Happy Atheist Forum

Getting To Know You => Laid Back Lounge => Topic started by: Thanos on January 05, 2008, 04:26:42 AM

Title: Need Help Arguing Against Religion At Other Forum
Post by: Thanos on January 05, 2008, 04:26:42 AM
Hello! this is my first post here. I joined up on the forum because I need help from other atheists! let me describe the situation.

the other forum that I regularly go to, is not specific to religion, politics, or whatever. it is a gun forum. I go to the General Discussion section, where we talk about everything from guns to beer to what-ev-er, which does sometimes include politics and... religion. hot button.

there are christians, and there are non-religious people, which you would call athesists I suppose. us atheists really don't care about the subject. but the religious ones do apparently, and they are getting out of hand. they simply won't shut up.

it seems I'm the only atheist there willing to put forth an argument about how a) they're wrong about their beliefs, b) they're wrong about the "facts" their beliefs presuppose, and c) why they should quit trying to make that place their own personal ministry, which I find irritating.

what's even more irritating is how you can talk until you're blue in the face showing them fact after fact how they're wrong but most of them just go "lah-tee-dah" ignore it and continue on with their blabber, or some say they can't be proven wrong, argue for a minute then simply quit responding and continue on with their blabber.

I would if I could, but I can't go at this 24 hours a day. so I'm asking your help.

if you would, come over to this forum and join the fray. please!


well whaddya say?
Post by: Whitney on January 05, 2008, 04:43:35 AM
I've found the best way to deal with religous people who are like that is to simply have your say and only respond if they are willing to engage the topic in a thoughtful manner.  

I'm not sure I have much of a place on a gun forum since I don't like guns...however, some of the other members here may want to take a crack at reasoning with them.
Post by: Squid on January 05, 2008, 07:27:38 AM
Well, it's not about evidence, logical argumentation or who is right or wrong with them.  Those who scream the loudest and proudest are often the most insecure.  The more you post, the more you put forth your train of thought, the larger the wall they build around themselves.

After years of doing the same thing as you're doing now have I learned when to, as laetus said, say my piece and then just let it go.  The only time I don't let it go is when it comes to science - where I can show empirical backing for all my claims and refutation of inaccurate ones.  Unfortunately, in a theological/philosophical debate it's not so clear cut.

My best advice, just let 'em be.  You're just wasting your time and driving up your cortisol levels.
Post by: tacoma_kyle on January 06, 2008, 02:39:59 AM
Those people have believed in that shit for so long they wouldnt let it go if they woke up castrated.

THey just cant properly function without it---there is no getting through to them.
Post by: Thanos on January 06, 2008, 04:25:17 AM
right.... well... I told them that if they don't put a cork in it I'll take the argument to their Prayer Threads where they don't want to be bothered in their beseechings. I have been arguing with them all day today, so now they're going full tilt with their shit posting topics on their shit.

it has hit the fan. no, I can't rationalize with them, it's way beyond that. this is a smackdown pure and simple. that's what this is about. now. if you want to join in, I need your help now.
Post by: tacoma_kyle on January 07, 2008, 03:01:05 AM
Ask them why every the flu is different every year. What god wants to kill more elderly and young children if they dont get the vaccine on time? Since the vaccine is so god dependent and NOT manufacturing dependent.

But seriously I suggest you give up pretty quick. I use to argue with dipshits on the '9/11 conspiracy' and there is no convincing acid/pot heads who listen to TOOL and 'think out of the box.' In this case the box is reality---only they dont know it.
Post by: Big Mac on January 07, 2008, 03:19:00 AM
Fighting with morons is like trying to find gold in a giant pile of shit. It bears no fruit that is not stinky and sticky and you are just worse off. You can't fight with stupid people. Be they bigot, bible-thump, or just boorish they will not change unless something major happens in their life. You're better off doing something more productive. Such as World Domination or listening to my pearls of wisdom....
Post by: Thanos on January 07, 2008, 03:43:26 AM
never mind. it's over.

I'll spare the details, but yep, it was just as Big Mac describes it, and the ones I was arguing with certainly didn't have the morals they always crow about.
Post by: Big Mac on January 07, 2008, 03:54:43 AM
Quote from: "Thanos"never mind. it's over.

