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Hey everyone.

Started by agentscarn, June 15, 2009, 03:14:39 AM

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Hello there, I'm new.  I was looking for a forum to vent, or rather express my ideas, and so I picked here.  While I plan to explain my beliefs, I'd also like to share some other personal tidbits.  I'm sure the community here is very mature, and maybe they can help!

I know this isn't soapbox hour, but let me begin by saying that I do not feel any inner piece.  For the most part, the only way for me to achieve happiness is by being with other people.  I'm an extrovert.  When I'm alone, I feel lonely; I have no feelings of solitude.  I can't enjoy my alone time.  I'm constantly thinking about what other people are doing, I'm constantly checking my phone, etc etc.  I suppose part of it may be from the pact that I am single.  Everyone wants a significant other, right?  Either way, I spend my alone time doing things that aren't very productive, that take my mind off things, such as watching movies.  I've been trying to read lately, but it's quite a challenge to focus.  I also play piano, but it's hard to keep up with that to.

Now, how does this tie into atheism?  Well, I'm an atheist, and my belief (like most of yours, I'm sure) is quite simple.  We, as humans, are livings organisms that.  After countless years, and with the help of evolution, we have developed quite powerful brains (compared to other species) that allow us to be conscious.  To me, consciousness is a double-edged sword.  We are aware that we are here, yet we are also aware that we will die.  After death, there is nothing.  Our brain shuts down, our entire body shuts down, and that is it.  We get one chance.

I keep thinking my belief should be helping me though.  If I know I have one chance to live, be successful, and be happy, then why am I moping around when I'm alone?  Why can't I cherish my alone time and be productive?  I simply ask of you guys to help me understand this problem of me find some inner peace.  If you could recommend a book, articles online, anything...I'd appreciate it.  

On a side note -

1) I was told mediation is very helpful, as it is meant to clear out your mind of racing thoughts.  Does anyone mediate?  Could you give me some tips?
2) I just finished watching Jesus Camp.  Great movie, and I'd go so far as to say it is pretty wild.


hi agent.  Welcome to the forum.  While I like being around other people I am generally introverted and don't mind having alone time.  I guess you could chat online with people if you feel lonely...this isn't really something I have a problem with that often. Now, as far as you mind racing is concerned meditation probably would help if you can manage to meditate at all.  Personally, I play mindless xbox games to slow my mind down a bit. I guess it could be ADD...but that seems to be overly diagnosed (and I'm not a doctor).


Hi agentscarn and welcome. It sounds like your personality is different to mine; I'm quite introverted. I'll suggest this anyway. It's Ronald Aronson's book "Living Without God". It's not like books like "The God Delusion". It's not a book that argues against God or religion. It's for people who are already atheists who are asking the question "now what?" You can read some of it on The chapters are titled "After Progress", "Gratitude", "The World on Our Shoulders", "Taking Responsibility for Ourselves", "Choosing to Know", "Dying Without God" and "Hope".
"I rebel -- therefore we exist." - Camus


Agent Scarn?  Agent MICHAEL Scarn?  I've always wanted to MEET you!!   ;)

The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
Come visit me on Facebook!


Quote from: "rlrose328"Agent Scarn?  Agent MICHAEL Scarn?  I've always wanted to MEET you!!   ;)


Heh, yep you caught me.  I'm a huge fan of The Office.  

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.  I didn't know how I'd be treated.  I'm going to look into that book, and finally try some mediation.


Quote from: "agentscarn"
Quote from: "rlrose328"Agent Scarn?  Agent MICHAEL Scarn?  I've always wanted to MEET you!!   :D
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
Come visit me on Facebook!


Hello and welcome to the forum!
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


Quote from: "agentscarn"
Quote from: "rlrose328"Agent Scarn?  Agent MICHAEL Scarn?  I've always wanted to MEET you!!   :headbang:

#1 show on tv without a doubt

oh, and welcome  :D

Keep the dream alive... hit the snooze button


welcome to the forums. Meditation if good for relaxing. But i'd just prefer a nap any day over meditation. Again, welcome.  :D
"The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is."