Happy Atheist Forum

Religion => Religion => Topic started by: leftyguitarjoe on June 26, 2008, 11:14:20 PM

Title: My first anti-religion blog
Post by: leftyguitarjoe on June 26, 2008, 11:14:20 PM
I wrote this in april. It was my first blog of this type, and I want to know what you all think about it.
Ive come a ways since then, and I am outlining a more organized, more potent rant. This one was just a spur-the-moment kinda deal :P


So what are you? Catholic? Protestant? Muslim? Hindu? Buddhist? You absolutely love your little religion, eh?

It just has a ring to it.

Re - lig - ion

more like:

Re - tar - ded

What you DON'T need to be doing, is squandering away your life because some old guy behind a podium tells you to. All organized religion is an attempted coup d'état of God's word for their own personal gain. They corral huge numbers of weak minded people, and hurl out "sermons" consisting of nothing but blasphemous slander. Organized religion is the world's most popular form of mind control. Who wouldn't in believe the awe inspiring man, wearing his elegant robes, clasping a Bible in his hands, praising God?

Here is something I bet you didn't know:
Jews, Christians, and Muslims ALL believe in the old testament and the exact same God. But why are some radical Muslims killing? Because some corrupt twat of a preacher told him to. Organized religion is responsible for BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of deaths throughout history. And you expect me to think its a GOOD thing!?!?!?!? A radical Christian and a radical Muslim are equally dangerous.

Catholics. Where do I start? You think the holocaust was bad, thats nothing compared to what the catholics did. Talk about ripping unborn babies from a mother's womb, and feeding it to pigs, all because the mother didn't wish to follow the catholic rules. During various inquisitions, millions were killed and tortured for not siding with the Pope.
And hows this:

Matthew 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

What does every Catholic call their preacher? My point exactly.
AND WHAT IS UP WITH MARY!!??!?!?!? She was the mother of Jesus. Not God. Get it right Mr. Benedict.

Many Catholics bow down and worship likenesses of Mary, Jesus, and such. Well:

20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Once again, the Catholics have NO idea what they're doing.

You probably expected me to go over radical Islam, didn't you? Only about 10% of Islamics are the radical type. 9/11 and the whole war in the middle east hasn't got ANYTHING on what radical Christians have done. Islamics are very good people, and just try to live their lives peacfully. What is not right, is how they seem compelled to pray 5 times a day, every day, and how they uphold barbaric medieval customs. Islamics, I assure you, God wont hate you if you take a fucking break.

Allright, I've used up enough of your time. Now get out there and have a good time, and SLEEP IN ON SUNDAY.

- Joe Carrere