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the Ku Klux Klan is a Christian sect

Started by VietnamVet-BRIGHT, May 16, 2009, 04:19:48 AM

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Quote from: "Psalm23"
Quote from: "JillSwift"You asserted that southerners are too dim to understand the bible.
Where in that Bible does it mention people from the southern United States are too dim to understand the Bible?
If you can't tell me, then I guess you're just being judgmental.
No, it's just common knowledge that people from the south have a low I.Q rate. It's Science.
Remember I said I'd only accept no less than three peer-reviewed studies to that effect as an answer. That, or a bible verse.
As you can not provide either, you are being judgmental - and by your own words, are thus not a Christian. Q.E.D.


Quote from: "curiosityandthecat"Uhm, you just agreed with the point you are arguing against. You're saying the KKK isn't Christian. We're saying it is. You do realize that, right?
You're saying the KKK is Christian.. and I believe i asked for proof from the word of Jesus that justifies the KKK. No one has been able to do so. So, therefore, I have debunked this madness.

QuoteSo the method by which they express their liking doesn't matter so much as the fact that they do like the music, right? Same with being a Christian, Psalm. One person (you) trolls forums, annoying atheists and quoting (poorly) scripture. Another (a KKK member) does their crap. Both Christian, I'm afraid.
annoying atheists is not a commandment. killing people is. don't compare me to the KKK. that's an insult, and according to moderators, that is a violation of forum rules.

QuoteJudging by what I've read about Jesus' teachings, he'd tell you to stop. You are to bring the word to people who are willing to hear it, offer it to those who are not. You've offered it. We've rejected it (in fact, many of us here were you before becoming atheist -- this ain't our first rodeo). You can stop now.
Yes, I agree with you, at some point, Jesus said, "shake the dust from your feet and walk away from them." Once again, meaning, YOU! but you see, atheists didn't have bulletin boards in 33 a.d that wants to discuss Jesus and his teachings. All you atheists are doing is promoting Christianity, whether you like it or not. The main topic in every atheist forum is Christianity, and maybe every once in awhile someone will mention Islam, but other than that.. the topic is usually 99.9% Christianity discussion.

QuoteCherry picking again, I see. The parts of the OT you believe bolster your position are worthwhile. Other aspects are apocryphal or antiquated and should not be paid attention to, right?
“Yea, all the kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him. For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper... His name shall endure forever, his name shall be continued as long as the sun, and men shall be blessed in him, all nations shall call him blessed” (Ps. 72:11-12, 17). This verse is about Jesus Christ "the Messiah" my friend..

QuoteTrust me, if anyone should feel sad, it's us. For you. You are blind, Psalm. Not us.
The Lord is my SHEPHERD my friend.. If I am blind.. that's why I'm called PSALM23. The LORD shall leadeth me to his Kingdom..
"Wash me clean, set me free, hold me closer, cover me" - David Crowder - My Hope


Quote from: "Psalm23"The Lord is my SHEPHERD my friend.. If I am blind.. that's why I'm called PSALM23. The LORD shall leadeth me to his Kingdom..

But only if you do not have long hair.


Quote from: "Psalm23"
Quote from: "curiosityandthecat"Uhm, you just agreed with the point you are arguing against. You're saying the KKK isn't Christian. We're saying it is. You do realize that, right?
You're saying the KKK is Christian.. and I believe i asked for proof from the word of Jesus that justifies the KKK. No one has been able to do so. So, therefore, I have debunked this madness.
lol  This is coming from the same person who denies Hitler was a Catholic. Jesus never directly acknowledged Calvanism, or Baptists either? So every sect of Christianity is false. In sense I do agree with Psalm.... The last Christian died on a cross.
‎"Christian doesn't necessarily just mean good. It just means better." - John Oliver


This is alot like playing Whack-a-Mole, except this is Whack-a-Troll!!   :banna:


Quote from: "Psalm23"You're saying the KKK is Christian.. and I believe i asked for proof from the word of Jesus that justifies the KKK. No one has been able to do so. So, therefore, I have debunked this madness.
Jesus is God, correct? The word of Jesus is the word of God, and vice versa, correct? If God said it (at any time, in any scripture), then, by extension, Jesus said it. If anyone, anywhere does anything that is in any way based on any scripture, it was, by extension, done in Jesus' name. Either you acquiesce that, or you deny that Jesus and God are one and the same.

