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CFI Austin, TX to launch

Started by Whitney, January 15, 2009, 02:36:39 AM

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QuoteCome Show Your Support for Sound Science Education!
Join us at a Press Conference â€" Tomorrow
Thursday, January 15, 11:00 AM
Texas Education Agency, 1701 Congress Ave, Austin

Dear friends of science,

As you know, CFI Austin has been working very hard to protect the quality and integrity of science education in Texas.  To that end, I am excited to invite you to a press conference tomorrow where we will announce the launch of a new ground-breaking website,

The website will go live Thursday morning at 8:00 AM.  It's been specially designed to inform parents, educators, and other concerned citizens about the upcoming State Board of Education vote on the new science curriculum.  Whether the SBOE chooses to accept the 21st-Century science curriculum proposed by experts or replace it with their own version that would set science back 150 years remains to be seen, but we hope this new site will give Texans the tools they need to encourage the Board to support modern science education.

In addition to serving as an educational tool for those who want to learn more about science and the politics that are occurring, the web site provides the opportunity for citizens to add their voices to the fight to give our children the best possible public school education.

The website is sponsored by two groups: The Center for Inquiry, an organization dedicated to supporting science, reason, and inquiry, and The Clergy Letter Project, an endeavor designed to demonstrate that religion and science can be compatible.

Never before have religious and secular groups teamed up to produce a web site designed to empower the public to make a difference in Texas education.

Come find out more at the press conference tomorrow!
Thursday, January 15th,  at 11:00 AM

We would like to get as many people to attend the press conference as possible.  If you can attend, please keep in mind that is currently co-sponsored by the Clergy LetterProject - we do not want to make this effort an attack on religion in general.  Please no t-shirts or signs with slogans that could be interpreted as anti-religious.  Other signs with pithy slogans are welcome - we need to make an impression on the press to get as much coverage as possible.  Here are some suggestions:

"Science education is at risk"
"Attacking evolution is an attack on the foundations of science"
"Our children's education is at risk"
"A good science education is vital"
"Teaching alleged weaknesses is teaching lies"
"You can accept evolution and still believe in God"
Please invite friends, family, or any concerned parents or teachers you may know.  If you know any bloggers who could be interested in this event, please help spread the word.

Here again are the details for the press conference: (The Media Advisory is below, for reference.)

When: Thursday, January 15th, at 11:00 am
Where: Texas Education Agency, 1701 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78704

Hope to see you there!


Clare Wuellner, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Center for Inquiry | Austin
(512) 565-0297



Religious and Secular Groups Team Up to Advocate the Teaching of Evolution and 21st-Century Science in Texas Classrooms

For Immediate Release

January 14, 2009
Contact:  Clare Wuellner, 512-565-0297

As the Texas State Board of Education prepares to vote on new science curriculum standards for public schools, two organizations (one secular, the other religious) have come together to oppose efforts to undermine our schoolchildren's science education.  On Thursday, January 15, come to a press conference announcing the launch of a new website intended to empower parents, educators, and other concerned citizens.  Come hear representatives from both organizations discuss this new web resource and why science education matters.

WHAT: Press conference announcing the launch of a website created by two organizations (one secular, the other religious) supporting a 21st-Century science education in Texas public schools

WHEN: 11:00 AM, Thursday, January 15, 2009

WHERE: Texas Education Agency lobby, William Travis Building, 1701 North Congress in Austin

WHO: Scientists and Ministers, serving as spokespersons from The Center for Inquiry Austin and The Clergy Letter Project

The Center for Inquiry supports and defends science, reason, and inquiry.  The Clergy Letter Project is an endeavor designed to demonstrate that religion and science can be compatible.  These organizations support a sound science education in Texas public schools and oppose efforts to promote political and ideological agendas ahead of the interest of Texas schoolchildren.

I recieved the above in a newsletter.


I would love to draw more attention to this.  My girlie is seven, a first-grader in the public school system in Texas.  Whatever decision is made will affect the rest of her pre-college education.
"Every post you can hitch your faith on
Is a pie in the sky,
Chock full of lies,
A tool we devise
To make sinking stones fly."

~from A Comet Apears by The Shins


Quote from: "jrosebud"I would love to draw more attention to this.  My girlie is seven, a first-grader in the public school system in Texas.  Whatever decision is made will affect the rest of her pre-college education.

I know they issued a press release; which basically stated what was in the OP.

There is a very very active freethought community in Austin, you could see if there is anything you could do to help them promote this.  Basically, Austin is the freethought central of Texas.