I'll spare the details, but yep, it was just as Big Mac describes it, and the ones I was arguing with certainly didn't have the morals they always crow about.

To quote the Jedi bad ass himself, Obi-Wan Kenobi: "You've taken your first step into a larger world."

Those who claim absolutes in their lives tend to absolutely fail to live up to them.
Post by: Smarmy Of One on January 07, 2008, 01:55:26 PM
I think the first problem is visiting a gun site for enlightened conversation.

If I were you, I'd visit the site just to talk about guns and avoid the general discussion arena. Visit other sites for intelligent conversation in other - non-jesus themed forums.

I don't want to paint with too wide a brush here . . . but I will anyway. Most guns nuts are bible pounding, beer guzzling, back-woods, inbred morons. You are a rare specimen indeed- a rational free thinking gun enthusiast. If I get shot by mistake someday, I hope it's by someone like you.

; )
Post by: Big Mac on January 07, 2008, 03:12:20 PM
Wow....Smarmy you are just a Christian without a Jesus to beat off to.

So since we're playing the assuming game, I'm going to assume most Atheists are: 1.) Card Carrying Commies. 2.) A part of the ACLU (which is a commie organization) 3.) Fags (I mean it with all the love I can without sounding gay) 4.) Bleeding heart ultra liberals.

Most gun nuts actually look like this (http://www.jpfo.org) and this (http://pinkpistols.org/) and this (http://www.a-human-right.com/) and this (http://www.geekswithguns.com/)!

Most "gun nuts" (I prefer the term Firearm Maniac but semantics) are just everyday people. I know you live in Canada where they tell you what to do but around here (see I'm going to assume some more since it's so easy) you have about 4 to 5 neighbors who have at least one gun and you'll never have an AD occur. I have yet to have one in my apartment and I own roughly 9 guns. Why? Because those who take the time to learn this valuable skill know how to treat a weapon with respect, not fear. Fear comes from ignorance.

I'm not trying to start a fight but please don't do that. Gun owners like me, momma, and many others here (and not here) have fought that stereotype all of our lives. It's grating to hear it. You wouldn't say most gay people are limp-wristed or most black people are too dumb to go to college, would you? Why paint it on another group who have been responsible and outnumbers most minorities?
Post by: bitter_sweet_symphony on January 07, 2008, 03:46:12 PM
QuoteI'm not trying to start a fight but please don't do that. Gun owners like me, momma, and many others here (and not here) have fought that stereotype all of our lives. It's grating to hear it. You wouldn't say most gay people are limp-wristed or most black people are too dumb to go to college, would you? Why paint it on another group who have been responsible and outnumbers most minorities?

I guess all of us are guilty of stereotyping one community or other. Peace.
Post by: Big Mac on January 07, 2008, 03:54:46 PM
Quote from: "bitter_sweet_symphony"
QuoteI'm not trying to start a fight but please don't do that. Gun owners like me, momma, and many others here (and not here) have fought that stereotype all of our lives. It's grating to hear it. You wouldn't say most gay people are limp-wristed or most black people are too dumb to go to college, would you? Why paint it on another group who have been responsible and outnumbers most minorities?

I guess all of us are guilty of stereotyping one community or other. Peace.

True but it seems kosher, almost vogue, to treat gun owners like that.
Post by: Smarmy Of One on January 07, 2008, 04:40:02 PM
I guess I left out that gun nuts are also incredibly sensitive. I was actually making a joke.

One of the reasons I came to this site was to avoid all the reactionary assholes I was having to deal with that would explode on me if I said I was an atheist. I guess I'll have to sensor my thoughts hear too.

Aside from which, look at your own signature. Ever cross your mind that you might be offending someone? Probably not or you didn't care or it was your intent to offend.

Thanks for living up to your own stereotype.

Man! I just got here!
Post by: Big Mac on January 08, 2008, 01:07:27 AM
Quote from: "Smarmy Of One"I guess I left out that gun nuts are also incredibly sensitive. I was actually making a joke.

One of the reasons I came to this site was to avoid all the reactionary assholes I was having to deal with that would explode on me if I said I was an atheist. I guess I'll have to sensor my thoughts hear too.

