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General => Politics => Topic started by: Recusant on December 14, 2016, 03:29:12 AM

Title: Three Cheers for the Department of Energy
Post by: Recusant on December 14, 2016, 03:29:12 AM
Trump's transition team sent the Department of Energy a questionnaire that included requests for the names of employees who've worked on climate change (http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/12/10/505105258/trump-questionnaire-raises-concerns-about-retaliation-against-energy-department). Now the department has responded by refusing to comply (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2016/12/13/energy-dept-rejects-trumps-request-to-name-climate-change-workers-who-remain-worried/?utm_term=.356463cd2ac6) with that request. Good on them.

Of course, Trump isn't going to be stymied that easily. Reportedly he's picked the dingaling Rick Perry to head the department (http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-picks-energy-department-opponent-rick-perry-energy-secretary-sources-n695241). Perry wanted to completely eliminate the Department of Energy, though he had trouble remembering its name. This fits with a pattern in Trump's picks, many of which are ideologically opposed to the very departments they've been chosen to lead.  :-\
Title: Re: Three Cheers for the Department of Energy
Post by: Dave on December 14, 2016, 09:29:19 AM
More and more this situation parallels dystopian alternative/science-fiction novels with self-serving plutocrats in power. Placemen, loyalty tests . . .

The effective privatisation of the police and armed forces, one coponent of such novels,  may be going too far but I would not dismiss it entirely.
Title: Re: Three Cheers for the Department of Energy
Post by: Bad Penny II on December 15, 2016, 01:42:50 PM
And EPA and and and Trumpians on the Supreme court,
but if it wasn't to be Burney it might as well be Trump.