Happy Atheist Forum

Getting To Know You => Laid Back Lounge => Topic started by: Happysmiley on June 25, 2008, 04:54:48 AM

Title: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Happysmiley on June 25, 2008, 04:54:48 AM
I'm planning on making a video about the discrimination towards atheist and then uploading it to youtube. Since I haven't been an atheist for long, I don't have many personal experiences with other people (other than the hateful morons on the Internet). Would anyone here be willing to share some stories of how people have treated you differently because of your beliefs that you would like to be in my video? I'm just sick of it being socially acceptable to pick on atheists, and I don't that many theists realize that.
A few examples:
-At a birthday party for one of my brother's friends, one of the kids was taken home early because his parents found out they would be watching a 'devil movie'. Meaning it was made by an atheist.
-Polls show how people have extremely low opinions on atheists.
-the video 'The Price of Atheism'
-And the Internet flaming spread by loving faithful Christians.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Asmodean on June 25, 2008, 06:25:46 AM
I don't really have any such stories, at least no stories that have not been told before by hundreds and thousands of others who experienced it.

Still, if you feel like it, do include us who were more or less atheists from birth. We neither forsook nor "back-stabbed" any deity, yet still we do get "How DARE you turn your back on God" thrown at us by every self-respecting fundie.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: weedoch on June 25, 2008, 07:30:26 AM
Quote from: "Asmodean"Still, if you feel like it, do include us who were more or less atheists from birth. We neither forsook nor "back-stabbed" any deity, yet still we do get "How DARE you turn your back on God" thrown at us by every self-respecting fundie.

That's me too. Don't forget the old 'I don't care what you have faith in, as long as you have faith in something' line, the assumption being you're less of a person without faith.
I think your film will probably be best concentrated on the USA as in Europe atheists just don't get abused or discriminated against - if anything that's more likely if you have a noticably strong faith.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: karadan on June 25, 2008, 10:27:41 AM
Unfortunately i do not have any stories of being discriminated against because i live in England. I guess it is quite cozy over here in that respect.

Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: LARA on June 25, 2008, 01:01:51 PM
Luckily I haven't experienced any outright discrimination because of my views, but I have a feeling what does go on is more of a subconcious or undercurrent sort of thing.  Say a person is in a job situation and they express their beliefs, or lack thereof, which happen to differ from the rest of the crew.  Noone fires them outright , they just find their work situation gets more and more intolerable until they quit.  Nothing can really be proven because the believers aren't really doing anything obvious, they are just pushing someone out subtley.  Or a company simply doesn't hire outside of it's church, uses Christian job networks or places ads requesting Christian candidates (I have seen these locally, so this is more open discrimination).  It's more like violating one of those silly unwritten social rules than being discriminated against openly.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Smallville on June 25, 2008, 01:24:44 PM
Discrimination? No. Syrupy, sloppy "pity", yes.

When I finally came around to explaining my belief, or lack thereof, I had the following reactions from family:
my daughter thought it was all right and understood from all the talking we had about faith;
my ex-wife was the worst, exclaiming that I would go to hell forever and that she was sorry she ever met me, (go figure, it was just another shot back at me in anger);
my ex-in-laws would pray for my soul (We've had about half a dozen words since then so that was fine by me. They were cordial.);
my brothers - one was okay with it (he's agnostic himself), the other, a hard-core uber-Conservative Republican, looks at it that this is just something else we won't talk about like politics;
my parents, that was the kicker - Dad was cool about it, said I always marched to the beat of that different drummer and let it go; Mom, fretted and worried until I convinced her that it was okay and that, by her beliefs, once she got to heaven she would be in the presence of God and have no knowledge of me. What she didn't know wouldn't sadden her. (The strange things that faith consoles.)

I lost a couple of friends, close friends, parting words there compared me to communists, sexual deviants, and other "low-lifes". They haven't spoken to me since. Their loss.

At work, a few don't speak to me anymore - just as well since their conversations are punctuated with "Praise God", "Praise Jesus", and the like. One lady, choir director at her church, asked me one time in hushed conversation that she heard I was an atheist. I told her yes. She said that while she could not agree with me it didn't seem to make me less of the good person she's always known. Guess that says something.

