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Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Icarus - July 24, 2024, 08:06:10 PM
 DL, I share you immense dislike of Mister D.J.Trump. I have questioned myself about the ultra negative attitude toward another Human.

A few of my excuses...........

He is an insufferable liar. He has somehow convinced his base that he is as truthful as Jesus.
He lies when it is perfectly obvious that he is lying and he expects us to believe him.

He makes up shit such as his elaborate claims about how good a president he had been......."Like this country has never seen before" ...etc. "There was thirty thousand in the crowd"  ( actually there were only 680, but most of whom had red caps)

He is an attack dog who makes up insulting nicknames for his rivals......Sleepy Joe, Crooked Hillary< Laughing Kamala, Treacherous Mike............

Perhaps my outrage is because he appears to be absolutely confident that I will believe the stupid lying tripe that he tells me. That offends me the most of all. He treats me and the rest of us as if we are dumb rubes who just fell off the turnip truck.

He claims to be "a Stable genius"   he suggested injections of Clorox to cure Covid, boat batteries would electrocute him, the election was rigged, ...........

The Donald is an incurable glory hog, his damned neckties are too long, and he cheats at golf.


Life As An Atheist / Re: What might make me change ...
Last post by Icarus - July 24, 2024, 06:56:57 PM
Rest easy Tank. Your number specification renders the whole deal moot.   

That is not the case for deeply religious people.  They are more than certain that they have evidence of their god and/or savior. Prayers answered and all that sort of thing.  The deeply religious often agree that "God works in mysterious ways", which gives them a way to circumvent anything resembling an intelligent argument.

Your last comment, the one with the star, covers the whole deal. Never the less, we heathens must be careful. There are hordes of people who believe that they are duty bound to kill infidels.   

Life As An Atheist / What might make me change my m...
Last post by Tank - July 24, 2024, 07:44:18 AM
What might make me change my mind about the existence of god(s)?

1. Unequivocal evidence* of a Supernatural Realm.

2. Repeatable, reliable and robust laws of behaviour for elements of  said Supernatural Realm in the same way that gravity has repeatable, reliable and robust laws of behaviour.

3. That 'part' of the Supernatural Realm is conscious of the Universe as we perceive it to be.

4. That 'part' created the Universe that we perceive.

5. That 'part' interacted with the Universe we perceive in a systematic and structured manner.

6. All of the above is open to free examination from full disclosure of methods and sources that are independently scrutinised and corroborated by impartial people, organisations and systems.

This would get my attention if it were all in place, documented and verifiable. Until then I will disregard the unsupported claims of religions about their god(s).

*That would not be anecdotal arguments from alleged 'personal experience' or a claim in a book, holy or otherwise,

Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Dark Lightning - July 24, 2024, 12:19:46 AM
He likely won't be required to stay behind his lectern, and when Harris is talking, he could point to an appropriate person and shout, "Turn her mike off!", ala Bill O'Reilly. At that point, he's been owned.  :D  Bet it happens, but I'll wait for the elevator version. I can't stomach even looking at that useless sack protoplasm.
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by billy rubin - July 23, 2024, 11:54:16 PM
trump has announced he will debate harris. i think he said he wants to change to a venue hosted by fox news.

obviously fox would provide a better environment for him, and im sure he would want to change the rules.

i think the first confrontation between biden and harris might well be the argument about where and how the debate will takes place.

it would be risky for trump to back out, because it will make him look afraid, but he might claim harris is trying to set him up, and storm out
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Dark Lightning - July 23, 2024, 10:35:45 PM
^ People make all kinds of stuff up.
My amusement for today is about a guy the in the midwest of the US who is complaining that he has 40,000 "Fuck Joe Biden" lawn placards that he can't sell, now.  :snicker1:
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Tom62 - July 23, 2024, 10:12:45 PM
These are crazy times. Last rumour on the right is that Biden is already dead or dying. Somehow it is highly amusing and at the same time pretty scary.
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Icarus - July 23, 2024, 03:19:24 AM
Trump would not dare risk a debate against Harris. He would die from a thousand cuts.  As she said today: "I have been a prosecuting attorney against all sorts of defendants, I know the Trump type well".

Harris is more than capable of being a fierce opponent. Her disadvantage, about being electable, is not about her ability, It is because she is of mixed race and she is a female. However, there will be tidal wave of support by women all over the land. In the last 24 hours 81 million has been contributed to her campaign.
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Recusant - July 22, 2024, 09:20:51 PM
Quote from: Dark Lightning on July 22, 2024, 08:23:03 PMI wonder what the MAGAs are going to do with their "Let's Go Brandon!" stuff. :rofl:

It was fairly weak sauce to begin with. They'll get much more satisfaction from going after Harris. She embodies intersections of demographics that MAGAs give the side-eye to and they'll happily pursue various angles of attack.

That "MAGA" thing; delusional highly malignant bullshit peddled by snake oil salesmen. Not particularly surprising that so many folks (both decent and "decent") are willing to buy it, but a mortifying disappointment regardless. So few Republican voters turned up their noses at it, despite its horrifying stench, and so ..

Contemplating the notion of more decisive steps toward a minority rule right-wing wannabe theocracy. The hoped-for Christian nation has strong potential to be a truly impressive shit show.
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Dark Lightning - July 22, 2024, 08:23:03 PM
I wonder what the MAGAs are going to do with their "Let's Go Brandon!" stuff. :rofl: