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Former New Ager, now free of superstition

Started by Kit_Kaboodle, April 02, 2009, 02:21:34 PM

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Hello gang,
I knew I was an atheist when I saw the Twin Towers fall. The idea of some deity rewarding murderers with 72 virgins was so preposterous it should have been a final nail in any belief of the supernatural.

But people do silly things, and I'm no exception.

For some reason, perhaps the glamour of the occult, I wanted to believe in the supernatural. I embarked in a long study of the subject, and with selective evidence started believing in all manner of hocus pocus. Within a few years, I became somewhat of an authority on tarot cards, and hosted a successful podcast on the subject. As an amateur magician, I knew of the techniques of "cold reading" but convinced myself that real tarot was outside of carny tricks. I even became a member of the Golden Dawn and a druid organization.

Events occurred where I discovered that leaders of the New Age community, of which I was a big member, were not what they seemed. It is my opinion, based on my own observation, that the "spiritual" community are composed of people who want to get into your head, get into your wallet, or get into your pants.

I have decided to follow the path of truth, wherever that takes me. There are no magical powers, no gods, and that is all a good thing.

Kit Kaboodle


welcome to the forum. I'm sure your paticular former faith will add a new and interesting dimension to some of the discussions here (especialy when so many atheists are accused of similar beliefs). Agian welcome to our community.
"I'd rather die the go to heaven" - William Murderface Murderface  Murderface-

I've been in fox holes, I'm still an atheist -Me-

God is a cake, and we all know what the cake is.

(my spelling, grammer, and punctuation suck, I know, but regardless of how much I read they haven't improved much since grade school. It's actually a bit of a family joke.



The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
Come visit me on Facebook!


Quote from: "Kit_Kaboodle"It is my opinion, based on my own observation, that the "spiritual" community are composed of people who want to get into your head, get into your wallet, or get into your pants.

Nailed it right there. Welcome to the forum, Kit_Kaboodle. I will look forward to hearing more of your perspective.  :)
Prayers that need no answer now, cause I'm tired of who I am
You were my greatest mistake, I fell in love with your sin
Your littlest sin.


Quote from: "Kit_Kaboodle"Events occurred where I discovered that leaders of the New Age community, of which I was a big member, were not what they seemed. It is my opinion, based on my own observation, that the "spiritual" community are composed of people who want to get into your head, get into your wallet, or get into your pants.
...are you sure you're not referring to my ex's?  :D


Hey Kit! Yours will be an interesting perspective. Since New agers don't tend toward the right wing, so they are not  on my scary religion radar, so do tell. We have a dear friend in Austin who has been  curmudgeonly "Grrrr. . .  " about the New ageyness there for 30 years, and a friend in Taos who succumbed to it.
There's nothing wrong with ambivalence--is there?


Welcome Kit.  That's quite the history you've got, methinks it will add perspective to the forums.
If sin may be committed through inaction, God never stopped.

My soul, do not seek eternal life, but exhaust the realm of the possible.
-- Pindar