Other than that, the good woman I'm with now accepts me for who I am, not what I am. The friends and neighbors I have never fail to include me in gatherings or treat me any different. None try to "witness" to me.

It may not be a perfect world but it's one I can live with.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: susangail on June 25, 2008, 07:18:26 PM
My family members are conservative Christians. I was a hardcore, evangelical Christian until about 4 or 5 months ago. I told my dad (the most hardcore of my family) I was an atheist sometime in April. Sparks flew. A few of his comments were:

- "you're mind has somehow been poisoned."
- "Where do you get your morals from?" shortly followed by, "Hitler and Stalin made their own morals."
- "What's your reason for living?" interrupted before I could answer
- "I do not support it and I will not respect it."
- "This will not affect Henry," (he used third person), "Henry will continue to believe the Truth." *holds up Bible*
- lots more Bible waving
- etc. etc.

Me and him hardly talk anymore, and when we do, it's sort of pathetic small talk. He constantly makes "Christian comments" like "We'll just have to trust God" or "Praise God!" or "It's in His hands" esp around me. He didn't really talk like that before I told him. He doesn't think of me the same anymore. I can see it in his eyes sometimes. He looked near tears at my birthday last month (I still wonder what exactly triggered that). It really hurts me. It seems like I'm lesser of a person to him now.

It's hard around my house now. I disagree with everyone on just about every issue, which makes real conversations a bit difficult (I like deep discussions, which used to happen all the time in my house, always religion drenched.) I have to hold my tongue a lot which is really hard at times (like when my mom makes comments about things like gay marriage and such). My journal feels the heat later...

No real discrimination, but it's no picnic. I'm only 16.

Please post when the video is done. I'd love to see it!
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Asmodean on June 25, 2008, 09:32:46 PM
Quote from: "susangail"It really hurts me. It seems like I'm lesser of a person to him now.

You know, if it gets too bad, you can always try hiding behind a veil of cold arrogance. If you feel like you are a lesser person, try staring down your nose at people who you feel that towards. It's not the most valiant tactic out there and it certainly won't make other people respect you for what you are, but it might eventually help you not think yourself their inferior.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: susangail on June 25, 2008, 10:37:28 PM
Quote from: "Asmodean"You lnow, if it gets too bad, you can always try hiding behind a veil of cold arrogance. If you feel like you are a lesser person, try staring down your nose at people who you feel that towards. It's not the most valiant tactic out there and it certainly won't make other people respect you for what you are, but it might eventually help you not think yourself their inferior.
Good advice, thank you. I'm not sure if I'm capable of it though...
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: weedoch on June 25, 2008, 10:50:23 PM
susangail you are one strong 16 year old. Hang on in there!
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: susangail on June 25, 2008, 10:52:56 PM
Quote from: "weedoch"susangail you are one strong 16 year old. Hang on in there!
Thank you! You all have helped me so much with your support alone.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Happysmiley on June 26, 2008, 03:57:25 AM
thanks everyone!  It seems that ruined relationships would definitly be a good topic to cover.  I also found an interesting article about a hatecrime towards atheists hanging up posters advertising a lecture.

I had been planning on videotaping myself talking, but I'm worried people I know will recognize me, so I'll do a narration accompanied by images

Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Salladin on June 26, 2008, 06:11:20 AM
susangail I know exactly where your at, my mom is the same way.  And the worst part is feeling like you don't have an opinion, or that it's not valid, and that you're not a worthy child.  My mom asked me one time why I  just couldn't be normal like my brother.  Just hang in there, stick to your friends and don't let yourself get down.  I try to get out and go, so that way I don't feel belittled at home.  Stay strong.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: susangail on June 26, 2008, 05:57:44 PM
Quote from: "Salladin"susangail I know exactly where your at, my mom is the same way.  And the worst part is feeling like you don't have an opinion, or that it's not valid, and that you're not a worthy child.  My mom asked me one time why I  just couldn't be normal like my brother.  Just hang in there, stick to your friends and don't let yourself get down.  I try to get out and go, so that way I don't feel belittled at home.  Stay strong.
I can't thank you enough Salladin. I've got one more week until I get my driver's license and then I'm gone!... at least during the day... But seriously thank you. Sometimes I feel so alone in all this, it's really nice to have this kind of support.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: afreethinker30 on June 27, 2008, 12:38:58 AM
Quote from: "Happysmiley"I'm planning on making a video about the discrimination towards atheist and then uploading it to youtube. Since I haven't been an atheist for long, I don't have many personal experiences with other people (other than the hateful morons on the Internet). Would anyone here be willing to share some stories of how people have treated you differently because of your beliefs that you would like to be in my video? I'm just sick of it being socially acceptable to pick on atheists, and I don't that many theists realize that.
A few examples:
-At a birthday party for one of my brother's friends, one of the kids was taken home early because his parents found out they would be watching a 'devil movie'. Meaning it was made by an atheist.
-Polls show how people have extremely low opinions on atheists.
-the video 'The Price of Atheism'
-And the Internet flaming spread by loving faithful Christians.

Whew this might be a bit long.We moved into our home about two years ago.Well my hubsand's parents lived here before and we love the house.The neighbors are well alittle less then sane.The second time I met our now neighbor I was pregnant with my first son.He offered to buy my baby.WTF!!!During the night around 7 or 8 times he just kept offering.Now this man towers over me,has a booming voice and puts forth  :brick:
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: karadan on June 28, 2008, 12:46:22 PM
Man, you need to move away from that place....
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Chimera on June 29, 2008, 10:20:25 PM
Well, as I've mentioned before on this forum, my parents are anti-atheists. I don't think my mom really understands why, other than that belief in God is "normal" and not believing in God, or practicing something other than Christianity is "not normal." My dad believes atheists and others have been duped by Satan and have fallen under the influence of demons, and that they are corrupt and lowly individuals. One day, I was watching TV with my dad and he was looking for a movie to watch. There was one that sounded pretty good to me, I'd heard good things about it, but my dad refused, because Richard Attenborough was in it. I asked why that was an issue, and he answered, "Because he's an atheist."

I can only imagine what he'd think of me if he knew I'm one, too.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: susangail on June 30, 2008, 01:20:18 AM
Quote from: "Chimera"Well, as I've mentioned before on this forum, my parents are anti-atheists. I don't think my mom really understands why, other than that belief in God is "normal" and not believing in God, or practicing something other than Christianity is "not normal." My dad believes atheists and others have been duped by Satan and have fallen under the influence of demons, and that they are corrupt and lowly individuals. One day, I was watching TV with my dad and he was looking for a movie to watch. There was one that sounded pretty good to me, I'd heard good things about it, but my dad refused, because Richard Attenborough was in it. I asked why that was an issue, and he answered, "Because he's an atheist."

I can only imagine what he'd think of me if he knew I'm one, too.
That's ridiculous. It reminds me of when a bunch of Christian got mad because the leading actor in this Christian movie was gay. Or the "Mary" in a Jesus movie was really pregnant (so she wasn't a virgin like "Mary"). *groan*

I commend you for not losing your mind with that environment.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: afreethinker30 on June 30, 2008, 02:01:33 AM
Quote from: "susangail"
Quote from: "Chimera"Well, as I've mentioned before on this forum, my parents are anti-atheists. I don't think my mom really understands why, other than that belief in God is "normal" and not believing in God, or practicing something other than Christianity is "not normal." My dad believes atheists and others have been duped by Satan and have fallen under the influence of demons, and that they are corrupt and lowly individuals. One day, I was watching TV with my dad and he was looking for a movie to watch. There was one that sounded pretty good to me, I'd heard good things about it, but my dad refused, because Richard Attenborough was in it. I asked why that was an issue, and he answered, "Because he's an atheist."

I can only imagine what he'd think of me if he knew I'm one, too.
That's ridiculous. It reminds me of when a bunch of Christian got mad because the leading actor in this Christian movie was gay. Or the "Mary" in a Jesus movie was really pregnant (so she wasn't a virgin like "Mary"). *groan*

I commend you for not losing your mind with that environment.

