
There is also the shroud of turin, which verifies Jesus in a new way than other evidences.

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Prophets! The best of Men!

Started by h-n, November 15, 2010, 01:18:05 AM

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I have seen many Atheists give an incorrect view on Islam, and only fair to come here and talk about it, maybe it’ll be a short amount of time, nevertheless here are the facts;-

Just a reminder;-

All the Prophets Noah, Lut, Ibrahim, David. Solomon, Moses, Muhammad peace be upon them came and told people to worship the one God, remember the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell.

Prophet Noah peace be upon him for example did NOT say to the people who refused to repent that;-

-they were good,
-that it was acceptable for them to reject the message of Allah.
-they all knew that they had to repent -the Prophets told people to repent on the first day, there were no introduction classes, religion is normal, a part of us.

We do not hurt and continue to be tolerant of non-Muslims but just as the Prophet Noah peace be upon him we find their behaviour unacceptable. Of course why should we accept something that God himself does not.

I would never listen to an Atheist as you are NOT better then the;-

-Prophet Noah peace be upon him,
-Prophet David peace be upon him,
-Prophet Lut peace be upon him,
-Prophet Joseph peace be upon him,
-Prophet Jesus peace be upon him,
-Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him,
-Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him
-Prophet Solomon peace be upon him.

The Prophets, the best of Men, the Atheists claim that Islam means nothing to them when they cannot even name one Man who is better then any of the Prophets!

Does an Atheist think they are better then Prophet Jesus peace be upon him? Why would I listen to you over the Prophets? NEVER!

If you have something to say-then simply answer this question;-

Are you better then Prophets Jesus, Ibrahim, Moses peace be upon them??
Yes! I love Allah!


They all know that Allah exists!

They treat Atheism as if its something new, when people in the past also rejected the truth, ie that they will be brought back to life.

Allah has already stated in the Quran so many times, that people are denying the truth, he never said that they denying Islam because they didn’t think it was true.

98:6 (Asad) Verily, those who [despite all evidence] are bent on denying the truth - [be they] from among the followers of earlier revelation or from among those who ascribe divinity to aught beside God - will find themselves in the fire of hell, therein to abide: they are the worst of all creatures.

They say they are care about being happy-no surprise, of course Prophet Jesus peace be upon him did NOT say that as long as you get what you want in this limited world, that is all that matters!  They quote happiness, when they accept, lewd, homosexuality behaviour etc, and their path is the fire to Hell!  This world is a test not a life!

Saying that Allah does not exist;-

1. They try and deny Islam and say to themselves they are better at thinking, when they are far astray.

They ask were is the proof that Allah exists, then they talk about evolution;-
Even in the Quran, Allah has already provided the answer that he has created Males and females. They talk of evolution then what also explains how people are created in the womb-do they call that fast evolution in 9 months. Are they saying that cells get together and have a conversation saying to each other;-

- you’ll be a Male and you can be the female??

- male will be created to produce the sperm and the female would be created to produce the egg?

- the cells are organising themselves saying you’ll be the heart, lung, and I’ll be the stomach etc?

- they are creating the blood vessels and already arranging what is required?

It is absolutely impossible for cells to clump together and then look at the bigger picture of how to be a person. Allah is the Creator, and still fashions the babies in the wombs to be people. Even for them to say that the evolution started ages ago, but so many creatures have been created, even at the same time. Even if they were to talk about the first life form it still does not explain how they fashioned into so many creatures. There is of course reference that Allah used the soils in this world to create humans which is why they get confused when they say we are the same family and related, but we are not.

-they are asking us to disbelieve when Allah has already asked them that if they really are so truthful then right a verse like the Quran which would mean that they can bring it on the Day of Judgement and save themselves from the fires of Hell if they are truthful, why they cannot even create a fly. When they are messing around with cells etc, they are already using what Allah has provided and not created their own.

