for the planet Earth..What would be some things you would do?

For me
1.Rid the world of all religion.
2.Rid the world of all money. We could go back to bartering for goods and services.
3.All utilites like electric,gas,phone,net etc.. would be free.Of course for gas for cars and such I would order more people to get to work on different fuel types.
4.Everyone would be offered a job or have the chance to work.
5.Pot would be legal...it's natural and can be used in good ways.
6.Healthcare for all.
7.Anyone that is found guilty of murder/rape/anything that harms fellow humans would be put on an island to live out their days.
8.Birth control edu. would be in all schools.
9.Cancel American Gladiators!
10.Those that help each other police,firefighters etc would be put on a counsel of sorts on setting laws/rules.
11.Stem cell research would be lifted from ban.
12.Science classes would teach and offer more advanced classes.Along with math,the arts,language and so on.Physical sports would be still in school but children would have to keep a certain grade average.
13.Homeless would be given apartments and jobs.Those with children would get into the apartments and jobs first.But housing would be built for all.
14.Two child limit.And the would be parents would have to take a course in child rearing and have a background check.

I can think of a ton more.But those are the ones that first come to mind.I'm sure everyone has different things they would do and probley don't agree with what I would.But that's the fun of it to see where people differ.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: quizlixx on August 10, 2008, 12:04:51 AM
1. free day
2. i would buy a gibson sg 61' (authentic not reissue)
3. i would give my dogs houses
4. unlimited supply of tiger butter (if you don't know what it is, google)
5. send some freaking help to africa
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: Will on August 10, 2008, 12:10:53 AM
1) President Bush and President Ahmadinejad must announce their resignation and appear on "Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader?" indefinitely.
2) Destroy ALL nuclear weapons by shooting them into the sun, then burn all research on how to enrich uranium beyond what's necessary for nuclear power and forbid the information from ever being discussed.
3) All congregants of Wesbro Baptist Church will be institutionalized.
4) Israel will be required to establish equal representation for Palestinians in the Israeli government.
5) I would establish an international bill of rights which would be a carbon copy of the US BOR.

I'll add more when the benadryl wears off.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: leftyguitarjoe on August 10, 2008, 02:54:17 AM
1. Decree church and state 100% separate. I would not force people to give up their beliefs.
2. Pour funding into science, technology, space exploration, ect.. and education on those topics bacause they matter more than other fields.
3. Buy a guitar or two :devil:
4. I'd have schools teach children to follow their own beliefs, not their parents'
5. While I'm at it, they'd be taught free thinking in general.
6. We would not invest money in teaching kinds who wouldn't do anything useful. I know thats kinda harsh sounding, but even my super smart society needs pizza delivery boys.
7. One language.
9. MARS COLONY (these two kinda go hand in hand with my #2)
10. Give everyone hybrid of fully electric vehicles and use take their old cars and recycle them. (Farmers, truck drivers, and such who need internal combustion power will be exempt from this)
11. Get rid of all oil and coal power production ASAP. Solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and nuclear will easily power is.
12. Bulldoze the Westboro Baptist Church because I really dont like them
13. Utterly wipe out scientology.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: quizlixx on August 10, 2008, 02:58:39 AM
[quote=  I'm talking a handmade Moser Bastard V  :D
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: leftyguitarjoe on August 10, 2008, 03:08:03 AM
Quote from: "deadhead"
Quote from:   I'm talking a handmade Moser Bastard V  :D[/quotewell, it IS the most amazing guitar on the planet.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: afreethinker30 on August 10, 2008, 03:25:17 AM
Quote from: "Willravel"1) President Bush and President Ahmadinejad must announce their resignation and appear on "Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader?" indefinitely.

3) All congregants of Wesbro Baptist Church will be institutionalized.

I'll add more when the benadryl wears off.

1) Genius     :)

3) Either that or put hidden cameras in their homes,follow them and mess with them.I think it would be great entertainment.

Benadryl no good.Flonase easy to take with you,quick and works very well.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: quizlixx on August 10, 2008, 04:18:41 AM
Quote from: "afreethinker30"
Quote from: "Willravel"1) President Bush and President Ahmadinejad must announce their resignation and appear on "Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader?" indefinitely.

