
Departing the Vacuousness

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Started by reasonable-truth, May 11, 2008, 05:28:24 AM

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Hazrat Mohammed, who informed the Deen-i Islam, rejects the idea of a GOD and emphasizes that there is no GOD; only “ALLAH” exists, based on the Koran al Karim... Are you aware of this fact?

In this chapter you will clearly see why the concept “ALLAH” informed by the Koran al Karim is completely different from any concept of a “GOD” in all other beliefs.

There is a version of GOD in the minds of everybody, of almost all from the most primitive to the civilized.

It is such a GOD that we love at times or feel angry with, at other times. There are even times when we judge and condemn HIM for his wrong deeds and misgivings somehow. To tell the truth, we often fancy Him almost as a sweet, plump grand-dad or as an enraged, wrathful sultan who sits on a star FAR ABOVE US, or maybe in some other places of outer space!

Some more sensible people however, argue that there cannot be such a “GOD” as in people’s imagination, in reality, and claim that “they do not believe in God.” Such people are therefore called “godless” or “atheist.”

Though in fact, neither atheists who do not recognize a god, nor those who had an image of GOD in their minds in association with what they heard about and were preconditioned, are aware of “MOHAMMED's ALLAH” at all!

Therefore, assuming that the concept of a “God” is the same as “ALLAH”, people substitute a concept of “God” for “ALLAH” in a manner of as if making something better. In fact, what they do is right as they are indeed speaking about the image of THEIR “GODS” in their minds rather than “ALLAH” and the true concept of “ALLAH”.

We must certainly know that...

RasulAllah Mohammed Mustafa aleyhessalaam and the Koran al Karim emphasize this important fact;

Neither is there a GOD OUT-THERE nor AFAR OFF YOU; there is ONLY “ALLAH”...

The sign in the Koran that:

“They did not understand ALLAH with the understanding due to ALLAH” (22:74) signifies our negligence about this fact...

It should be known that:

The words “GOD”, “DEITY” in English and “DIEU” in French and “GOT” in German do all mean a concept of “being to worship” as their equivalents in other languages...

That is, people denote a GOD or a DEITY out-there through all these words!

Yet the word “ALLAH” is a PROPER noun for a BEING! It is therefore that, to mean that Being or to introduce that Being we either denote Hu through some of Hu’s attributes or point out Hu’s attributes through some of names. However, all those names signify only a few of the qualities of that Being and define Hu only in terms of such mentioned qualities.

For instance, people call this poor humble as “HULUSI”. This is a proper noun for him... This name cannot be translated into any other language... It has always to be “HULUSI” whether in English or in French...

The same way as this, the word “ALLAH” cannot be translated into any other language nor can it be replaced with any other word, as it is a proper noun for a Unique Being...

In point of fact, as seen above, while all other names denote a “concept of deity”, only the word “ALLAH” denotes that Unique Being for it is a proper noun for that Being.

Hence, none of the words implying a concept of deity can be replaced with the word “ALLAH”...

Those who substitute the word “GOD” for “ALLAH” have been falling into such an error for either their ignorance or their unknowingness, or they have a lack of understanding and perception to truly evaluate this fact...

In just the same way, this point has been mentioned in the most precise Koran Interpretation written in Turkish by Marhum Hamdi Yazir of Elmali, as follows:

“The word ALLAH has never been applied to anything other than ALLAH, neither in proper form nor in common. Take the names such as “ilah” and “huda,” for example; none of them is a proper noun as “ALLAH.” They imply a concept of “god” or “lord.” It has been said “gods” as the plural form of “god”, “lords” as of “lord,” etc. In contrast, it has never been said “ALLAHS” and can never be said so. If we hear something like this from a person, we conclude that he is unknowing and unaware. The noun “GOD” is not like this; you can even call noid and false idols as “gods.” Pagans (Mushrikeen) even used to worship many gods. Some of them had so-and-so gods, others had so-and-so gods.

It is that, there is no corresponding word for “ALLAH” in other languages; the common name “GOD” cannot correspond to the proper noun “ALLAH” and is not an equivalent for “ALLAH.” Therefore one should never translate the name “ALLAH” into “GOD.” (V.1, p.24-25)

If a person imagines or assumes the presence of a separate “being” associated with “ALLAH”, no matter what term of address or conception it is given when “ALLAH” is mentioned, that is a Being known with this proper noun and is free from any concept of a “fragment” (juzz), he will fall into a state of polytheism (shirk), that is associating partners with ALLAH. In such a case, he will have acknowledged a “GOD” because of veiling the truth “ALLAH”...