Following those that are not better then the Prophets;-

2. They say they are clever because they are quoting this and that from this person, when the people they are quoting are not better then the Prophets! Are they going to say that Richard Dawkins is better then Prophet Jesus peace be upon him? Whey are they so quick to follow after people who are nothing in comparison to the Prophets? Its because they look for the life of this world. Why did Richard Dawkins put up a poster -there probably is no God, so live your life-so he is already saying that don’t believe in Allah so you can enjoy your life in this world! Why would he have to say that to people if it wasn’t connected about non-Muslims looking for the life of this world?

We would never listen to someone over the best of people -the Prophets Ibrahim, Jesus, Muhammad, Noah, Lut, Job, Salih, Joseph peace be upon them etc.


3. They quote Science, thinking its clever. Allah has stated in the Quran that this world is limited, So why do Scientists go after something that they will never be part of or their children. Don’t bother quoting caring about people, if they really cared about people they would spend time with people more, and providing the money to the poor.

- It is like a person who wants to copy off actors-he wants the same respect he gets, so he becomes one,

- It is like a person who wants to be a footballer to copy off the other footballers, so to be treated like they are.

-they become scientists to copy off the other Scientists, to be treated with respect and people would think they are clever.

- the scientist were rejecting the Christianity in the past to be arrogant to religion (as explained a bit about the test in “Satan refusing to prostrate thread”. As soon as people talked more about Islam, people wanted to treat Islam like they have done with Christianity by saying we don’t accept science so help them to attack Islam but they could not as we have no problems with learning about the world around us.

- they will not set foot on Jupiter etc, and they would not be able to leave this galaxy.

- so there are evil people who look for the life of this world to achieve for them attainable goals like getting a car, a house, but the scientist already know they are going after something that they never will have -which makes them more stupid, then the masses!

- why is it that the Scientist want to be remembered when they are dead more then there work. There are Scientist who are writing any theories to lay claim to them, so when they are dead if a future generation finds out if they were right, they will get the credit! Not writing down theories, hypothesis that they themselves can prove.

- even in Medicine only evil people would think about organ donation, to think up the idea of cutting someone else up and taking their organs, even Allah said;-

Thou wilt indeed find them, of all people, most greedy of life,-even more than the idolaters: Each one of them wishes He could be given a life of a thousand years: But the grant of such life will not save him from (due) punishment. For Allah sees well all that they do. 2:96

They have not cured the organ just tossed it away.

- they go into fields they say in the name of Science so they can be arrogant, which explains why so many people are complaining that they are not looking seriously at the cases of ghosts, devils, parallel worlds. As the scientists know this would be a lot of hard work, and they don’t get a lot of credit for this work. Even if they found something, others would dismiss them as being mad. Even suggesting theories on these ideas of Devils actually existing-so they are being open-minded.

-why has science been trying to find out better ways of torturing someone??

-why has science been trying to find out better ways of killing people? If they really cared about people? And they say they do science to help people?

-even Scientists have said that is human nature to go around and find out what other things is in relation to them! So if you took them to another place, world, in the past, its about their relationship with them-they do not look at the relationship of Allah and his creation, but between themselves!


4. They say they believe there is intelligent life on other planets, and yes Muslims do so too, and they are worshipping Allah, what would they do visit the aliens and tell them they don’t believe in Allah?? They already it has been normal for people to have religion, why don’t they think that these aliens would also have a religion-which is the same-Islam. The religion of Prophet Jesus, Muhammad, Ibrahim, Noah, Salih, David, Solomon peace be upon him.


5. They then talk about having televisions, mobiles, computers etc to show off. Well did not the people who were destroyed before them also show off to the religious? Have they not been destroyed?

- Like the story of babel that the people, this time do they not see that they are communication etc and they have been warned. They have seen so many natural disasters on their televisions etc. So whey they get on the Day of Judgement they cannot say they have not been warned.

- Do they think that Allah would leave them alone with their children when they do not teach anything about Islam?? If they did not have much communication is that all their children will be seeing is their lewd, unreligious behaviour?
Using other religion;-

Using other religion;-

6. They then try and throw anything at Islam saying that other religions claim they are correct, how can they say that when all the Prophets Noah, Ibrahim, Jesus, Muhammad peace be upon them etc have stated to worship the one God and remember the Day of Judgement and in Paradise and Hell. The Christians and the Jews don’t even bow down to Allah as the Prophets have done, don’t even sacrifice animals as the Prophets have done.