Aside from which, look at your own signature. Ever cross your mind that you might be offending someone? Probably not or you didn't care or it was your intent to offend.

Thanks for living up to your own stereotype.

Man! I just got here!

The general idea is to offend. I'm a Libertarian and I enjoy any stabs at Clinton and others like her any chance I can.

I'm offended because your comments come off as the usual asshat nature that most allegations leveled at gun owners like me tend to be composed of. Remember the golden rule: If the enemy is in range, so are you.
Post by: Smarmy Of One on January 08, 2008, 02:40:57 PM
"The general idea is to offend. . ."

If you want to offend people then you kind of surrender your right to be so easily offended yourself. I heard something once about people living in glass houses and stone throwing.


"A libertarian is just a republican that wants to smoke pot and get laid." –Thom Hartman
Post by: Big Mac on January 08, 2008, 02:58:47 PM
Quote from: "Smarmy Of One""The general idea is to offend. . ."

If you want to offend people then you kind of surrender your right to be so easily offended yourself. I heard something once about people living in glass houses and stone throwing.


"A libertarian is just a republican that wants to smoke pot and get laid." –Thom Hartman

Whatever, you still sounded stupid when you made your comments. I heard something once that roaches get squashed by jack boots. Or guys with big mouths get all their pretty little teeth kicked out. According to your reasoning I'm just joking, right?
Post by: Smarmy Of One on January 08, 2008, 04:46:51 PM
My comments were supposed to sound stupid. That's why they are so over the top. IT IS A FUCKING JOKE!

BTW, physical threats actually don't work over the internet and they make you sound like a frustrated, neutered boy.

Is that were the interest in guns comes from?
Post by: Big Mac on January 08, 2008, 04:52:51 PM
Quote from: "Smarmy Of One"My comments were supposed to sound stupid. That's why they are so over the top. IT IS A FUCKING JOKE!

BTW, physical threats actually don't work over the internet and they make you sound like a frustrated, neutered boy.

Is that were the interest in guns comes from?

Wow, that's all you got? Typical liberal douche bag. Because you can't handle a weapon you try to project your own sexual frustrations on men like me by saying we have phallic issues because we know how to handle weapons. Did you take a bath today, hippie? Need a band-aid for that bleeding heart?

I wasn't threatening you, I was copying your stupid sense of humor. Maybe that's why you have to run away from every forum you go to, because you open that gaping hole you call a mouth and just let whatever little nugget of crap that crawls up your throat flop out. I read your intro, you sound like a boy trying to be a man.

And you're not funny. I know in that little microcosm you call your skull it sounds humorous but the rest of the world disagrees. Fag.
Post by: Smarmy Of One on January 08, 2008, 06:07:22 PM
Sounds like I touched a nerve. Hit a little close to home maybe.

BTW, when I was 19 I was in the army. I have no fear of guns. I qualified at 500 meters but totally blew it at 1000 m. Not great, but so-so marksman.

If people want to hobby shoot or hunt– whatever. A couple of my brothers hunt. I have been hunting, but it's not for me.

How about you? Are you in the army? Any plans to join? You come off sounding pretty tough. Your country could probably use you right about now.
Post by: tacoma_kyle on January 08, 2008, 08:56:27 PM
Blow it out your asses.

Chuck Norris > Miniscule Projectiles


And yes, I carved it. Top that bitches. Ew...lol my arms look really hairy. Crappy photo grain... God damn they look like a damn ape!
Post by: Big Mac on January 08, 2008, 11:39:38 PM
Quote from: "Smarmy Of One"Sounds like I touched a nerve. Hit a little close to home maybe.

BTW, when I was 19 I was in the army. I have no fear of guns. I qualified at 500 meters but totally blew it at 1000 m. Not great, but so-so marksman.

If people want to hobby shoot or hunt– whatever. A couple of my brothers hunt. I have been hunting, but it's not for me.

How about you? Are you in the army? Any plans to join? You come off sounding pretty tough. Your country could probably use you right about now.

I'll give you a silly sailor if you want. Lighten up, sugar tits, I'm just trying to give you a hard time. A very HARD time. ;) And I not only killed all the Al Qaeda people at Highland Mall, but I'm a captain of an armed response team at one of the largest  malls in America...

