
if there were no need for 'engineers from the quantum plenum' then we should not have any unanswered scientific questions.

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Obituaries / Re: James Earl Jones
Last post by Asmodean - Today at 01:06:07 PM
He was. I'm quite displeased that I can't for the life of me remember what I remember him from. I mean, yes, he played a pretty convincing dictator in that one episode of House and he voiced Darth Vader, but it wasn't that...

...What was it?

The Asmo shall figure it out. >:( And He shall not look it up on IMDB because that would be cheating.
Obituaries / Re: James Earl Jones
Last post by Tom62 - September 11, 2024, 11:57:31 AM
He was a wonderful actor.
Politics / Re: UK General Election 2024
Last post by Asmodean - September 11, 2024, 10:06:10 AM
Quote from: The Magic Pudding.. on September 07, 2024, 11:48:12 AMWhat's to be done?
I'd start by keeping the Fed(tm) out of it and delegate it to community issue.

Abortion should be available. Unrestricted/no-questions-asked abortion..? Probably not.

Body autonomy issue is of course a thing. There is a flipside to it though. If you had the sex because you felt like it and got stuck with a regular run-of-the-mill pregnancy, that raises different issues from you having been molested by your uncle and having an ectopic. There are degrees of personal responsibility there, and in a subset of cases, making the woman carry the pregnancy to term may be justifiable.
Politics / Re: Fake News.
Last post by Asmodean - September 11, 2024, 09:59:14 AM
Quote from: billy rubin on September 06, 2024, 04:22:34 PMwhat we need is a bureau of people, one that will decide queztions put to it, and is completely reliable

The Bureau of TRUTH(tm) :smilenod:

...That be the future.
Obituaries / Re: James Earl Jones
Last post by Asmodean - September 11, 2024, 09:56:08 AM
Laid Back Lounge / Re: What's on your mind today?
Last post by billy rubin - September 08, 2024, 11:01:27 PM
the end of something.

wher i live, the nearest town has about 400 people, old storefronts, all shuttered. the county seat is about 20 miles away, about 5000 people. it has a shopping mall, newer storefronts, about half shuttered.

today we went to the cinema to see the last show. tomorrow it will be shuttered too, closing down. actually we went to the 1430 show, and theres another at 1630. there was a line, about 10 people. never had a line before that i remember. but i am not a motion picture person.

the cinema is a big chain , 10 screens or so, storefronts nationwide, but generally pretty much empty every time ve been there. this time there were no previews. no next week films, nothing coming up. they announced three days ago that they were closing. the workers found out just like we did, three days before they were out of work.

the nearest motion picture theatrer to the west is about 50 miles. to the east about 45. nothing to the north or south within 80 miles or so.

it was never very crowded. just a failing business model these days. big screen stuff had a run of about 100 years, but its time is up.

this will have no effect on my life. i have about zero intrrest in movies, and would go see them only to spend time with the family. if they were violent i would go wait in the car. but its still bemusing to see the book close on something that was once so big.
Has been argued that when sapiens met Neanderthals, both might have thought they were making contact with aliens, either from outer space or outer time.
Speculation: Possibility: Something to ponder: maybe: Could be: Something to laugh at: Who are those guys? In the bible there are unidentified guys, Lot, Abraham's brother was sitting out side the gate of the city, he was approached by a person he recognized as a man. In some cases considered a messenger or angel. These guys were apparently separate from other peoples and seem to be interested in the lineage of Adam. It seems they were (may have been) here before any other peoples and keep to themselves exclusively only showing up at times to be a help to those in Adam's lineage. To cut this short, could these guys be the drivers of the UFOs. In the study of the book with peers these guys were a puzzle, and remain unattached to our type of society. We speculated this possibility.