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A bible-thumper replies to me on youtube...

Started by karadan, February 26, 2009, 12:15:54 PM

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This is an unedited version of a mail i received on youtube in response to one of my posts to a video. I think i'm correct in the things i said although i could do with some clarification. What i said was pretty much things i've heard Christopher Hitchens say on various videos. I must admit, i haven't read the works of Thomas Jefferson so i could be completely incorrect.


Karadan said:

The founding fathers realised the folly of mixing religion with governmental decisions. They'd learned from various disasters in Europe that it should not happen again. They created a completely secular government (whether or not said members were religious) and it worked for a long time.

Christian said:

Oh bull. You apparently haven't read the writings of many of them like Thomas Jefferson. These people FULLY gave glory to GOD FOR their works in public service. Which makes your statement a blatantly lie! I can't let you post dim wit propaganda. If you want to remain that stupid..then don't read the works of the people you are making claims about. But I can't let you post if you are that stupid.

Karadan said:

It is hazy at which point religion started to call the shots but at least in the last century, religion has played a larger part than it should with the running of the state.

Christian said:

Hehe... aren't even on 1st base here.

1) This is a democratic republic theoretically.

2) That means the people have say as to what kind of laws govern them to a great degree.

3) Except..there's always the possibility that a good old boy club become dominant...and they keep lying to the people and promising them things that they never intend to do.


NO. Fool. You are a result of that system. That's why you can't think any better than this. How old are you? It's obvious you weren't schooled when I was..that's for sure.

I couldn't even GET a teaching job because I'm willing to discuss things that involve VALUES with kids. I mean I wouldn't deviate from the subject area to do it but if they ask...I'm a human being not a robot. Even though I was certainly the most qualified new Physics teacher in the state of Oregon coming out of school...I could job.

DID RELIGIOUS PEOPLE FORCE SOCIALISM ON US? Heck..I can't get out of social security if I pay regular taxes! The aholes lumped it all together!! I don't even have freedom of religion anymore!! DID RELIGIOUS PEOPLE FORCE THAT ON US? NO! Secularists forced MY FAITH OUT OF EXISTENCE YOU MORON!

You are a dud..dude. Get a clue. -Bob


I'm not too sure what his point is with social security as i don't really know much about that in the States. Is he correct in his assumptions?

I've asked him to clarify what his belief is because i find it hard to see how a physics teacher could believe dinosaurs roamed the earth 6000 years ago.

As far as i know, the NEA, apart from other things, try to keep bible-thumping religion out of science. Am i correct in saying that? Maybe that is why he couldn't get a job because he was happy to teach ID alongside physics...

I guess i'd just like a bit of clarification because i may have been completely way off in many of my assumptions.


QuoteI find it mistifying that in this age of information, some people still deny the scientific history of our existence.


Thomas Jefferson did not believe that Jesus was the son of god. He did believe there was one true god, but the fact that he only believed Jesus was a great moral leader made him a deist. Christianity is not deism.

The US is not a democratic republic, but a constitutional republic utilizing representative democracy. A "democratic republic" isn't even really a thing. Here in the US, people abiding by the constitution elect people to lead and represent us. We have a say in state laws, sure, but on a national level it's the elected representative that has the say.

What NEA line? What does the National Endowment for the Arts have to do with anything?

ROFL @ the idea this guy is a teacher. There is a national shortage of teachers that is starting to become very serious. People who are still getting their BA are allowed to teach in public schools now. I suspect you're chatting with a 18 year old high school drop out, but even if this person is a teacher, he/she's not not finding work because he/she wants to teach "values".

Ah, socialism again.

It should be said that youtube video responses are the leading cause of stupid on the internet. I avoid youtube comments like the plague because of just the kind of thing you encountered.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Cool. Thanks for the clarification, Will.

I think the guy was on about this:
QuoteI find it mistifying that in this age of information, some people still deny the scientific history of our existence.