3) All congregants of Wesbro Baptist Church will be institutionalized.

I'll add more when the benadryl wears off.

1) Genius     :)

3) Either that or put hidden cameras in their homes,follow them and mess with them.I think it would be great entertainment.

Benadryl no good.Flonase easy to take with you,quick and works very well.

This friday on FOX, you know em you love em, here are the presidential pals, with your host cooooonnnnnnndi rice!
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: rlrose328 on August 10, 2008, 05:05:26 AM
I have no list to add... I could never be the Supreme Ruler of the Earth.  My husband would LOVE the job, though.

I love the lists that are here, though.  Wildly entertaining and I agree with ALMOST all of them.  :-)
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: Asmodean on August 10, 2008, 08:44:09 AM
Asmodean II, The Almighty... Hmm... What would he do..? Ok... Let's see...

1. Use an eraser on the state of Israel. Seriously, the region will be far better off without.

2. Enforce a one child rule for at least two generations all over the world so that when the population got below 3 billion, all could live comfortable lives.

3. Dump HUGE amounts of money into genetics, robotics and space research.

4. Build myself a big palace with golden toilets.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: shedaytrips on August 10, 2008, 10:26:53 AM
1. Develop a cure for AIDS, Cancer, and all diseases.
2. Torture all people that harm children.
3. Rid the world of ALL drugs.
4. Free the world of mental illness.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: Asmodean on August 10, 2008, 10:54:24 AM
Quote from: "shedaytrips"3. Rid the world of ALL drugs.
You are refering to illegal narcotics, right? Because I, for one, don't want a world without pain killers  :unsure:
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: MariaEvri on August 10, 2008, 01:10:30 PM
1. I would ban all religions
2. I would try and stop poverty and wars
3. I would sponsor scientists to try and make environmentally friendly technology
4. I would pass a law against having many children
5. I would promote farming and agriculture living

thatsall i can come up for now
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: Tom62 on August 10, 2008, 05:03:49 PM
This thread is really cool.

My list:

1. reduce all military spending by 90%. The remaining 10% should go to a space shield that protect us from mischievous aliens and killer meteors.
2. eliminate the leaders of all totalitarian regimes, Israel and Saudi Arabia included.
3. hand George W. Bush and Tony Blair over to the international court of Justice in the Hague for their war crimes.
4. destroy all nuclear weapons, except those which are needed for the first item on my list.
5. remove all religious influences from public life and ban all organized religions. People will still be allowed to practice their believes at home, but nowhere else.
6. Invest more money in education, space exploration and nuclear fusion technology.
7. setup a world wide health and pension plan.
8. remove all trade subsidies.
9. teach all African nations how to deal with their own problems and help them to get their acts together.
10. only people who'll pass an intelligent test will be allowed to vote.
11. forbid the use of chemical additives in food.
12. forbid the manufacture and use of energy inefficient products and those that harm the environment.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: leftyguitarjoe on August 10, 2008, 05:58:10 PM
Quote from: "Tom62"9. teach all African nations how to deal with their own problems and help them to get their acts together.

 roflol  :hail:
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: Will on August 10, 2008, 07:42:53 PM
Alright, off benadryl now.

I think the main ideas behind change would be ending war and poverty, and providing direction for the species.

To the first end, I'd destroy all nuclear weapons, as I said above. There is no reason to have nuclear weapons at all. I'd also likely fire all soldiers and have job training in place so that they could find decent work. I'd provide a very comprehensive organization of psychologists who can help deprogram the propaganda and brainwashing soldiers get (killing is okay, patriotism matters, etc.). Not only that, but I'd stop worldwide production on ammunition. All of it. The most dangerous weapon on the planet should be antique swords. When one removes the tools of war, mass killing becomes impossible.

So far as starvation and poverty, this is simple: end competition. This probably sounds crazy, but the reality is that free market systems mean that there is competition and in competition there are winners and losers. The losers starve to death, and I won't have that. I will have incentives for contribution, but they will never come at the cost of someone suffering or wanting basic necessities of life. I'd also like to regulate food production on an international level. Too often short sightedness and being secretive means massive mistakes. In the real world, we may see all banana production stop because we bred a species that was less likely to fight off infection and pests because it could be shipped more easily. Not only that, but Monsanto food was breeding genetically modified crops (soy, I believe) in Canada a few years ago, and the pollen managed to spread to many other farms and most of the soy we now eat (from North America) has untested genetic modifications. This kind of thing can't happen, which means global regulations and oversight.

