Happy Atheist Forum

Religion => Religion => Topic started by: Kevin on October 13, 2008, 01:27:43 AM

Title: Oh, how true this is.
Post by: Kevin on October 13, 2008, 01:27:43 AM
I was just on Google, just searching random stuff (I do this quite a bit.), and I decide to Google "Agnosticism". I found this picture: (A demotivational poster)
http://imagechan.com/img/images/religion.jpg (http://imagechan.com/img/images/religion.jpg)

And oh, how true that is.
I love this picture. I am highly against religion, so to me, this picture is Great ;D

But by the looks of it, that makes just as much sense as Christianity does. Someone should make it a religion. If Pastafanarianism can be a religion, why not this? Maybe Big Mac's a sacred, and if you don't praise him, you will have to eat salad's for the rest of your life. Or like on Good Burger; all your burgers will be just buns, no meat :p