It's a fun little mythology you have going, here. Great fun.

Quoteannoying atheists is not a commandment. killing people is. don't compare me to the KKK. that's an insult, and according to moderators, that is a violation of forum rules.
Actually not killing people is a commandment, though, judging by the history of the church, not a very important one. Are you going to tell me that every person who has ever killed in God's name was not a Christian? And I'm not comparing you to the KKK. I'm saying you both have the same guidebook, the same how-to guide on life, the same little book of stories. A man who lights a cigarette and a man who burns down a theater are both starting fires.

QuoteYes, I agree with you, at some point, Jesus said, "shake the dust from your feet and walk away from them." Once again, meaning, YOU! but you see, atheists didn't have bulletin boards in 33 a.d that wants to discuss Jesus and his teachings. All you atheists are doing is promoting Christianity, whether you like it or not. The main topic in every atheist forum is Christianity, and maybe every once in awhile someone will mention Islam, but other than that.. the topic is usually 99.9% Christianity discussion.
Yes, so follow his suggestion: shake the dust from your mouse and surf away from us. Atheists didn't discuss their atheism in the past because... wait for it... we were killed for doing so. By whom, you ask? Christians! Yep! Thanks for playing. Atheists talk about Christianity for the same reasons African Americans talk about racism or women talk about sexism. Surely you're not so dense as to fail to see that.

Quote“Yea, all the kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him. For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper... His name shall endure forever, his name shall be continued as long as the sun, and men shall be blessed in him, all nations shall call him blessed” (Ps. 72:11-12, 17). This verse is about Jesus Christ "the Messiah" my friend..
Oh boy, more scripture. By the way, that's called "postdiction." Look it up.

QuoteThe Lord is my SHEPHERD my friend.. If I am blind.. that's why I'm called PSALM23. The LORD shall leadeth me to his Kingdom..
You were born with that moniker? On your birth certificate it says "John Smith, aka Psalm23"? God came down from his heavenly Lay-z-Boy and told you you shall go forth into the interwebz and you shall be called Psalm23? That's really weird, man.


Quote from: "Psalm23"
Quote from: "JillSwift"You asserted that southerners are too dim to understand the bible.
Where in that Bible does it mention people from the southern United States are too dim to understand the Bible?
If you can't tell me, then I guess you're just being judgmental.
No, it's just common knowledge that people from the south have a low I.Q rate. It's Science.

Cite the references or withdraw the statement immediately.[/color]
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


Quote from: "Psalm23"No, it's just common knowledge that people from the south have a low I.Q rate. It's Science.

Common knowledge? You mean a common stereotype? lol Seriously, all in favor of giving the troll the boot say Aye.
‎"Christian doesn't necessarily just mean good. It just means better." - John Oliver


Anyone ever think to just read what the KKK have to say about their status?

Perhaps reading why they say they are christians from their own official web pages would shed some light on this debate. They certainly claim to be christians. Take some time to read their convoluted platform and charters. It is both illuminating and sickening.
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


Quote from: "Sophus"
Quote from: "Psalm23"No, it's just common knowledge that people from the south have a low I.Q rate. It's Science.

Common knowledge? You mean a common stereotype? lol Seriously, all in favor of giving the troll the boot say Aye.

If he doesn't comply with my post for references, it'll be strike one.
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


Quote from: "JillSwift"
Quote from: "Psalm23"
Quote from: "JillSwift"You asserted that southerners are too dim to understand the bible.
Where in that Bible does it mention people from the southern United States are too dim to understand the Bible?
If you can't tell me, then I guess you're just being judgmental.
No, it's just common knowledge that people from the south have a low I.Q rate. It's Science.
Remember I said I'd only accept no less than three peer-reviewed studies to that effect as an answer. That, or a bible verse.
As you can not provide either, you are being judgmental - and by your own words, are thus not a Christian. Q.E.D.