The following is the sign to warn such a person against such a state:

“SET UP NO GOD BESIDES ALLAH, lest you incur disgrace and ruin... (17:22)

Here is another warning about the same situation:


It is meant that as the true Absolute Being that exists is “ALLAH”, you should avoid acting heedlessly toward the meaning of concept “ALLAH” and from falling into the state of setting up a “GOD” through assuming the Being denoted through the name “ALLAH” as a “god afar off you”...

Through the acceptance of a god out there or afar off you, you will unintentionally get out of the meaning of the concept “ALLAH” and will be blocked in a “god” image...

As a consequence, you will make yourself deprived of the “unity” (wahdat) comprehension that the Koran al Karim informs!

This will be “the greatest oppression (zulm) done onto your own soul”!..

Hazrat Mohammed aleyhessalam (peace and blessings be upon him) proclaimed as a result of the Divine Inspiration (wahey) that he was the Rasul of Allah and he began to do his best to warn people not to worship a god...

The reality that Hazrat Mohammed emphasized and began with suggesting to men through the message as “THERE IS NO GOD, THERE IS ONLY ALLAH” (La ilaha ill-Allah) was formulated as the Word of Oneness (Kalimat-it tawhid).

The meaning of the statement “La ilaha ill-Allah” constitutes the basis of Islam.

“La ilaha ill-Allah” can be interpreted simply as; “there is no god, there is only ALLAH.”

If we analyze the meaning of each word:

La ilaha: “La” means “there is no"; “ilah” means “god,” that is “a being to be worshipped.” Hence, “la ilaha” means “there is no being to be worshipped.”

Now, let us pay attention to this fact at this point: The “Word of Oneness” begins with “La ilaha” and so, a definite degree is emphasized right in the beginning: “There is no being to be worshipped” (LA ILAHA).

Then, ill-Allah follows as an explanation: “illa” meaning “only,” “ALLAH.” It does not even say, “there is ALLAH"; it simply says “only ALLAH.”

This is the fact revealed from this statement first as a primary meaning: “There is no god to worship!”

After definitely stating that there is no god somewhere away to worship, “illa ALLAH” follows.

The word “illa” can be understood as “ONLY” in its usage here.

When using “illa” with the word “ALLAH,” it must be definitely understood as “ONLY"; because there is no other existence apart from “ALLAH” that ALLAH could be compared with it, or could be measured and defined in connection with it. This theme is widely explained in our coming book entitled “WHAT MOHAMMED READ”.

It is because of this reason that if the word “illa” comes in connection with the name “ALLAH,” it must always be translated as “ONLY.”

From this point of view, the translation of the Word of Oneness into English should not be as “there is no god but ALLAH,” but “there is no god, ONLY ALLAH.”

Only after then that the concept of wahdat (UNITY - ONENESS), which is the system [fundamental principal] of thought and belief that the Deen (Religion) of Islam informs, should be grasped accordingly.

This statement informs that there exists only “ALLAH” and ALLAH is not a god to worship. Because it is definitely stated at the beginning that “la ilaha” â€" there is no being to be worshipped!

Therefore, what is informed through the noun ALLAH is not a GOD outside human that to be worshipped, nor a GOD-afar-off, outside, far away from all existing things that we perceive they are there!

If we precisely understand that “ALLAH is AHAD,” we will then see through insight (basirat) that there is not a duality of “an ALLAH” and “a separate universe” all aside!

That is to say, it is not such that there is ALLAH and also there are universes [that exist independently]!

In other words, such a consideration as there are some universes we live in, the cosmos (alam), and there is a separate GOD-out-of-all-things and at the farther side, is absolute nonsense!



Having infinite expressions (meanings - mana), MOHAMMED's ALLAH is in a state of contemplating them fully at every moment!

The “ONENESS” (tawhid) principal in Islam that is the BELIEF SYSTEM notified by Mohammed aleyhessalaam that “THERE IS NO GOD TO WORSHIP, there is ONLY “ALLAH” who is AHAD, and therefore no GOD ever existed,” is based on the fact that every person will be responsible for the result of his actions that are carried out through himself all through his lifetime.