-in the Quran it states that the King Solomon peace be upon him had control of the winds the Jinn etc, now today they are saying that this was left out purposely from the bible-so were did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him get this information as he could not read or write??

-they say we are copying off them, nay why shouldn’t Allah tell about the Prophets that he sent before to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him? Even the Jews were questioning him to see if he was correct on information-none of them at that time said he was copying off someone or so and so.

-if we were copying off them then we would not have been successful to have spread Islam successfully around, if we copied off them then how did we finish idol worship in Saudi Arabia etc???

-typical sinners at that time, they are critical of Islam, but not of Hindus etc, they were happy to live with so much filth in Saudi Arabia at that time, but they had a problem with Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?? They make excuses saying its about terrorism, nay they are liars, then why did they throw Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him in the fire when he was not attacking anyone? Why did they invade Prophet Lut peace be upon him when he did not hurt anyone? They are as Allah said denying the truth for they are being sinful people. Just in the “Freedom and evil acceptance” they are denying the truth so they can continue to be evil without having anyone being critical to them.

-their governments have been going around countries and have not been telling the population of what trouble they are causing and when there is trouble they run to the masses so they can get support-is not the USA saying to Iran we are prepared to attack you? Why are they saying this without talking to their population or gaining their permission? Its rather like a son causing trouble then running back home to his family for them to help him, but he is not telling that he caused it.

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him marrying Ayesha;-

7. They talk about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him marrying Ayesha, then they should bring an argument to that time, his companions, his wives, other people, the idol worshippers, the Jews, the Christians did not attack him at that time for marrying Ayesha. So who are they to attack him now??

Day of Judgement;-

8. They say that people believed in the Day of Judgement in the past, but it never happened. It does not matter when a person dies they will still stand on the Day of Judgement. Of course the people of Aad and Thamud also denyed of this in the past, and said they were going to be fine, but of course they are on the way to Hell.

Why is Allah testing us?

9. They ask why is Allah testing them, they are happy to try and prove to people, and show off to people, and try and be someone in this world, but they can’t bring themselves to answer why we have to prove ourselves as good people -which I already answered on the “Satan refusing to prostrate” thread. Aren't we happy with striving for Paradise and then happy with what we have done and with Allah's Merciful and being created so we know that he exists and we are enjoying what he has provided us with? Yes we are.

Lewd, homosexuals;-

10. They are happy to side with lewd people, homosexuals then the Prophets Ibrahim, Noah, Lut, David Muhammad peace be upon them etc? Then they are saying that they are clever for going against Islam, why do those homosexuals and lewd people make more sense to them?


11. They ask why they should be sent to Hell if Allah is so Merciful, for them to be sent to Hell does not change the fact that Allah is Merciful. They have sent themselves to Hell. There is no difference to someone saying in Paradise we reject islam-what more proof do they need? That is why in apostasy there are no second chances you go to hell. If you were in Paradise and said you don’t accept Allah of course you deserve to be thrown out. Again the test is covered in “Satan refusing to prostrate”.

Islam the message that they are receiving today;-

12. Even the Christians are saying that Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will be coming back, we are not going to have another Prophet until these countries have finished and after the Dajjal. Islam is teaching them what they need to know and warning them, they are reacting back to Islam as a person would do to a Prophet, by being arrogant, ignorant, rejecting the truth even torturing believers.

Islam is doing what Christianity and Judaism could not do teach the whole world! As Christianity was worshipping idols and Jews were changing religion even now saying that there is no Hell. They do not look for the life of this world. Even Christians have admitted if it wasn’t for Islam people would not have spoken about Allah as much as they are doing today. They are being tested (as explained in the “Collapse of the countries today” thread.

They are not going to get another Prophet, they have Islam which has relayed the same message provided by all the Prophets.

On the Day of Judgement;-

13. So as above they are saying anything to try and say they going against Islam for a good reason, but they have nothing, even look at their faces, it actually that the are trying to convince themselves that Allah does not exist! Just like some females when they get their lewd behaviour acceptable, and say that its normal, when it is not and never will be.

If they say to you they disbelieve, then say to them to repeat it on the Day of Judgement-were Allah has stated in the Quran;-

[46:34] The day the disbelievers are introduced to the Hellfire, they will be asked, "Is this not the truth?" They will answer, "Yes indeed, by our Lord." He will say, "Then suffer the retribution for your disbelief."

-they will not want to stand with Richard Dawkin then,
-they will not want to stand with the homosexuals then.
-they will be saying;-

40:47 (Asad) AND LO! They [who in life were wont to deny the truth] will contend with one another in the fire [of the hereafter]; and then the weak will say unto those who had gloried in their arrogance, “Behold, we were but your followers: can you, then, relieve us of some [of our] share of this fire?”

No one will be saying to Allah on the Day of Judgement;-

1. Who are you?
2. Why are we here?
3. What is Hell?
4. I didn't know that homosexuality was a bad thing.
5. I didn't know that being lewd was wrong.

Do not believe their lies, they all know they are rejecting the truth and what is good.

They are doing the same as any other sinful person going against the good instead of evil, just as the people attacked the Prophet Lut, Ibrahim peace be upon him instead of standing away from the evil and repenting. They are trying to say they are being clever, and being arrogant to Islam but they have nothing. They thought they could treat Islam as they have done with Christianity and disregard it but they cannot as;-
Islam is the truth and we have Allah's words-the Quran;-

[3:110] You are the best community ever raised among the people: you advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and you believe in GOD. If the followers of the scripture believed, it would be better for them. Some of them do believe, but the majority of them are wicked.

They think to lead us astray (is this not upon the reactions of these liars that they are happy for us to leave the truth);-

They long that ye should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that ye may be upon a level (with them). So choose not friends from them till they forsake their homes in the way of Allah; if they turn back (to enmity) then take them and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them, 4.89

They (think to) deceive Allâh and those who believe, while they only deceive themselves, and perceive (it) not!” al-Baqarah 2:9
Yes! I love Allah!


Can you prove that I, peace be upon me, am not?
[size=150]â€"Ellie [/size]
You can’t lie to yourself. If you do you’ve only fooled a deluded person and where’s the victory in that?â€"Ricky Gervais


There aren't going to be any more Prophets Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was the last one to be chosen, and Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will be coming back after all these countries that you see today end, and there is no banking, businesses as you see today, computers etc.
Yes! I love Allah!


THis is your friendly reminder that preaching is against the rules.  If you truly love Allah you will make an attempt to converse with the lost through thoughtful discourse rather than shallow claims.


h-n has been warned in two PMs about spamming and preaching already. No need to reply to her. If she persists, then she will be banned from the forum.
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


I have already replyed back saying that what I have written in these threads are applicable, there is no other way for a Muslim to write.  IF you can't accept that, then it is wrong to say that you can talk to Muslims.  

The Prophets did NOT stop talking about Islam, because of sinful people telling them to stop, and neither would !.

Just doing the same as people aforetime, they even rejected what Prophet Noah peace be upon him was saying, and then got drowned in the flood, your only showing to people that if you were alive at that time, that you would be one of those who go into the fire!

So repent, and worship the one God, remember the Day of Judgement and Paradise and Hell!
Yes! I love Allah!


I see you trollin' 'round town on the board I love, and I'm like "Fuck you!" ooo, ooo, ooo!
I guess the 1 billion Muslims isn't enough, so I say, "Fuck you, and fuck trollin', too!"
I said, "If people were smarter, there'd be less martyers." Ain't that some shit? (Ain't that some shit?)
And although I feel hardly blessed, I still wish you the best, with a, "Fuck you!"
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Quote from: "h-n"there is no other way for a Muslim to write.  IF you can't accept that, then it is wrong to say that you can talk to Muslims.  

Lying for Allah will get you nowhere.  Those of us who don't live in a box have been or are friends with a Muslim and know that they have a brain and area able to participate in thoughtful discussions.

Bye bye.


NOOOOOOO!!! Missed it  :(  :( (Insert a long row of crying faces)
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.