
There is also the shroud of turin, which verifies Jesus in a new way than other evidences.

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Miscellaneous / Re: What are your plans for ol...
Last post by Asmodean - Today at 01:54:55 PM
Well, it appears as though The Asmo suddenly does have plans for His Divine Dotage after all. Motorbicycling. :smilenod:

His fun does have become a bit too tame over the past decade. Cruising on motorways while having His divine bottom seat-massaged.

Weakness. Weakness, He tells you! :rant1:
Miscellaneous / Re: What are your plans for ol...
Last post by Icarus - Today at 12:54:56 AM
Hmmph !  Some of the most fun I ever had with a bike was when going very slow. I was pretty good at trials riding and not as good at closed circuit road racing. In either case there is a mental component.

My problem at race courses was too much analysis, including "what ifs" like high siding out of a corner at speed and a whole rash of other thoughts that a competent racer best not embrace. 
Miscellaneous / Re: What are your plans for ol...
Last post by billy rubin - Today at 12:17:13 AM
yes. the stability improves with velocity.

above 100 mile per hour, a correctly set up machine trackslike a locomotive.

at slow speeds, theyre tippy and awkward, so the solution is never to go slowly.
Miscellaneous / Re: What are your plans for ol...
Last post by Asmodean - February 11, 2025, 08:16:05 AM
A self-balancing act above certain speed, you say..? That goes wroom and what have you..?

Hmm... Mebbe so... Mebbe so... :thoughtful:
Miscellaneous / Re: What are your plans for ol...
Last post by billy rubin - February 10, 2025, 07:27:44 PM
what you need is a motorcycle.

it simplifies things.
Laid Back Lounge / Re: What's on your mind today?
Last post by Asmodean - February 10, 2025, 08:13:14 AM
Nono, THE Asmo is just The Asmo. Like Prince or Madonna, only THE. That insufferable Gen-Z Asmo-lookalike sock puppet Tank has, however... THAT one is an Asmosen. :smilenod:
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
Last post by Asmodean - February 10, 2025, 08:06:13 AM
Quote from: Anne D. on February 08, 2025, 05:40:49 AMB.O.B.
Ooh, that takes me on a nostalgia trip! I've made some good memories to the sound of Stankonia. "So Fresh, So Clean," "Spaghetti Junction," "B.O.B..."

...Good times. :smilenod:
Miscellaneous / Re: What are your plans for ol...
Last post by Asmodean - February 10, 2025, 08:01:11 AM
Hmm... Yeah...

This is a difficult one for my somewhat-gerascophobic self.

In a perfect world, I'd just live my best until I fell over dead. It doesn't work that way too often for comfort.

I've seen a family member get cancer and let it consume more or less two whole decades of her life. Living on and on in constant fear of death and your own mortality is... Draining. For everyone involved. Focusing always on the ever-increasing inevitability of there not being a happy ending. I suppose that's one way of "doing this."

On the other hand, I've seen this kid a while back [interwebs - not personally acquainted], who, upon learning that he probably wouldn't even live for as long as said family member of mine spent dying, decided to see and do as much as he could and make the most of the time he had. And so he did, pretty much right up until his final week alive.

I know I'd rather have two years as him than twenty as her. I am, however, neither, and so I walk my own yellow brick road towards the inescapable light at its end.

So, my plans for old age? I have none. there are no guarantees in life, and me getting to that age is far from certain. I work. I get involved in causes. I teach and learn. In my own way, I try to help the younger generations do better than I do. I have meaning in my life. I am for a purpose. I wish to live and die this way - today, or five-six decades from now.

Aspirationally, that's how it is. Looking at the whole picture, however, adding some emotional baggage of failed aspirations, broken dreams and unhealed scars... It's complicated. It's a balancing act, but then, what in life isn't?
Miscellaneous / Re: What are your plans for ol...
Last post by billy rubin - February 08, 2025, 06:59:35 PM
as of several weeks ago, i am now the same age as my father when he died.

it encourages a certain perspective on mortality, and encourages me to ride my motorcycle faster.
Miscellaneous / Re: What are your plans for ol...
Last post by zorkan - February 08, 2025, 11:32:35 AM
Well done Icarus. You are an inspiration.
There are always things to learn.

But I see that old age has been redefined.
You were suddenly old when reaching 60.
I had this confirmed to me by a doctor.
So I walked the length of England to prove I could still do it.

The new definition of age:
Young old age is 65 to 74.
Middle old age is 75 to 84.
Old old age starts at 85.

Shakespeare again.

I'll get to know his works better.
His wisdom is better than any religious script.