Happy Atheist Forum

General => Politics => Topic started by: joeactor on February 04, 2016, 06:58:24 PM

Title: AtheistVoter.Org
Post by: joeactor on February 04, 2016, 06:58:24 PM
Hi all,

A friend of mine just let me know about this site:
http://www.atheistvoter.org/ (http://www.atheistvoter.org/)

QuoteThe purpose of AtheistVoter is simple: Ensure that elected officials know that atheists, agnostics, and other nonreligious constituents vote–and vote in huge numbers–so they can no longer simply ignore us or take our votes for granted.

Any members a part of this?

Title: Re: AtheistVoter.Org
Post by: Pasta Chick on February 04, 2016, 07:46:18 PM
I'm not, but it looks cool on an initial glance. They seem to be emphasizing that it's not a political movement, which is my main concern with any such organization.
Title: Re: AtheistVoter.Org
Post by: Biggus Dickus on February 05, 2016, 05:30:46 PM
I was not familiar with this site, but went ahead and joined. I'm a strong supporter of the separation of church and state, so I am of course quite dismayed by the political use of religion to influence voters here in the US, or to sway public opinon or deny individual rights.
In fact the issues they hi-light on the webpage are the same that I seem to be most focused and concerned about myself: Right to Know, Reproductive Health, LGBT Equality, Faith Based Initiatives, Tax Policies.

Although for me personally I would also include environmental issues, defense spending, equal rights.

I find myself being more vocal now about these issues now than I used to be, so maybe this site can help connect me to like minded folks here in my state.