Humanity lacks direction. What I'd like to do is have an international dialogue with people who might have ideas about where we can go next and what we can do next. Clearly this starts with better education (which teaches about religion, but doesn't teach religion). It also means media that promotes thought instead of stifling it. News and educational media would get a check from government to pay their bills and not from advertising, which would under my administration end corporate biases and rating-centric programming. Personally, I'd like to see several directions:
1) We need to become masters of genetics. We may have a map of the human genome, but that's really just opening the door to the world of genetics. Imagine curing every genetic disease and ensuring that no one is ever afflicted with Down Syndrome or Cystic fibrosis again. Not only that, but imagine removing genetic predispositions to alcoholism or homicide. We could even create other sentient species.
2) Space exploration is something I feel very strongly about. We've been to the moon and we have a remote controlled car on Mars. Not good enough. I'd like to have several space elevators constructed which can resupply space-faring vessels. It's time for real interplanetary exploration. My goal would be to have a man or woman on Europa by 2060, and have vessels as far as Pluto by 2150. I'd even like to start to terraform Mars (if we concluded there was no life there).
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: Asmodean on August 10, 2008, 07:47:24 PM
Quote from: "Willravel"The most dangerous weapon on the planet should be antique swords. When one removes the tools of war, mass killing becomes impossible.
Needs the pneumatic guns for slaughtering cattle, or are we doing it with the antique swords?
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: Tom62 on August 10, 2008, 09:00:28 PM
Quote from: "Willravel"So far as starvation and poverty, this is simple: end competition. This probably sounds crazy, but the reality is that free market systems mean that there is competition and in competition there are winners and losers. The losers starve to death, and I won't have that. I will have incentives for contribution, but they will never come at the cost of someone suffering or wanting basic necessities of life. I'd also like to regulate food production on an international level. Too often short sightedness and being secretive means massive mistakes. In the real world, we may see all banana production stop because we bred a species that was less likely to fight off infection and pests because it could be shipped more easily. Not only that, but Monsanto food was breeding genetically modified crops (soy, I believe) in Canada a few years ago, and the pollen managed to spread to many other farms and most of the soy we now eat (from North America) has untested genetic modifications. This kind of thing can't happen, which means global regulations and oversight.

A free market means for me that anyone should be able to participate in it and profit from it. The idea behind it is not so bad as long as people can really participate in it in a fair way, which is unfortunately not the case today. What is happening now is that the market of essential products are getting in the hands of a small group of companies. What you then get is exactly  what you've described. I'm in favor of a regulated free market system, were the well-being of all people is of the top of the list and were anyone that participates in it (from the factory worker in Indonesia to the people who sell the product) get's their fair share.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: leftyguitarjoe on August 10, 2008, 11:14:54 PM
Quote from: "Asmodean"
Quote from: "shedaytrips"3. Rid the world of ALL drugs.
You are refering to illegal narcotics, right? Because I, for one, don't want a world without pain killers  :unsure:
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: LARA on August 10, 2008, 11:54:50 PM
1. Complete multilateral nuclear disarmament.

2. Install a panel of linguists to create a universal language that pulls the simplest and most logical terms from each language and derives characters from each of the worlds languages, both living and dead, as well as remove any logical inconsistencies such as 'c' sounding like 's' or 'k'.  Additionally it would eliminate homonyms and homophones because puns and my tendency to unintentionally create them completely annoys the shit out of me.