In all seriousness, I think you're taking me a little too seriously. Aside from the first response, I've just been egging you on to keep insulting me. Not that I care what some guy in Canada thinks. Well anyone for that matter.

Funny you say 500 meters, because when I was in Basic we only went out to 400 or so if I remember correctly. I think it might be at 300. That was some time ago. Since you're almost like 50, did you guys use muskets? Did Davy Crockett teach you BRM?
Post by: Smarmy Of One on January 09, 2008, 01:34:36 PM
Quote from: "tacoma_kyle"Blow it out your asses.

Chuck Norris > Miniscule Projectiles


And yes, I carved it. Top that bitches. Ew...lol my arms look really hairy. Crappy photo grain... God damn they look like a damn ape!

THAT is one kickass pumpkin!
Post by: Smarmy Of One on January 09, 2008, 01:42:35 PM
Quote from: "Big Mac"
Quote from: "Smarmy Of One"Sounds like I touched a nerve. Hit a little close to home maybe.

BTW, when I was 19 I was in the army. I have no fear of guns. I qualified at 500 meters but totally blew it at 1000 m. Not great, but so-so marksman.

If people want to hobby shoot or hunt– whatever. A couple of my brothers hunt. I have been hunting, but it's not for me.

How about you? Are you in the army? Any plans to join? You come off sounding pretty tough. Your country could probably use you right about now.

I'll give you a silly sailor if you want. Lighten up, sugar tits, I'm just trying to give you a hard time. A very HARD time. ;) And I not only killed all the Al Qaeda people at Highland Mall, but I'm a captain of an armed response team at one of the largest  malls in America...

In all seriousness, I think you're taking me a little too seriously. Aside from the first response, I've just been egging you on to keep insulting me. Not that I care what some guy in Canada thinks. Well anyone for that matter.

Funny you say 500 meters, because when I was in Basic we only went out to 400 or so if I remember correctly. I think it might be at 300. That was some time ago. Since you're almost like 50, did you guys use muskets? Did Davy Crockett teach you BRM?

I probably would have done better with a musket.  :roll: In Maybe we do 500m and 1000m in Canada because of the metric thing. Dunno. It was 20 years ago, so maybe I am remembering the numbers wrong. 500 sounds better than 300 anyway.

I guess calling me a hippie fag is what constitutes egging in Texas.

I was enjoying the mud slinging, so any time you feel the need to blow off steam.  :wink:
Post by: Big Mac on January 09, 2008, 03:25:46 PM
Quote from: "Smarmy Of One"
Quote from: "Big Mac"
Quote from: "Smarmy Of One"Sounds like I touched a nerve. Hit a little close to home maybe.

BTW, when I was 19 I was in the army. I have no fear of guns. I qualified at 500 meters but totally blew it at 1000 m. Not great, but so-so marksman.

If people want to hobby shoot or hunt– whatever. A couple of my brothers hunt. I have been hunting, but it's not for me.

How about you? Are you in the army? Any plans to join? You come off sounding pretty tough. Your country could probably use you right about now.

I'll give you a silly sailor if you want. Lighten up, sugar tits, I'm just trying to give you a hard time. A very HARD time. ;) And I not only killed all the Al Qaeda people at Highland Mall, but I'm a captain of an armed response team at one of the largest  malls in America...

In all seriousness, I think you're taking me a little too seriously. Aside from the first response, I've just been egging you on to keep insulting me. Not that I care what some guy in Canada thinks. Well anyone for that matter.

Funny you say 500 meters, because when I was in Basic we only went out to 400 or so if I remember correctly. I think it might be at 300. That was some time ago. Since you're almost like 50, did you guys use muskets? Did Davy Crockett teach you BRM?

I probably would have done better with a musket.  :roll: In Maybe we do 500m and 1000m in Canada because of the metric thing. Dunno. It was 20 years ago, so maybe I am remembering the numbers wrong. 500 sounds better than 300 anyway.

I guess calling me a hippie fag is what constitutes egging in Texas.

I was enjoying the mud slinging, so any time you feel the need to blow off steam.  :wink:

You guys you the FN-FAL over there? 7.62mm of death eh? If so, did you guys adjust your gas system to a certain number?

