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My Muslim Parents

Started by Shalo'zier, August 28, 2008, 12:57:51 PM

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So, yesterday I finally got up the balls to break it to my parents that I'm gonna have to have roommates in University. I thought we'd just have one of our usual fights and that'll be the end of it, but instead, my parents are trying their damnedest to get me reassigned, even to the point that I might have to miss my first year.

I personally have no opinion one way or the other about it, I just want access to the internet....

Can someone give me some advice?
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If you are over 18, I don't think any one besides yourself CAN reassign you, or..?
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.


Yeah, I'm 18, it's just that they're VERY pushy.
Join The Hallway, and enjoy the most random place this side of the Transformer Fanlisting site.

Jolly Sapper

Umm... not knowing much of the specifics required to get "reassigned" you might try to do an end run around your parents attempts.  Get to the offices/officials/etc before your parents and try to convince them that you don't need to be reassigned.  If you can't preempt your parents' attempts then maybe you can ask the officials how much power you have over the reassignment process.  Maybe it'll turn out that you have some final say over things.  

It can't hurt to ask anyway.


Ah.... well it's just a BIT too late now. Apparently my dad just got off the phone with the folks down at student services, and they're gonna phone/email me information if they have a single available.

Thanks though.
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Is there a specific reason why they don't want you to have roommates?


They claim religious reasons.
Join The Hallway, and enjoy the most random place this side of the Transformer Fanlisting site.


Quote from: "Shalo'zier"They claim religious reasons.

I don't mean to pry, but I'm curious. What kind of religious reasons? You've made clear they're Muslim, but I fail to see why that would be impetus for reassigning you to a single (or worse, not attending the first year).


Frankly I have no idea. But the school conceded and made accommodations for me. There are Islamic schools that forbid girls and guys to be in the same class, or if they MUST be in the same class, they must be on opposite sides.

It might also be that they don't want non-believers to mix with me..... I actually took this moment to come out of the closet, as it were.
Join The Hallway, and enjoy the most random place this side of the Transformer Fanlisting site.


Quote from: "Shalo'zier"It might also be that they don't want non-believers to mix with me..... I actually took this moment to come out of the closet, as it were.

That's something I never understood, really. Do people really think that simply being around those with differing opinions will somehow corrupt them? Do they believe their faith is that weak? It's just... bizarre.

Well, either way, welcome to the other side, and I hope you enjoy university. I loved it so much I never left! ;)


Quote from: "curiosityandthecat"
Quote from: "Shalo'zier"It might also be that they don't want non-believers to mix with me..... I actually took this moment to come out of the closet, as it were.

That's something I never understood, really. Do people really think that simply being around those with differing opinions will somehow corrupt them? Do they believe their faith is that weak? It's just... bizarre.

Well, either way, welcome to the other side, and I hope you enjoy university. I loved it so much I never left! ;)

Heheh... thanks.

Actually, I've been an atheist for most of my high school career. Lying about my beliefs for around 4 years. I just got tired of having to be lumped together with them, and if they feel so harsly towards non-believers as to bar them children from mixing, then what would they do if their own son was a non-believer.

My dad (who incidentally, is more visibly religious then my mother) seems to not care. My mom through a sort of hissy fit.
Join The Hallway, and enjoy the most random place this side of the Transformer Fanlisting site.


I'm not sure if this helps, but in my University, everyone in the dorms was DYING for a single room!! You get to sleep without hearing someone else snoring or having the light on. You don't have to act cool with it when they have their girlfriend (that you can't STAND!) over to sleep every night, or snooze through their loud and EARLY alarm for an hour every morning...

Be the cool guy on the floor with the single room. Make it really cozy. See if you can have a second bed in it anyway, or get an old couch - one that's comfortable enough for friends to crash on occasionally. Leave your door cracked open when you're in there hanging out, and have good snacks. Dorm-dwellers are suckers for good snacks. ;)  

You'll get the social benefits from living in the dorms, without the stuff that makes you want to pull your hair out, then move off campus ASAP.

How far from home is your college?


Interesting situation. Maybe you should be taking this in a different direction. I've personally found that the best way to deal with a religious person who is persecuting you (and make no mistake, that is the case here) would be to use your own knowledge of the religion to defend yourself. While I am not as familiar with Islam as I am with Christianity, I might be able to dig up some convincing religious arguments this afternoon when I can crack open my Qur'an and look into Islamic Law. Are your parents Sunni or Shiite?
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Quote from: "Willravel"Interesting situation. Maybe you should be taking this in a different direction. I've personally found that the best way to deal with a religious person who is persecuting you (and make no mistake, that is the case here) would be to use your own knowledge of the religion to defend yourself. While I am not as familiar with Islam as I am with Christianity, I might be able to dig up some convincing religious arguments this afternoon when I can crack open my Qur'an and look into Islamic Law. Are your parents Sunni or Shiite?

I wasn't really raised that religious. Only recently (in the past 6 or so years) did my dad become more religious, and even sooner (3 years) did I come in conflict with my parents' parenting style (mainly to smother, and shelter their children, not allowing them to become their own people.)

I guess they'd be non-denom Muslims, if such a thing exists.
Join The Hallway, and enjoy the most random place this side of the Transformer Fanlisting site.


It's fortunate that you've been able to become your own person.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.