Accordingly, the following signs in the Koran emphasize that every person will directly receive the return of his own deeds:

“And that man shall have nothing save only that for which he made effort.” (53:39)

“You are requited nothing save what you did” (37:39)

“You are rewarded nothing except for your deeds.” (36:54)

“And for all there are degrees from what they do, that HU may pay them for their deeds and they shall not be wronged” (46:19)

“Most surely you will taste the painful punishment-, this you will be responded nothing save what you did” (37:39)

Since man will see only the return of practices he or she has done in this world as seen from the signs above, it must be the most urgent task for a man to make investigation about life beyond death and to understand what “ALLAH” means!

When Mohammed aleyhessalaam was asked the question, what is ALLAH, the answer was directly given by “ALLAH” in the Chapter of ONENESS in the Koran:

“Say that: ALLAH is AHAD,




Let us first understand the deep rich meaning of these phrases in that Chapter that inform what MOHAMMED's ALLAH is, and then start meditating on the results of their meanings.

“ALLAH is AHAD": It means ALLAH is the infinite and limitless (eternal) ONE who is unbroken and undivided into fragments or particles.

Now, let us try to comprehend this notification properly!

The “AHAD” who is the inseparable ONE unbroken, undivided into sections or particles (zarra), is either a limited and finite one â€"in this case, he dwells somewhere in the universe (!)â€" or is the limitless, infinite, unfragmented, whole ONE that in this case, only HU's OWN SELF alone, if I repeat, all and all HU, only HU Itself alone exists!

By reasoning and by understanding, it is groundless to claim any other thing's existence apart from what is informed through the name “ALLAH” who is “AHAD!”

Take a minute to consider this:

If it were for something apart from “ALLAH,” that stands next to the one denoted by the name “ALLAH,” where would the line between such a being and “ALLAH” take part? Where would you draw such a limiting line?

It is either that there is the infinite and limitless WHOLE ONE, without any additional separate being outside; or else, there is a limited and finite “GOD"(!) LOCALIZED somewhere inside or outside the universe!

The most important point to comprehend now is the concept of “LIMITLESSNESS - INFINITY.”

So now, let us try to comprehend the conception of “limitlessness and infinity,” not in terms of width, length and height but rather dimensionally.

In ABSOLUTE REALITY, the only ONE that exists is the infinite and eternal ONE, who is undivided and unbroken WHOLE, the AHAD!

ALLAH is AHAD, as there is nothing other than “ALLAH” neither in macro nor in micro plan, and there is nothing to be HU's counterpart, like or to match HU!

However, because of our dependence on our physical senses, we are fooled into thinking in which we mistakenly view the whole ONE existence to be composed of many separate parts and fragments. It must be understood that our brains’ determination results from the condition of its intersectional sensory means.

However, if only a brain should not remain restricted in that very narrow range of its perception instruments’ capability… If only it could understand and interpret all the perceptional phenomena evident to the five senses as signs and samples drawn out among countless sensory experiences in the cosmos . . .

If only after that he could sink into deep thought (tafaqqur) and discover what else is out there after these samples… If then he could sail to a dimensional journey into the structural depth of them . . . and meet with the cosmic self, the cosmic ESSENCE, and could even finally realize the “nonexistence” of his individual self beside this Universal Essence, in anyway...

This is the most significant point of the theme!

As to the second significant detail of the theme...

MOHAMMED's ALLAH is “AHAD” meaning the infinite, limitless ONE unfragmented into parts, and this state involves all aspects and all “DIMENSIONS.” So in this case, where, in which dimension and at which starting point could a separate being presumed to exist beside HU's own being, limit ALLAH by a line and make a space for itself?

Where is the place for a second being, for a GOD that would be mentioned to exist apart from “ALLAH”?

Will it be inside or outside “ALLAH?”

As we have already stated, “ALLAH” is limitless and infinite.

Since “ALLAH” is limitless and infinite, it is an impossibility to consider HU within a CENTRAL CORE!

To recognize a center of something, it ought to have its boundaries, so that the point at which all its diameters meet may be considered as its center.

Yet, “ALLAH” has no limits.

If something does not come into measurement or a limit, then it cannot have a center! If something does not have a center, neither does it have a core nor an inside and an outside!

With reference to our current way of viewing the world through our five senses and our determination of substances based on our way of perceiving, we ascribe every object its external and internal parts, an inside and an outside sector. But it is senseless to talk about the core or the surface of something, an inside and an outside part of something that is not known by a center!