Bear in mind we use the 5.56mm round, an intermediate. So anything past 400 yards is kind of pointless. You just have a hypersonic ice-pick at that point.
Post by: Robkjr53 on January 09, 2008, 05:58:13 PM
They will try to shift the burden of proof to you when, in fact, it is they who need to provide  proof.  They say prove them wrong and by that logic then every piece of literary fiction must be proven NOT to be real.  So if the bible is real then so is the Lord of the Rings?  They want you to disprove a supernatural concept in a very natural universe.  The very fact that we are alive is proof enough.  The fact that every atom of our bodies is part of a stellar nova throw off screams it.

They're the ones making irrational claims of a being that is not of this world and on and on with the litany of all of the contradictions attributable to this being god.  The burden of proof lies with the claims of irrationality to prove that it exists in this very rational universe.  Ask them what makes their god The God?  What proof do they have that their "truth" is right and the Jewish and Muslim "truth" is wrong even though they are the same god of Abraham? How can a human have free will if their god knows the future?  If god knows the future then why did it bother creating Satan.  If god is all loving and merciful how can hell exist and eternal torment by demons?  "Because god has a plan."  But god already knows the outcome of that plan?  What about Hitler and serial killers?  God created them knowing full well what they would do, according to your teachings.  Here on Earth that's called premeditated murder, why would it be different in heaven?  We the perpetrators of 9-11 blessed by god for what they did?  They died believing they did.  Is that the "truth" so what makes your "truth" better than their "truth" or the "truths" associated with every deity conjured by humans since prerecorded history?

The Roman Catholics call it the "mystery of faith" which really means they can't figure out a bullshit story to cover their lame asses with on this paradox.

No, the burden of proof lies with the myth holders, not the atheists if they wish to argue.  They don't get that we really don't give a shit.
Post by: Gibson on January 09, 2008, 10:52:24 PM
Quote from: "Big Mac"
Quote from: "Smarmy Of One"My comments were supposed to sound stupid. That's why they are so over the top. IT IS A FUCKING JOKE!

BTW, physical threats actually don't work over the internet and they make you sound like a frustrated, neutered boy.

Is that were the interest in guns comes from?

Wow, that's all you got? Typical liberal douche bag. Because you can't handle a weapon you try to project your own sexual frustrations on men like me by saying we have phallic issues because we know how to handle weapons. Did you take a bath today, hippie? Need a band-aid for that bleeding heart?

I wasn't threatening you, I was copying your stupid sense of humor. Maybe that's why you have to run away from every forum you go to, because you open that gaping hole you call a mouth and just let whatever little nugget of crap that crawls up your throat flop out. I read your intro, you sound like a boy trying to be a man.

And you're not funny. I know in that little microcosm you call your skull it sounds humorous but the rest of the world disagrees. Fag.

Okay, you both have big wieners.  This thread is supposed to help someone with arguing against religion.  If you have to have a pissing contest, take it outside - i.e. private messages.  Thanks.

BTW, tacoma_kyle: fantastic jack o' lantern.   :)
Post by: MommaSquid on January 09, 2008, 11:56:25 PM
Quote from: "Robkjr53"No, the burden of proof lies with the myth holders, not the atheists if they wish to argue. They don't get that we really don't give a shit.

Precisely!   :cheers:

BTW, welcome to the forum!
Post by: Smarmy Of One on January 10, 2008, 01:19:24 PM
Quote from: "Gibson"
Quote from: "Big Mac"
Quote from: "Smarmy Of One"My comments were supposed to sound stupid. That's why they are so over the top. IT IS A FUCKING JOKE!

BTW, physical threats actually don't work over the internet and they make you sound like a frustrated, neutered boy.

Is that were the interest in guns comes from?

Wow, that's all you got? Typical liberal douche bag. Because you can't handle a weapon you try to project your own sexual frustrations on men like me by saying we have phallic issues because we know how to handle weapons. Did you take a bath today, hippie? Need a band-aid for that bleeding heart?

I wasn't threatening you, I was copying your stupid sense of humor. Maybe that's why you have to run away from every forum you go to, because you open that gaping hole you call a mouth and just let whatever little nugget of crap that crawls up your throat flop out. I read your intro, you sound like a boy trying to be a man.

