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Laid Back Lounge / Re: What's on your mind today?
Last post by Tank - July 26, 2024, 12:33:11 PM
 :o  :o
Laid Back Lounge / Re: What's on your mind today?
Last post by The Magic Pudding.. - July 26, 2024, 11:32:10 AM
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Dark Lightning - July 26, 2024, 01:17:21 AM
Harris hasn't promised, and likely doesn't plan, to tear down our institutions and go after all her perceived enemies using the DoJ, like Don the Con has been promising to do.
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Harmonie - July 26, 2024, 12:38:19 AM
Quote from: Icarus on July 24, 2024, 10:33:12 PMA recent discovery about Kamila That makes me confident in her capacity to deal with whatever the situation may bring.. Some of the GOP honchoes have claimed that she was a DEI hire. I think that may have pissed her off.

The whole criticism of DEI hires is, if you believe what the right themselves say about it, is that supposedly people are hired into positions without merit, just because they are black, female, LGBT, etc. (that's BS, but lets roll with it for a sec). Kamala Harris is experienced, she has not only been Vice President but had a history of politics and more long before being picked for Vice President. Trump, meanwhile, had no experience being a politician before becoming President. Thus... I'd say between the two, if you care about merit, Harris beats Trump any day with her hands tied behind her back.

They're really showing their true colors by showing us that the DEI complaints aren't at all about concerns of whether a hire has merit or not, instead they're just "How dare a black person have high level positions". Disgusting.
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Tank - July 25, 2024, 09:52:13 AM
Watching this from across the pond it appears that Harris is quite literally a game change. People have started excusing themselves for voting for Biden. Now they are embracing Harris because she is the best candidate. Trump is behind in virtually all the polls now. Can I breath easy yet?
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by The Magic Pudding.. - July 25, 2024, 06:32:01 AM
Quote from: Dark Lightning on July 24, 2024, 10:55:07 PMAs for the chump-
He's had his ear tipped. All that's left is to neuter and relocate him.  ;D

Hey, he took a bullet for democracy, show some respect.
If it wasn't for him you'd be suffering in a Scandinavian style leftist dystopia.
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Dark Lightning - July 24, 2024, 10:55:07 PM
As for the chump-
He's had his ear tipped. All that's left is to neuter and relocate him.  ;D
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Icarus - July 24, 2024, 10:33:12 PM
A recent discovery about Kamila That makes me confident in her capacity to deal with whatever the situation may bring.. Some of the GOP honchoes have claimed that she was a DEI hire. I think that may have pissed her off.

 This afternoon MSNBC displayed a clip where she is speaking to a group of people, probably young ones and likely black, brown, gay, or handicapped ones. Maybe she was speaking to all of us too. She was speaking in soft, persuasive, motherly terms about how some of the problems in life can be damaging to our psyches, even to our futures. She urged the listener to hold their chins up and their shoulders back when they entered a room. Then she changed the tone of her voice to one of dramatic emphasis. She said; if you come to the door and it is closed, kick the fucking door down. Yep, she used that word. I like her even better now. 

A while back I learned that Gretchen Whitmer is also capable of cursing like a drunken longshoreman. Both those ladies usually come across as goody two shoes. Reminds me of the old saw that says; Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Dark Lightning - July 24, 2024, 09:07:55 PM
People are getting motivated. said 38,500 new voters registered, representing the largest number of registrations in a 48-hour period this election cycle, after Biden dropped his bid for a 2nd term.
