Here's a thought to get your mental juices flowing on a Sunday.

Started by Tank, August 04, 2024, 09:40:41 AM

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Old Seer

The Poper Guy has introduced the prospect of a one world religion. As I see it expect at some time in the future as an Atheist you'll be persecuted. If/when the UN picks up on this idea you'll be forced by law to join. Technically a one world religion is no different than one world government. Religions are a tyrannical system as it requires a single source of all knowledge and permissions of endeavor. A central base for all right and wrong is ----tyranny. As always in the past religions claim to be the center of all lives to adhere to. So, as I see it (I'm not always right of course) if you're under 50 years old and healthy expect to be included before you take the trip to the other side of the grass. Of course now, this depends upon the success of this project which doesn't allow two sided opinions and ideas, namely yours and theirs, it's only---theirs that counts.   Added-If you find it a apropreate pass it on.
The only thing possible the world needs saving from are the ones running it.
Oh lord, save us from those wanting to save us.
I'm not a Theist.

Dark Lightning

What the pope wants and what people will do are very different things. I was raised Catholic and know many people who use birth control and have had abortions, and been sterilized.