And you're not funny. I know in that little microcosm you call your skull it sounds humorous but the rest of the world disagrees. Fag.

Okay, you both have big wieners.  This thread is supposed to help someone with arguing against religion.  If you have to have a pissing contest, take it outside - i.e. private messages.  Thanks.

BTW, tacoma_kyle: fantastic jack o' lantern.   :)

Yep, it's all done, but thanks for chiming in. Don't know what we would have done without you.

Sorry for derailing things.
Post by: Robkjr53 on January 10, 2008, 05:54:05 PM
Thanks Mommsquid.  So many of them tie their own asses up in knots to the point of the ridiculous becoming more absurd.
"Mommy, did Santa Claus get a GI JOE M-2000 Assault/Sniper Rifle with laser night sights and an RPG for Christmas?"  "No honey.  Jesus is jewish so Santa gave him an Uzi." :badgrin:
Post by: impuzzled on March 12, 2008, 03:35:28 AM
I have been scanning these forums, I am a gun enthusiast, don't drink, do play cards, try not to stereotype but usually do, and fail at acheiving my pricipals more often then succeed. This offers me alot of room for growth.

 I am also a Chrsitian who would love to engage in rational debate without stone throwing.

 What I have read on this site is;
Squid saying that his scientific tendencies lead him to disproving scripture and I would respond by inviting himm to watch a video called The Journey Toward creation which has some of the worlds most acclaimed (atheist) astrophysicists concluding the Undeniable Existence of a Creative Intelligence. Stay up to date!

 A Nother man, big mac quoting Star Wars when it is common knowledge that George Lucas is a God fearing man and that all The Force is refferring to is the Power of The Holy Spirit. Find new material!

A little boy, Thanos crying for help because he got in over his head in a debate, and a website full of people who Desperately need to consider that if one of your most reknown leaders, Anthony Flew with his far greater research on the topic and many more years of experience defending a topic that serves no-one and nothing has completley reversed his views,

Post by: Liberal Patriot on March 12, 2008, 02:02:54 PM
You're the one who needs to do homework, impuzzled, to discover that the bible is a plagiarized copy of earlier and concurrent religions and that the Jesus virgin birth story is one of many.  Ask yourself, which one of them is true?  The one that claims that the earth is supported by the trunks of four huge elephants that are standing on the back of a giant tortoise or that a ghost poofed everything into existence in seven days, or the 146 native north american aboriginals unique descriptions of creation and their god(s) and submit proof as to why your "Truth" is truer than their "Truth" or the "Truth" of Islam, Juda or Hindu.

Just for the record, I don't have any ill feeling towards gods that don't exist, just the idiots trying to gain preferential treatment via the government because they believe in the absurd.
Post by: SteveS on March 12, 2008, 02:42:34 PM
Hey impuzzled,

Your post strikes me as a critique of a few members - Squid is a scientifically educated member who has mostly, to my experience, argued strongly in support of the scientific Theory of Evolution against positions of Creationism and Intelligent Design.

Thanos is a new member, but I don't see how making comments like:

Quote from: "impuzzled"A little boy, Thanos crying for help because he got in over his head in a debate, and a website full of people who Desperately need to consider
is commensurate with the stated objective of:

Quote from: "impuzzled"I am also a Chrsitian who would love to engage in rational debate without stone throwing.
Don't you think characterizing people as "Desperate" and "a little boy ... crying for help" qualifies as "stone throwing"?

big mac is frequently sarcastic, usually heavily so - I wouldn't take his "force" comments too literally (I certainly don't).

Regarding Anthony Flew, George Lucas, and any "acclaimed astrophysicists", my comments would be that I can't ever recall any atheist, here or any place else, listing Anthony Flew as "our renowned leader".  Same for George Lucas, same for any astrophysicists.

One thing that's interesting about this is the appeal to authority, and I think (if you will forgive me) that this is symptomatic of a religious mindset.  Seems to me that the religious believe that what Jesus said is right not because it makes sense, but because Jesus said it.  I think you will find the atheists far less willing to take a position as worthy simply due to the position's proponent.  The position has to make sense - not just come from a respected or "great" person.  I think you will see that atheists in general don't tend to put their faith in an individual leader and follow him with absolute devotion.