The same information is emphasized in the Koran as in the following sign:

“HU is the First (Awvalu) and the Last (Akhiru), the Visible (Zakhiru) and the Unseen (Baatin)” (57:3)

This means: All that is known as visible and unseen, the beginning and the last is nothing other than “HU”! All those words in fact signify just a single being. That is, the distinction between visible and unseen does not really exist. They are not two separate things!

Call HU the Apparent (Zakhir) or the Unseen (Batin), the First or the Last as you like, but it all is still nothing other than HU indicated, no matter whichever word you employed.

Regardless of which word we employ, it is only HU that will be qualified or signified. The distinction between the visible and the unseen (i.e., physical and nonphysical) results from your five senses. You call as “visible” what you are capable of perceiving through your five senses and call the rest as “inward” as they are unseen to you.

However, if you were in a condition of perceiving through more, for instance, six, seven or twelve sensory means, then your determination of all “the visible” and all “the unseen” would entirely alter! You would then likely call “visible” whatever you currently call “unseen,” and “unseen” whatever you currently call “visible.”

Since what is informed through the name “ALLAH” is the limitless and infinite ONE, HU is free from the limitations of such concepts as external and internal, and from concepts of Zakhir and Batin.

Of course, it cannot be mentioned for a being that defies any centers, any interiors and exteriors, any apparents and inwards, and any beginnings and ends, as it is free of all such conceptions and formations, to vanish at a particular place, so that a second separate existence should be found beyond such a point.

Here due to this, we realize that in every point ever perceived or imagined, all in all, merely ALLAH being AHAD IS and only HU alone is present with HU's ESSENCE (Zhat) and thence within all HU's properties and attributes.

If someone assumes the presence of a second being other than “ALLAH,” â€"apart from “ALLAH,” he is then entirely in a state of error resulting from an incapability of deep thinking! This state is called “POLYTHEISM” (shirk â€"ascribing a partner) in religious terminology!

Since “ALLAH” is “AHAD,” no other being beside HU can be mentioned! Furthermore, HU cannot be referred to a time passage where HU would be considered in pieces. This is out of question, either.


If we make a serious study, some of the deep meanings we find in the definition of the word “SAMED” are as follows: “That which has no gap, which is in perfect condition, is whole without holes and is impermeable; that which admits nothing in, nothing out”. It means “solid,” same as in that when we say “solid gold”. In other words, mere, pure, the absolute!

As seen, all these statements essentially contribute and illuminate the content of the name AHAD.

If so, then how should one understand the meaning of “LAMYALID”, simply meaning “HU DID NOT BEGET”...

Here is what should be understood at the first sight: “ALLAH” has never given birth to a second being from HU's own being!

In other way of saying, there is not an existence of a second separate being broken off ALLAH's existence!

Because, HU is AHAD, the inseparable whole ONE undivided, unbroken and unfragmented into parts, elements or particles!

1- HU is limitless and infinite! Thus, it cannot be mentioned for HU to bring out a second being inside or outside Hu's self.

2- Since it is an impossibility to consider HU in parts or atoms because HU is AHAD, then there is not a second part which could be divided from HU!

Therefore, the presence of a second one broken off “ALLAH,” which is meant to be begotten by HU, sharing HU's qualities even, can never be considered!

Let us now understand “LAMYULAD,” simply meaning, “ALLAH WAS NOT BEGOTTEN.”

At this point we are to understand that “ALLAH did not come into existence out of another being!”

How can one consider the One informed through the name “ALLAH” to be brought into being by another existence? “ALLAH” is AHAD, the ONE Alone who is infinite, limitless and unfragmented into parts!

To be able to think of an existence to beget “ALLAH”, “ALLAH” needs once to be known by some directional or DIMENSIONAL limits, so that beyond such limits there would be mentioned a second existence to beget HU! And only then that such a second existence could beget “ALLAH” from itself!


Being AHAD means being limitless and infinite Whole undivided and unfragmented into parts.

Therefore, neither a vanishing point for HU nor an initiation of another existence beyond such a point can be considered.

Hence, a second being to make up, to BEGET “ALLAH” cannot be mentioned. Such a consideration is an impossibility!

This is what is meant by “LAMYULAD” as far as we could understand.

In conclusion, neither has “ALLAH” been begotten by another being, nor has HU beget another being such as a second separate being that came out of HU.

We have come to the final notification in this description:


There is not an existence of another being after HU's macro or micro likeness; HU is matchless, peerless and is AHAD.”