I remember hearing about that movie.Its the movie about the missionaries I think they were killed overseas or something??
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: susangail on June 30, 2008, 02:17:36 AM
Quote from: "afreethinker30"I remember hearing about that movie.Its the movie about the missionaries I think they were killed overseas or something??
Yeah, it's called End of the Spear. Great movie, though it was awhile ago that I saw it... I probably wouldn't like it now.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Chimera on June 30, 2008, 04:14:50 AM
Quote from: "susangail"
Quote from: "Chimera"Well, as I've mentioned before on this forum, my parents are anti-atheists. I don't think my mom really understands why, other than that belief in God is "normal" and not believing in God, or practicing something other than Christianity is "not normal." My dad believes atheists and others have been duped by Satan and have fallen under the influence of demons, and that they are corrupt and lowly individuals. One day, I was watching TV with my dad and he was looking for a movie to watch. There was one that sounded pretty good to me, I'd heard good things about it, but my dad refused, because Richard Attenborough was in it. I asked why that was an issue, and he answered, "Because he's an atheist."

I can only imagine what he'd think of me if he knew I'm one, too.
That's ridiculous. It reminds me of when a bunch of Christian got mad because the leading actor in this Christian movie was gay. Or the "Mary" in a Jesus movie was really pregnant (so she wasn't a virgin like "Mary"). *groan*

I commend you for not losing your mind with that environment.

Thanks susangail. I'd like to commend you too, for putting up with all the weirdness in your house concerning your beliefs (or lack thereof). I'm 24 and I don't know that I'd have the wherewithal to put up with it.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: susangail on June 30, 2008, 04:22:37 AM
Quote from: "Chimera"Thanks susangail. I'd like to commend you too, for putting up with all the weirdness in your house concerning your beliefs (or lack thereof). I'm 24 and I don't know that I'd have the wherewithal to put up with it.
Your welcome and thank you!
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: karadan on June 30, 2008, 10:24:21 AM
Quote from: "Chimera"Well, as I've mentioned before on this forum, my parents are anti-atheists. I don't think my mom really understands why, other than that belief in God is "normal" and not believing in God, or practicing something other than Christianity is "not normal." My dad believes atheists and others have been duped by Satan and have fallen under the influence of demons, and that they are corrupt and lowly individuals. One day, I was watching TV with my dad and he was looking for a movie to watch. There was one that sounded pretty good to me, I'd heard good things about it, but my dad refused, because Richard Attenborough was in it. I asked why that was an issue, and he answered, "Because he's an atheist."

I can only imagine what he'd think of me if he knew I'm one, too.

Not right. Not right at all...

Do your parents love you? I'm guessing they do.. Well, what if you were to leave? Just up and go one day (assuming you are older than 16 of course). Probably a very difficult thing for you to do but if you did just disappear, their worry would eventually lead them to question certain things. Of course, they aren't going to convert to atheism, but they'd certainly begin to search other options, i'm sure. If you take the thing someone loves the most away from them, the void in their lives creates the desire for change. Could be the beginning of the road to recovery.

If, of course, they are just too far entrenched in their beliefs, as harsh as it sounds, maybe you need to leave and never look back. That's obviously easy for me to say because i'm not in the position you are. The unfortunately reality is, your parents only deal with absolutes. Black and white. The only way to combat that is with absolutes.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Loffler on June 30, 2008, 11:13:48 PM
Well, why do you have a Pan statue? Pan is where Christians got their image of a horned Satan, and if you had a saint statue in your garden I'd probably think you were a Catholic.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: afreethinker30 on July 01, 2008, 03:32:03 AM
Quote from: "karadan"Man, you need to move away from that place....

Well I love my home.Plus it was 140 but we got it 60k cheaper and no issues with the house either.I have been enjoying not having the neighbors brat around.She is spoiled why does a 7 year old need a cellphone and 80 gig Zune?And after I told the neighbor I have been taping them letting the dog out unleashed the dog hasn't been let out without one for a few weeks. :banna:
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Happysmiley on July 01, 2008, 05:12:48 AM
All this stuff is great, it's hard to believe how hung-up on religion some people can be.  

