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USA Today: Atheism, A Positive Pillar

Started by Kyuuketsuki, November 18, 2008, 01:10:14 PM

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Something you guys might like to read :)

QuoteAtheism, A Positive Pillar
It’s not easy not believing in God in the USA. That’s why a group of non-believers is trying to shed the strident image of past atheists by promoting a better side of those sitting on religion’s sidelines.
By Tom Krattenmaker

Being an atheist is not easy in this age of great public religiosity in America. Not when the overwhelming majority of Americans profess some form of belief in God. Not when many believers equate non-belief with immorality. Not when more people would automatically disqualify an atheist for the presidency (53%, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll) than a gay candidate (43%), for example, or a Mormon (24%).

Anti-atheism might have found its ugliest public expression during an episode in the Illinois Legislature this spring. As atheist activist Rob Sherman attempted to testify against a $1 million state grant to a church, Rep. Monique Davis railed, "This is the Land of Lincoln where people believe in God, where people believe in protecting their children. … It's dangerous for our children to even know that your philosophy exists! … You have no right to be here! We believe in something. You believe in destroying!"

Lest we dismiss the legislator's harangue as an anomaly, consider the organizations that bar atheists from membership â€" the Boy Scouts of America and American Legion, to name two, as well as some local posts of the Veterans of Foreign Wars â€" and the conspicuous absence of openly atheist politicians on the national stage.

Mindful of atheism's reviled reputation, a new current in non-belief is intent on showing the public what atheists are for. You might be surprised by what's on their short list. Because, save for the belief-in-a-deity part, it sounds a lot like what most Americans value. Care for one's community and fellow human beings, love of country and cherished American principles, the pursuit and expansion of knowledge â€" these are the elements of the new "positive atheism."

[Read The Rest Of The Article Here]


James C. Rocks: UK Tech Portal & Science, Just Science

[size=150]Not Long For This Forum [/size]


Hopefully this is one step into a more progressively accepting world. I doubt that the fight will ever be over in my lifetime, though. Then again you never know, so i won't dismiss hope entirely.

It was truly shocking to me that the people who participated in that poll would rather have a gay candidate than an atheist one. Hello Elton John!  :D I just wish that some people would get their facts straight and realize that just because we don't believe in a God doesn't mean that we are immoral. It's funny because theists say the same thing about us not believing in evidence of a God.  Okay, now, try and practice what you preach for real this time.

but on a side note. I seriously want to punch some of the people that submitted a comment under that article in the back of the head.
[size=85]So why does there only have to be one correct philosophy?
I don't wanna go and follow you just to end up like one of them
And why are you always telling me what you want me to believe?
I'd like to think that I can go my own way and meet you in the end
Go my own way and meet you in the end
"Same Direction" - Hoobastank


It just kinda galls me that this new "positive atheism" stands for all of the things atheists have ALWAYS stood for and now, we have to have this push to get our positive message out there.  Ugh.

And seriously... I'm with Stoicheion on wanting to pop some of those commenters on the head.  Gee willikers.
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
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This is the "new" atheism??  I'm trying to imagine an old one that was any different and I can't see it.  "Positive atheism?"  As opposed to "negative atheism?"  I must've missed the time when the idea was to hate your fellow human, promote anarchy and undermine the system, and instate fascism and destroy all mankind's repositories of knowledge.

But I'm new to the scene, was the idea once to eat babies and burn churches and paint pentagrams on everything?  


Even if this article was taken up as dogma by the religious part of America, it STILL would leave them open to say that someone isn't a good atheist, since  the article deeply implies there's more than one kind.  That way the good can just be mislead and the bad can be outright evil, in the minds of theists.  But I guess we don't have to worry about it, as all atheists are still disliked by the majority of the country.

And don't get me started on some of those comments.
If sin may be committed through inaction, God never stopped.

My soul, do not seek eternal life, but exhaust the realm of the possible.
-- Pindar

Steve Reason

Well, whatever works, I guess. But there ain't no way that this atheist is gonna play nice and go easy on the fundies. Religion is harmful, and the fundamental version of it is evil -- and I won't apologize for pointing that out when the moment calls for it.
I do not fear death, in view of the fact that I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it. ~ Mark Twain


Quote from: "Steve Reason"Well, whatever works, I guess. But there ain't no way that this atheist is gonna play nice and go easy on the fundies. Religion is harmful, and the fundamental version of it is evil -- and I won't apologize for pointing that out when the moment calls for it.
Can I get an "Amen?" You're speaking my language, Mr Reason.


Some of the comments made by the readers of that blog shows that there is still a lot to be done to erase the "bad" image of atheism. Many followers of religion have it burned in their minds that non-believing is evil, all thanks to their lovely holy books, pastors and public figures. Is this positive atheist trend going to change their minds? I fear that it is not the case, because it just doesn't get enough attention.  A couple of friendly atheist acts is not going to change the minds of many people who were brainwashed to believe in our evilness since the day that they we're able to talk.
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


Quote from: "Tom62"Some of the comments made by the readers of that blog shows that there is still a lot to be done to erase the "bad" image of atheism. Many followers of religion have it burned in their minds that non-believing is evil, all thanks to their lovely holy books, pastors and public figures. Is this positive atheist trend going to change their minds? I fear that it is not the case, because it just doesn't get enough attention.  A couple of friendly atheist acts is not going to change the minds of many people who were brainwashed to believe in our evilness since the day that they we're able to talk.

It's more than just because of their holy books ... IMO theism has waged a war against atheism and has managed rather successfully to brand atheism as a bad thing and that that is why agnosticism came to be (because atheism had such a bad image).

James C. Rocks: UK Tech Portal & Science, Just Science

[size=150]Not Long For This Forum [/size]