By the way, we should note a sign hereby: “LAYSA KAMISLIHII SHAY'A” (42:11) meaning, “neither in macro nor in micro plan, there is nothing to be compared with HU.”

Meanwhile, we should also notify that significant point now in order to prevent some unfamiliar people with this subject, from falling into a mistake.

In some places of the Koran, such statements as “our god” and “your god” are cited occasionally. However, each is followed by an emphasis that “god” is “ALLAH.”

Well, could it be then suggested that “ALLAH” is a “god” (ilah)?

No, this can never be suggested!

Such kinds of statements are the clarifications made to the “worshippers of a god.”

They are being admonished that:

“Whatever they consider as “GOD” or whatever they call “GOD” does not exist at all, but it is ONLY “ALLAH” that exists in reality!” “Their god” and ours are just the same and one. Moreover, it is still “ALLAH,” and is nothing other than “ALLAH.”

Of course, by such statements, it is proposed to make people cleanse their conjectural “god” images and try to understand “ALLAH.”

If the Koran is looked into carefully, it is noticed that such kinds of signs are addressed to polytheists (mushrik), namely to those who assume the existence of a “GOD” despite the understanding of “ALLAH” and who worship a god.

Only then could their acceptance of a “god” translate into the understanding of “ALLAH.”

Let us now consider honestly and with moderation!

Is MOHAMMED's ALLAH introduced here the same as GOD that we either believe in or do not believe, but still name ALLAH as a conditioning in either case?

Could we use the word “GOD” or a concept of GOD to replace with Hazrat MOHAMMED's “ALLAH” and could a concept of “DEITY” be allowed instead? Will they be correct?

That is, what in reality has ever existed so far, that exists today and will exist tomorrow, IS the “BAKI” “WAJHAH” only, that will have been existing forever.

The only veil on “WAJHAH” is however, the name given to something, that this name is a veil put on later to a meaning of the wajhah. Yet the original being behind such a veil, and the meanings that make it up take their origins from the names of “ALLAH.”

As a final word, it should be known for certain that no concept of a “GOD” out there, afar off man, that is, out of yourself, is meant by the concept “ALLAH” neither as introduced by Hazrat Mohammed nor in the Koran al Karim, but it is tried to make people comprehend the Limitless and ENDLESS ONE as the only Being ever existing by HU alone...


Quote from: "reasonable-truth"Hazrat Mohammed, who informed the Deen-i Islam, rejects the idea of a GOD and emphasizes that there is no GOD; only “ALLAH” exists, based on the Koran al Karim... Are you aware of this fact?
I'm not familiar with Hazrat, but I am familiar with the subsec of Muslims who do not think that Allah of the Qur'an is the same god mentioned in the New Testament or Torah. The majorty of Islam believes, however, that there is one god, and Allah is his name and that Allah was the god of the Jews and the Christians, but (to make a very long story short) they mucked it up. If you're familiar with standard arabic, you know that اÙ,,Ù,,Ù‡ Allah translates directly into "God" in english. In other words, the etymology of Allah clearly demonstrates that it quite literally means "God". It does not translate to "concept of deity", it translates to "god". This is verifiable.
Quote from: "reasonable-truth"In this chapter you will clearly see why the concept “ALLAH” informed by the Koran al Karim is completely different from any concept of a “GOD” in all other beliefs.
Supernatural? Check. Personhood? Check. It's not completely different. It's the same, in fact.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


you have still failed to understand the tawhid and shaddah so you cannot grasp the concept of what is referred by the name of "ALLAH". Allah is not a name of just another name of a Deity in whatever it is called in various language (GOD in english, DIOS in spanish, JEHOVAH in hebrew and so on). So When you misunderstand this (just like 99% of so-called today's Ja-Hil (ignorant) muslims who ask favors from an invinsible God) you think Allah is a DEITY who resides some corner of this universe or other universes and some how will judge all beings in various part of this universe of millions of galaxies and other universes in other dimension and reward us with heaven or hell etc etc. Therefore, let me explain a little more from the article below:

For some people, “God is great who resides somewhere up in the sky, sitting on his highest heaven; and he is the only one to be worshipped! There is no other to be worshipped but the great god; because he is the only king”; oh, I am sorry, “the only god in the sky!”