Hehe... sorry, the NEA thing was too good to pass up. Maybe it's my cynical sense of humor combined with the absurd number of government agencies with acronyms. That's "cynical" and "acronyms", two words in one sentence featuring y as a vowel. Let's see our supposed teacher best that!
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Quote from: "Will"ROFL @ the idea this guy is a teacher. There is a national shortage of teachers that is starting to become very serious. People who are still getting their BA are allowed to teach in public schools now. I suspect you're chatting with a 18 year old high school drop out, but even if this person is a teacher, he/she's not not finding work because he/she wants to teach "values".

Exactly what I thinking.
Prayers that need no answer now, cause I'm tired of who I am
You were my greatest mistake, I fell in love with your sin
Your littlest sin.


At the risk of merely repeating what has been posted above, your youtube thumper seems pretty under-gunned intellectually to be a physics teacher. He's your typical youtube poster with some half understood, deeply held dogmas to defend who's primary goal is to make you feel bad rather than proving you wrong. Throwing issues in as diverse as the nea and socialism shows he is repeating someone else's construct that was heard and accepted with very little understanding of the arguments involved.

It is true that you cannot opt out of the social security system in the U.S. There was a time when you could but no longer.


Quote from: "dr.zalost"It is true that you cannot opt out of the social security system in the U.S. There was a time when you could but no longer.
Obviously some libertarians and conservatives haven't seen the elderly mortality rates in the US before the New Deal. Or they're under the impression that they're somehow infinitely more responsible than basically everyone from the US before Social Security.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Quote from: "Will"Hehe... sorry, the NEA thing was too good to pass up. Maybe it's my cynical sense of humor combined with the absurd number of government agencies with acronyms. That's "cynical" and "acronyms", two words in one sentence featuring y as a vowel. Let's see our supposed teacher best that!

Tee hee, that one went over my head :)

Too subtle for me.
QuoteI find it mistifying that in this age of information, some people still deny the scientific history of our existence.


I would just like to point out how ashamed I am this guy is an Oregonian. We are after all a very liberal state. I guess that so much of my state being on the left make the others veer that much farther to right. I'm really scared that this guy says he a teacher, I would have argued to his face if he was mine.
"I'd rather die the go to heaven" - William Murderface Murderface  Murderface-

I've been in fox holes, I'm still an atheist -Me-

God is a cake, and we all know what the cake is.

(my spelling, grammer, and punctuation suck, I know, but regardless of how much I read they haven't improved much since grade school. It's actually a bit of a family joke.


Quote from: "Tanker"I would just like to point out how ashamed I am this guy is an Oregonian.

I second that. I didn't even notice that part the first time.
Quote from: "Tanker"I'm really scared that this guy says he a teacher, I would have argued to his face if he was mine.

Somehow, I have a hard time believing it is a teacher, more like a teenager trying to give his argument some credibility.  :rant: "You are a dud.. dude" "Secularists forced MY FAITH OUT OF EXISTENCE YOU MORON!" "Even though I was certainly the most qualified new Physics teacher in the state of Oregon coming out of school"
If this guy was the most qualified physics teacher in the state of Oregon, then someone please come blow my beloved state off the map because we've got some serious problems.
Prayers that need no answer now, cause I'm tired of who I am
You were my greatest mistake, I fell in love with your sin
Your littlest sin.


Quote from: "Ihateyoumike"Somehow, I have a hard time believing it is a teacher, more like a teenager trying to give his argument some credibility.  :rant: "You are a dud.. dude" "Secularists forced MY FAITH OUT OF EXISTENCE YOU MORON!" "Even though I was certainly the most qualified new Physics teacher in the state of Oregon coming out of school"
If this guy was the most qualified physics teacher in the state of Oregon, then someone please come blow my beloved state off the map because we've got some serious problems.

Yes, he's full of bologna, no newly certified teacher "coming out of school" is the most qualified.  (His University must not have imposed grammar very strictly.)

He also doesn't have a clue in anything he is saying in the rest of his rant.  His entire post screams teenager or very immature and not-too-bright young adult.  

I wouldn't waste my time trying to get clarification, this is probably the best he can do.
In spite of the cost of living, it's still popular. (Kathy Norris)
They say I have ADHD but I think they are full of...oh, look a kitty!! (unknown)