3. Fast track a solar hydrogen energy economy plan after a feasibility study involving the most effective use of after burner or other technology for the recapture of hydrogen gas that may be lost during the electrolytic process or sometime thereafter.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: Asmodean on August 11, 2008, 12:02:30 AM
Quote from: "leftyguitarjoe"but..... uh....

a little weed never hut anybody :unsure:
If you produce weed for your own consumption and only use it yourself, that's ok enough in my book, but if you buy it from dealers or even get it from a friend with a garden, then you are supporting illegal narcotics manufacturing and distribution and that is not ok by me.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: Will on August 11, 2008, 12:02:43 AM
Quote from: "Asmodean"Needs the pneumatic guns for slaughtering cattle, or are we doing it with the antique swords?
Pneumatic guns are infamous for missing and causing the animal to suffer for minutes as it bleeds to death. I can't support inhumane methods of slaughtering animals, so I'd suggest that the best way to slaughter animals is likely hypoxia as it's not painful and the animal passes into unconsciousness painlessly before suffocating.
Quote from: "Tom62"A free market means for me that anyone should be able to participate in it and profit from it. The idea behind it is not so bad as long as people can really participate in it in a fair way, which is unfortunately not the case today. What is happening now is that the market of essential products are getting in the hands of a small group of companies. What you then get is exactly what you've described. I'm in favor of a regulated free market system, were the well-being of all people is of the top of the list and were anyone that participates in it (from the factory worker in Indonesia to the people who sell the product) get's their fair share.
Free market ends in one of three places: heavy governmental intervention, monopolies, or revolution. They're great in the short term, but generally aren't sustainable without interference. The most important problem, though, is what happens to those who don't have the means to pursue a decent living. In order for there to be great wealth like there is in the US, there must be poverty elsewhere. Look no further than the wages of China, Central America, and where we get a lot of our goods, and you'll see the true price of economic stability and prosperity.

If I were left in charge of the human race, I couldn't sleep knowing people were starving and dying while those they served (by extension) were living lavishly. I believe too strongly in equality to allow real market freedom.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: quizlixx on August 11, 2008, 02:46:08 AM
Quote from: "leftyguitarjoe"
Quote from: "Asmodean"
Quote from: "shedaytrips"3. Rid the world of ALL drugs.
You are refering to illegal narcotics, right? Because I, for one, don't want a world without pain killers  :unsure:
HA :D  :D
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: quizlixx on August 11, 2008, 02:47:40 AM
i don't like this "rid the world of religion" business. you shouldn't force people to go without religion, educate them on the shortcomings and lies of it. the romans tried to force it out, see how that worked.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: shedaytrips on August 11, 2008, 08:47:07 AM
Quote from: "leftyguitarjoe"
Quote from: "Asmodean"
Quote from: "shedaytrips"3. Rid the world of ALL drugs.
You are refering to illegal narcotics, right? Because I, for one, don't want a world without pain killers  :unsure:
Ah, but that's not true.Weed does kill brain cells. Even in moderation.

yes I would destroy all illegal drugs and place stricter rules for prescribing legal narcotics.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: afreethinker30 on August 11, 2008, 03:13:38 PM
Quotebut..... uh....

Quotea little weed never hut anybody :unsure:
Ah, but that's not true.Weed does kill brain cells. Even in moderation.

yes I would destroy all illegal drugs and place stricter rules for prescribing legal narcotics.

But for those with terminal illness it should be made an option.It's a great help for those with cancer especially for people taking chemo.Even with the new medications to help with stomach problems they still aren't that great.For alot of people with cancer marijuana helps with sleeplessness,hunger,upset stomach and depression.

As for ridding the world of religion..I think it would be better done in stages.To many people kill each other over religion.And it seperates people.

I wonder what would be good to do with those people in groups like the KKK??
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: Faithless on August 12, 2008, 01:04:59 AM
This is fun.  Some great ideas.

1.  Take ID out of the classroom.
2.  Completely separate church from state.
3.  Make anyone wishing to have children take and PASS an approved child rearing course.  (There are too many idiots out there who should never be allowed to reproduce.)
4.  Open up stem cell research.
5.  Legalize marijuana.
6.  Put real science back in the classroom.  And real science teachers, not the gym teacher filling an extra hour.
Title: Re: Supreme Ruler of Earth?What would you do?
Post by: LARA on August 12, 2008, 04:46:10 PM
Oh I forgot one.

4. Create a frozen repository of all the worlds species gametes, or the species themselves when practical, for future study and possible reinstatement in case of extinction as well as a complete digital catalogue of the DNA sequences of all said species, complete as possible, compressed mathematically with tidy algorithms so that it could fit on a handy compact storage device.