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Surfing the Rising Tide, Palo Alto, CA

Started by AlP, September 16, 2009, 05:06:32 AM

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I don't know much about this speaker but this is happening in Palo Alto, CA on October 16th:
QuoteFred Edwords of the United Coalition of Reason is the speaker at an open forum sponsored by the Humanist Community in Silicon Valley, where he will discuss what has been happening over the past few years with the rise of the “New Atheism,” the growing interest in humanism, and the influence of the new billboard and bus campaignsâ€"as well as how humanists can capture this interest and grow the movement.

“Humanism’s most striking message today is that people can be good without belief in a god,” Edwords added. “This idea seems quite ordinary and natural to humanists, and to the majority of Europeans. But for Americans it remains a subject of heated debate.” As one example of this point, a month before his presentation to the Humanist Community, Edwords is participating in a Presbyterian-sponsored dialogue on the subject at George Mason University in Arlington, VA.

A leading voice for humanism in the United States and abroad, Fred Edwords is recognized as an outstanding lecturer, debater, and teacher on human rights, humanist philosophical issues, and effective outreach techniques for organizations in the community of reason. He has appeared on national and local television in the United States and Canada, has been interviewed on radio and for newspapers around the world, and has lectured in North America, Europe, and India.

The meeting will be held in the Mitchell Park Community Center, 3800 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto from 7pm â€" 9pm on Friday, October 16th, where the public is warmly welcomed.“surfing-the-rising-tide-of-humanism”/

The link is bad I think because it has quotes in it and bbcode doesn't like it. You can copy and paste it and it should work.
"I rebel -- therefore we exist." - Camus