You got it ...

First, I noticed that the Christians posting on this thread immediately diverted the argument from the Christian anti-Semitism of the KKK to racism.  So, let's reconsider this aspect of KKK Christianity and a bible verse which completely validates the KKK's postition.

First let's look at a part of a KKK website which quotes Martin Luther, the father of Evangelical Christianity, where he calls Jews "the children of the devil" ...

Quote from: "KKK"On the Jews and Their Lies, 1543
The Complete Book Online

Martin Luther (1483 - 1546)

Quote from: "of the Jews, Martin Luther, Father of Evangelical Christianity"But when they disdained John and his [Christ's] message and miracles, reviling them as the deeds of Beelzebub, he spoiled and ruined matters entirely. He rebuked and chided them severely something he should not, of course, have done for being greedy, evil, and disobedient children, false teachers, seducers of the people, etc.; in brief, a brood of serpents and children of the devil. ... r_lies.htm

Now here's the Bible verse of the Jesus character telling the Jews who do not believe that he is the son of the God character that they are children of the devil:  

Quote from: "the author of the Gospel of John"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 8:44

There are other examples which validate Christian hatred of the Jews. Hence, the Gospels, specifically the Gospel of John, is clearly anti-semitic.  The historical fact is that it was the Bible that served as the foundation of what was normative anti-semitic Christianity right into the 20th century.  

Martin Luther's anti-Semitic theology of the 16th century was just a continuation of this Christian hatred which ultimately manifested as the Holocaust in which 6,000,000 Jewish children, women and men were executed simply for for being Jewish.  

The KKK is only continuing what is the most historically normative form of Christianity.

Your turn.



Quote from: "McQ"Perhaps reading why they say they are christians from their own official web pages would shed some light on this debate.
This is a debate? I thought we were trying to teach the unteachable?  :)
‎"Christian doesn't necessarily just mean good. It just means better." - John Oliver


Quote from: "Sophus"This is a debate? I thought we were trying to teach the unteachable?  lol


Hey Psalm,
why is it you and most christians only like to quote the good things in the bible? Have you ever really read the bible?
In the old testament God  says it's ok to own slaves, even tells you how to mark them as your own. You can even beat a slave without being punished unless he dies with in a day or 2. Hmmmm maybe thats where the KKK gets it's hatred.
 Is this ok with you morally? does it sound like a loving God? God also says you should take an unruley child to the edge of town and stone it, hmmmm doesn't sound to loving to me.
Ya know God killed a lot of people in the old testament for very messed up reasons, sounds like an evil pissed off, childish prick if you ask me. But thats right he loves us, I forgot. LOL
 Oh I know you'll probally use the excuse that what happened in the new testament made what was in the old testament ok, but come on. If God screwed up that bad he had to come to earth as Jesus and be killed to make it right, and then to come back as a zombie,why would I want to worship an almighty being that screws up and can't get it right?
 And don't say the old T doesn't count either, because if you believe the bible is the word of "God", you can't pick and choose what in it is right or wrong.

Little long for my first post LOL, I just get tired of people being so naive and believing everything they read.


I've read more trash about christians and atheist sense I posted last night.Whats wrong with all of you the KKK is nothing more than a bunch of people that hate anyone that is different than what they can accept.The KKK should have never been argued over,their type of thinking is a detriment to society.All anyone cares about is that they are right this is childish and shameful.I do not care whither the KKK claims to be a christian group or an atheist group what they claim and what they are ....well they are two different things.These people are full of hate and should have never gotten this much attention,the christians and atheist on this site all claim they do not hate others if this is so how about showing it.Psalm 23 you just keep pushing the atheist on and atheist you just feed into his pushing.I hope that what was said here was truly not meant if they were God help us all. :brick: