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Liberals and Atheists Smarter?

Started by karadan, February 26, 2010, 04:22:37 PM

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I just found this very interesting article. Thought you guys might want a peek. ... gle+Reader
QuoteI find it mistifying that in this age of information, some people still deny the scientific history of our existence.


Fascinating article and it is well supported by survey data of American populations according to Pew Research Center.  I don't have time to break out the Pew data in relationship to the various topics in your article, but I will try to get around to it this evening.


There was an article that came out about a year ago stating the same thing (that higher levels of intelligence were linked with less dogmatic thinking in young adults). Here's the abstract:

QuoteThe present study examined whether IQ relates systematically to denomination and income within the framework of the g nexus, using representative data from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth (NLSY97). Atheists score 1.95 IQ points higher than Agnostics, 3.82 points higher than Liberal persuasions, and 5.89 IQ points higher than Dogmatic persuasions. Denominations differ significantly in IQ and income. Religiosity declines between ages 12 to 17. It is suggested that IQ makes an individual likely to gravitate toward a denomination and level of achievement that best fit his or hers particular level of cognitive complexity. Ontogenetically speaking this means that contemporary denominations are rank ordered by largely hereditary variations in brain efficiency (i.e. IQ). In terms of evolution, modern Atheists are reacting rationally to cognitive and emotional challenges, whereas Liberals and, in particular Dogmatics, still rely on ancient, pre-rational, supernatural and wishful thinking. [Copyright 2009 Elsevier]
*Note: the word liberal in this context does not refer to political leaning, but is on a continuum of: atheist -- agnostic -- liberally religious -- dogmatically religious.

At the same time another study was released relating average level of intelligence nationally with levels of atheism. Again, abstract:

QuoteEvidence is reviewed pointing to a negative relationship between intelligence and religious belief in the United States and Europe. It is shown that intelligence measured as psychometric g is negatively related to religious belief. We also examine whether this negative relationship between intelligence and religious belief is present between nations. We find that in a sample of 137 countries the correlation between national IQ and disbelief in God is 0.60. [Copyright 2009 Elsevier]

So, if you're ever pressed to produce sources that say atheists are on average smarter than religious folk, there ya go.  :)

Lynn, R., Harvey, J., & Nyborg, H. (2009). Average intelligence predicts atheism rates across 137 nations. Intelligence, 37(1), 11-15. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2008.03.004
Nyborg, H. (2009). The intelligenceâ€"religiosity nexus: A representative study of white adolescent Americans. Intelligence, 37(1), 81-93. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2008.08.003


Interesting studies.  I'd have to agree based on personal experience, however anecdotal that may be.

... and yet...

"Smarter" is not equal to "Better Adapted for Survival", in evolutionary terms.

For example, a story I'd read a while back called "Marching Morons" painted a dim view of the future.
The smart folks curtailed their breeding because they saw the problems with overpopulation.
The not-so-smart folks just kept on pumping out kids.
Average IQ dropped over time, and it ended up being a small group with high intelligence controlling the masses.

... that sounds awfully familiar!

(off to do some banking),


Quote from: "joeactor""Smarter" is not equal to "Better Adapted for Survival", in evolutionary terms.

For example, a story I'd read a while back called "Marching Morons" painted a dim view of the future.
The smart folks curtailed their breeding because they saw the problems with overpopulation.
The not-so-smart folks just kept on pumping out kids.
Average IQ dropped over time, and it ended up being a small group with high intelligence controlling the masses.

... that sounds awfully familiar!



Not sure that I agree with the reasoning, but... ... tml?hpt=C2
"Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense."
Chapman Cohen


There certainly seems to be a correlative link. Is it causal? Hard to say, but I suppose it's possible.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


It has been my personal exprience that this is often true. I'm am only really annoyed when I talk to a believer who is obviously inteligent and they use that intelligence to do the most amazing mental gymnastics.
"I'd rather die the go to heaven" - William Murderface Murderface  Murderface-

I've been in fox holes, I'm still an atheist -Me-

God is a cake, and we all know what the cake is.

(my spelling, grammer, and punctuation suck, I know, but regardless of how much I read they haven't improved much since grade school. It's actually a bit of a family joke.


I posted a link to this study on Facebook â€" with a rather humorous take: congratulating all my friends who were online late at night to their supposedly high IQ. From a former college classmate, however, I received an angry reply. She has become a Catholic at 27 and in her response started ranting about "intelligent people". I know she is really smart herself, so I have no idea why exactly she was so offended.

Anyway, I'm not quite sure _how_ significant an average IQ difference of 10 actually is. Can anyone of you maybe explain a little?


I read this article yesterday on another forum, should have seen how many people got fired up over it. .As it is I find it an interesting read.


Quote from: "cate"I posted a link to this study on Facebook â€" with a rather humorous take: congratulating all my friends who were online late at night to their supposedly high IQ. From a former college classmate, however, I received an angry reply. She has become a Catholic at 27 and in her response started ranting about "intelligent people". I know she is really smart herself, so I have no idea why exactly she was so offended.

"Ok, ok, I take it're not that intelligent!" :hide:
[size=150]â€"Ellie [/size]
You can’t lie to yourself. If you do you’ve only fooled a deluded person and where’s the victory in that?â€"Ricky Gervais


Well ... I know quite a few people who I consider to be very intelligent. And some of my most intelligent friends have joined a church in recent years. I would argue that while the average IQ is lower among religious people than among atheists, there are as many smart christians etc. as there are stupid atheists.

It's like the women who can't park a car and the men who can't listen. It may be true for the one-or-the-other prototype, but there are many gray areas in between: Women who drive better than many men. And men who are fantastic listeners.