I've decided to tell a few friends about my atheism (some of who are very religious) and get a response from them today or tomorrow while i'm at this 'get ready for high school' camp. I would like to wait until august, when school starts, because I have some certain fundementalists in mind who would be extremely crude, but ah well. sometime this week, before starting the video.  Then I'll go out into the forest behind my house and record the narration. Then I'm just going to have to wait until my parents and brother are out of the house before I put it together.  

Well, it's late over here, so goodnight!
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: susangail on July 01, 2008, 04:04:35 PM
Quote from: "Happysmiley"All this stuff is great, it's hard to believe how hung-up on religion some people can be.  

I've decided to tell a few friends about my atheism (some of who are very religious) and get a response from them today or tomorrow while i'm at this 'get ready for high school' camp. I would like to wait until august, when school starts, because I have some certain fundementalists in mind who would be extremely crude, but ah well. sometime this week, before starting the video.  Then I'll go out into the forest behind my house and record the narration. Then I'm just going to have to wait until my parents and brother are out of the house before I put it together.  

Well, it's late over here, so goodnight!
Wow, you're committed. Can't wait!
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Chimera on July 01, 2008, 07:39:26 PM
Quote from: "karadan"
Quote from: "Chimera"Well, as I've mentioned before on this forum, my parents are anti-atheists. I don't think my mom really understands why, other than that belief in God is "normal" and not believing in God, or practicing something other than Christianity is "not normal." My dad believes atheists and others have been duped by Satan and have fallen under the influence of demons, and that they are corrupt and lowly individuals. One day, I was watching TV with my dad and he was looking for a movie to watch. There was one that sounded pretty good to me, I'd heard good things about it, but my dad refused, because Richard Attenborough was in it. I asked why that was an issue, and he answered, "Because he's an atheist."

I can only imagine what he'd think of me if he knew I'm one, too.

Not right. Not right at all...

Do your parents love you? I'm guessing they do.. Well, what if you were to leave? Just up and go one day (assuming you are older than 16 of course). Probably a very difficult thing for you to do but if you did just disappear, their worry would eventually lead them to question certain things. Of course, they aren't going to convert to atheism, but they'd certainly begin to search other options, i'm sure. If you take the thing someone loves the most away from them, the void in their lives creates the desire for change. Could be the beginning of the road to recovery.

If, of course, they are just too far entrenched in their beliefs, as harsh as it sounds, maybe you need to leave and never look back. That's obviously easy for me to say because i'm not in the position you are. The unfortunately reality is, your parents only deal with absolutes. Black and white. The only way to combat that is with absolutes.

My relationship with my parents has always been good, thought it's been strained lately due to my being unemployed at the moment (for psychological reasons) and my unwillingness to seek "spiritual guidance" for my depression. My dad is certain I have demons in me.   :|
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: susangail on July 01, 2008, 08:08:30 PM
Quote from: "Chimera"My relationship with my parents has always been good, thought it's been strained lately due to my being unemployed at the moment (for psychological reasons) and my unwillingness to seek "spiritual guidance" for my depression. My dad is certain I have demons in me.   :|
Have you considered medical "guidance" or would your parents not be cool with that? (I know my dad wanted me to ditch my therapist and talk to someone at the church...) If it's keeping you from working, you may want to get it checked out.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Chimera on July 02, 2008, 06:40:04 AM
Quote from: "susangail"
Quote from: "Chimera"My relationship with my parents has always been good, thought it's been strained lately due to my being unemployed at the moment (for psychological reasons) and my unwillingness to seek "spiritual guidance" for my depression. My dad is certain I have demons in me.   :P I'm just waiting for him to break out the holy water and crucifix.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: susangail on July 02, 2008, 05:24:52 PM
Quote from: "Chimera"I've been meeting on and off with a counselor for several months. My problem is I have no health insurance, so the only person I'm able to see right now is usually booked out at least a month in advance. I've also been on medication for almost a year, and it's helping somewhat. My dad thinks the counselor and drugs can help with some things, but only a pastor or other spiritual advisor could really help. :D  My dad thought the same thing. That would be a trip if he did!
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: mason on July 09, 2008, 11:51:57 PM
Quote from: "karadan"Unfortunately i do not have any stories of being discriminated against because i live in England. I guess it is quite cozy over here in that respect.