What would be the point of listing all the scientists and philosophers who have not accepted the "god hypothesis"?  We'd just get into a pissing contest over whose proponents have the best resume - and this is ridiculous to me.

If you'd like to discuss and debate, without stone throwing, individual concepts and ideas I would be happy to participate with you - I believe I can do so politely - just please understand that I don't have any interest in listing out persons of faith and persons of unfaith and arguing over who is the greater authority.  Nor do I have any interest in defending any and all statements made by other members of the board --- we are all individuals, we all have different ideas and beliefs, and there is no unified "atheist position".  We all just have one thing in common which is that we don't believe the assertion that any gods exist.
Post by: Whitney on March 18, 2008, 12:44:46 AM
Quote from: "impuzzled"I have been scanning these forums, I am a gun enthusiast, don't drink, do play cards, try not to stereotype but usually do, and fail at acheiving my pricipals more often then succeed. This offers me alot of room for growth.

 I am also a Chrsitian who would love to engage in rational debate without stone throwing.

Let's stop here for a second.  Now, if you had stopped here it would have been a very nice post that showed you would be open to debate calmly...a rare find.

QuoteWhat I have read on this site is;
Squid saying that his scientific tendencies lead him to disproving scripture and I would respond by inviting himm to watch a video called The Journey Toward creation which has some of the worlds most acclaimed (atheist) astrophysicists concluding the Undeniable Existence of a Creative Intelligence. Stay up to date!

I can't speak for Squid but I have seen how well researched he is in science, especially biology. I do not know what video you are talking about but I gurantee that it didn't prove a god using science.  Do you know how I can know that without watching, because unless they physically found God and ran tests on her/him/it then they couldn't have used science to come to their conclusions.  The question of god is one which really should stay out of the research science field completely, that's what we have philosophy for.

QuoteA Nother man, big mac quoting Star Wars when it is common knowledge that George Lucas is a God fearing man and that all The Force is refferring to is the Power of The Holy Spirit. Find new material!

I don't see anything wrong with quoting a movie about a pretend religion.  Big Mac doesn't post here much anymore, but knowing him, it was probably meant as a joke anyway.

QuoteA little boy, Thanos crying for help because he got in over his head in a debate,
So...no one is perfect.  There is nothing wrong with asking for help, nor do I think he was 'crying.'

Quoteand a website full of people who Desperately need to consider that if one of your most reknown leaders, Anthony Flew with his far greater research on the topic and many more years of experience defending a topic that serves no-one and nothing has completley reversed his views,

You know what...I don't really know who Anthony Flew is.  I've just heard vague references to him...guess that means he's not MY leader.  Atheism isn't a church...there are no official leaders and we CAN disagree with those who end up making themselves into popular media atheists.

I think you should do some more homework yourself...you don't seem to know much about what you are arguing against.
Post by: jcm on March 18, 2008, 03:16:07 AM
QuoteA Nother man, big mac quoting Star Wars when it is common knowledge that George Lucas is a God fearing man and that all The Force is refferring to is the Power of The Holy Spirit. Find new material!

Actually the force is based on Chi. It is more of a Chinese religious reference. Star wars is a hodgepodge of many different stories. Star wars is awesome!

QuoteI am also a Chrsitian who would love to engage in rational debate without stone throwing.

Great pick a topic. No wait, I’ll pick. What makes God more believable than Allah, Zeus, or Bumba?
Post by: Lindsey_Mcfarren on March 26, 2008, 03:59:03 AM
Thanos, why would you want to put forth an agrument?  Let me predict something, NOTHING you say, NO amount of logic will help these people see the error of their ways.  In my opinion, they are weak minded looking to Santa jesus to run their lives and reward them for being good little brain-washed idiots.

If someone asks me what I believe then of course I share that but I have no desire to save someone from their own ignorance.  They will NOT thank you for it.  They will hang on to their fantasy to the bitter end, find meaning in the strangest places.  Life has no meaning without these fantasies.

I grew up in the Seventh Day Adventist religion and these people are terminally stupid and begging to be led down the garden path.  I run away from them like they have the plague.  They make the air smell around them.  They can't utter one sentence without bashing you over the head with god this and jesus that.

Save yourself.