Such religious understandings of great gods, which were made up by people because of their failure for various reasons to comprehend the Rasul of Allah Mohammed Mustafa (peace be upon him) as the voice of the truth (haqiqah) and the most magnificent brain that has ever lived on earth, and his explanations, started to conquer the societies with a view of violence that leads to terror…

Meanwhile, some thinking brains, far away from any kind of conflicts and political concerns, are engaged in trying to construct their eternal lives under the guidance of the implications that the names ““Allah” and the “SunnatAllah” refer to.

I used this statement a while ago with the aim of accelerating the thinking brains again:

Try to realize what is being referred with the name “ALLAH”!

Why? Because it depends on the realization of what is being referred with the name “ALLAH” to properly understand and evaluate the basis of all points given in the scope of the term “RELIGION”.

As a consequence of their programs of creation, it is in no way possible for parroting brains whose “RELIGIONS” are composed of gossips, to go into these kind of deep intellectual subjects! Therefore, they waste their lives believing that: “There is a god up far above us! As we die, we are going to rise up to where he resides (to his presence). He is going to meet us there and judge us by our deeds, and thus will either put us in his heaven or throw us into his hell! Right now god is watching us from above! There are no such things as questioning in grave, the Day of Judgment (Mahshar), doomsday (Qiyamah) nor the bridge of hell (Sirat)’!” Nevertheless, their mental and logical capacities are not adequate to discuss these kinds of subjects! They only spend their lives with the burden of memorized information which they cannot combine with each other to make sense.

However, the most magnificent mind and the manifestation of the truth (haqiqat), already said in the beginning that “la ilaha” meaning “there is no god” (â€"therefore any concept of god is useless and invalid), and hence drew attentions to the fact that the concept of “RELIGION (deen)” is not set up on the basis of divinity of god but on what he referred to as “Allah”.

In this article, however, I will try to approach the subject of “WHAT IS BEING REFERRED WITH THE NAME ALLAH” from a rather different perspective.

We should pay more attention to these two points in this subject:

As the direction of our attentions is taken beyond the points of universality and dimensionality with the emphasis of the sign in the Koran that “ALLAH is Transcended from (Ghani) the worlds (alam)âˆ'all manifestations, all physical universes”, and another sign of the Koran that “ALLAH is the RABB of all worlds” accentuates that in every single bit whether we are able to perceive or not, nothing can be observed other than what Allah meant (iradaâˆ'will) to reveal and even no other existence can be observed other than Allah.

Similarly, as the String Theory helps the brains that are capable of deep thinking to understand the reality of multiverse of dimensional universes as a “SINGLE FRAME PICTURE” consisting of dimensional depths; the holographic reality of universe emphasizes however that in reality each and every bit of that “single frame picture” perceived as single particles, is nothing but a reflection of what is manifested through the universal oneness! [There is in fact one single frame picture; the whole oneness observes its knowledge in forms of single points by means of what is manifested through those single points as itself being those points.]

Just like in the example of blind men who are running around and grabbing the various parts of the elephant and trying to describe it by the body parts they hold, both the people of the scientific world and the mystical world are trying to find a place for their god somewhere outside or inside themselves. However, the brains that comprehended the message given by the Sun of Veracity (haqiqat), are flapping their wings to the eternity through their experience of the Unity-Oneness (wahdat) by balancing the Incomparability (tanzih) and Similarity (tashbih).

Let us now take a look at the horizons (afaq), in other words, to the universal dimensions…

Please, pay attention!

Remember that, or stay awake that, we do all these questionings with respect to our eyes which can only transfer to our brains the wavelengths between 4 and 7 ten thousandths of a centimeter compared to the ocean of countless and infinite wavelengths in the universe…

What if we had a more comprehensive sense of perception?

Anyway, at least let us examine this subject keeping that in mind…

We, humans, live on a satellite orbiting around a star (Sun) which is one million three hundred and three thousand times the size of Earth, from where we are trying to solve the mystery of the universe! Beside the star that is as big as one million three hundred and three thousand times the Earth’s size, scientists counted four hundred thousand more stars that exist in the Milky Way Galaxy… The galaxy which we are located in the ghetto parts of it… In our universe billions of galaxies were calculated within the boundaries of our limited perception, each galaxy containing billions of stars within themselves…

Billions times billions… Galaxies… Stars… that are twinkling or dim from our perspective!

Where is god’s place in all this? The most great god to be worshipped; the god to be met with and to be talked to? That great god who is the only one to be worshipped; or that god who sent his son(!) from his side to earth!!! Where does god reside in this vastness?