I agree though I am challenged in discussions and sometimes these get a little heated, I've never been attacked or anything like that.

There is one thing my sons girlfriend, who is in a catholic secondary school, gets some abuse and discrimination as she is a goth and atheist. This abuse is still not physical just verbal disgust from the other kids as a result of her lack of belief
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Atheist Mother on July 10, 2008, 05:18:57 AM
I haven't really had much discrimination.  I had one man come to my drivers window in a parking lot after seeing the Evolve fish on my back bumper and tell me that "truth always prevails".  Pretty silly.  But it doesn't seem like discrimination, I am still in the closet so to speak.  No one acquaintance wise knows I am atheist, only close friends, and they don't really care.  Reminds me of the 2004 elections, when I had Bush is a fascist and other loudmouthed liberal type stickers on my car (I bought a large book of stickers in San Fran) and I would get screamed at and flipped off.  Hahaha, funnily, I would have never flipped off a person with Bush is My Personal Saviour on their car, or Liberals Suck Eggs... but that just shows the mentality of ignorance (half the time I am SURE they had no idea what "fascist" means).  I would never even dream of walking up to a car with a Jesus Saved Me, or Body Piercing Saved Me (sooo stupid) and say, "truth always prevails" or "read the book instead of what you wish was in it" to some poor schumck.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: Tanker on July 10, 2008, 06:26:14 AM
QuoteI can't thank you enough Salladin. I've got one more week until I get my driver's license and then I'm gone!... at least during the day... But seriously thank you. Sometimes I feel so alone in all this, it's really nice to have this kind of support.

HappySmiley by the most conservative estimates 8% of Americans are atheists. With a population of over 300 million that means there are over 24 million atheists around you. Stay strong we're out there and you have our support.
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: susangail on July 10, 2008, 06:12:20 PM
Quote from: "Atheist Mother"I haven't really had much discrimination.  I had one man come to my drivers window in a parking lot after seeing the Evolve fish on my back bumper and tell me that "truth always prevails".  Pretty silly.  But it doesn't seem like discrimination, I am still in the closet so to speak.  No one acquaintance wise knows I am atheist, only close friends, and they don't really care.  Reminds me of the 2004 elections, when I had Bush is a fascist and other loudmouthed liberal type stickers on my car (I bought a large book of stickers in San Fran) and I would get screamed at and flipped off.  Hahaha, funnily, I would have never flipped off a person with Bush is My Personal Saviour on their car, or Liberals Suck Eggs... but that just shows the mentality of ignorance (half the time I am SURE they had no idea what "fascist" means).  I would never even dream of walking up to a car with a Jesus Saved Me, or Body Piercing Saved Me (sooo stupid) and say, "truth always prevails" or "read the book instead of what you wish was in it" to some poor schumck.
Ha wow. Reminds me of a couple years ago: me and my mom were driving somewhere and we saw this beat-up car with about a dozen or so bumper stickers. They were things like, "Bush fucked America" and stuff. It was funny though because my little town is the conservative bite of a relatively liberal state. (Me and my friends call it the desert of a giant oasis.) My mom's comment was, "They're brave to drive that car in this city." But yes, like you said there are TONS of conservative/religious car "decorations" here. ("Bush is My Personal Savior"...never seen that one...isn't that idolatry or something?) My favorite is the license plate frame that says: "I'm not religious, I just love Jesus." Goes right along with "It's not a religion, it's a relationship." I'm always sure to call it a religion when I talk about it  :)
Title: Re: discrimination against atheists
Post by: susangail on July 10, 2008, 06:12:54 PM
Quote from: "Tanker"
QuoteI can't thank you enough Salladin. I've got one more week until I get my driver's license and then I'm gone!... at least during the day... But seriously thank you. Sometimes I feel so alone in all this, it's really nice to have this kind of support.

HappySmiley by the most conservative estimates 8% of Americans are atheists. With a population of over 300 million that means there are over 24 million atheists around you. Stay strong we're out there and you have our support.
It's funny, the more I "come out" to people, the more I see how many atheists there really are around me. Numbers are very encouraging, thank you.