Well, there is more to the story...

Let us leave aside that idea of local “god” that resides somewhere in this universe that is beyond imaginations, which only some numbers are being repeated about, as well as those who label the name “ALLAH” to their version of god, and continue digging up this subject…

Science proved that in fact these billion times billions and billions(!?) of stars are not independent from each other, wandering around freely in an empty space! There is a matter among each other which our eyes cannot see! Everything is connected to each other with an intermediary matter(!) and even in fact, the universe is a single wholeness according to an eye or a brain or a consciousness that can perceive it!

A single structure, a single organic structure - the universe; alive, conscious! Space, the body of this consciousness! The ancients referred to it as “the knowledge (ilm) attribute (sifat) of Allah”; the manifestation under the name of “universal consciousness-cosmic consciousness”, space and all that dwells within its bosom!

Science dived deep into a star among billion times billions and billions of stars… Apparently, it has seen that the mass that is called star was a compound formed of some hundred atoms.

Science was unable to slow down, so it tried to dive even deeper…

It wandered around the tens and hundreds and thousands and billions of particles of all sizes, big and small. It called it proton, called it quark, called it ‘string’ to the various rational magnitudes of the compounds perceived.

“If a quark is the size of the earth, then a tree on earth is the size of a string”, science said…

What is a quark compared to proton? What is a proton compared to an atom? What is an atom compared to earth? What is earth compared to a star? What is a star compared to a galaxy? What is a galaxy compared to a universe? And if you would like, try to place your ‘god’ into somewhere among all these, that you are going to go and whose presence you will rise up to; the one who is going to talk to you and judge you… And then if you would like, deal with his son(!) that he sent, or the mailmen he chose and assigned from the face of the earth, or his messengers, or his prophets!!!

Fasubhanallah! Fa tabarakallahu ahsanul Haluqeyn!

At this point it was mind-boggling for some, the nails in their minds popped out...

They thought about it…

They couldn’t make any sense out of it!

They rejected the concept of “god” and the concept of “divinity!

They became ATHEIST!

Their minds were blown away between that never-ending immensity and tinyness… They all agreed upon one point; “Impossible, no way! There is no ‘god’; so called religion is a tale, ‘opium of the masses!’ Religion is a lie that is made up by smart people who want to control societies”.

Of course, they were right on certain points; however there were a lot of truths that they couldn’t realize; a lot of secrets, messages and codes that they couldn’t decode, far beyond what they have realized…

They could not assess the universal realities, since they could not appreciate and give the proper consideration to the Mohammedan secrets and codes because of the way they were packaged and reached to them.

Playing with the sand on the shore of the ocean of the most magnificent consciousness that came on earth, they failed to taste the beauty that the ocean holds; they couldn’t reach the secrets in its depth!

They came by and passed away from this world without experiencing the results of being a whole with the universal consciousness, by realizing that on the face of the earth they are a consciousness as a “caliph” of the universal consciousness (insan-al kamil) that the SINGLE frame universal picture possessed. They only remained limited with temporary bodily pleasures!

They could not experience what is called “LOVE”! Neither did they experience the affection and enjoy the pleasure of giving away unconditionally without any concern of return… The delight of experiencing the “absence” of ego in knowing that “The Giver is only Allah”! They failed to understand the concept and the act of giving unconditionally because that wasn’t in their creation! Their realization of the nonexistence of god veiled them from the eternal dimension and the universal consciousness that existed in their own essence.

Yet, the secret was “HIDDEN” in the origin of each individual!

In the scientific world, while the HOLOGRAPHIC reality of UNIVERSE was decoding the truth of and the system of “ALLAH is the Rabb of all worlds”; and emphasizing that the consciousness of the universal spirit is being revealed in every single particle by the standards of that particle; they couldn’t think about the consequences of these…

They could not comprehend and appreciate the message of that great person Mohammad Mustafa, in his statement of “every particle is a mirror of the whole”, the most brilliant universal truth that was informed to the humanity some 1400 years ago!

As they could not think comprehensively about what “the holographic reality” is, they could not perceive the voice of the ONE who was revealed under the name and guise of RasulAllah with the definitions of “Ahad” and “Samad”! They could not realize that the whole which reflects in the particle is already the universal Oneness revealed through the micro!

However, the mystery was hidden in the awareness of the revelation of the absolute ONENESS, which is attained through the collaborated consideration of “string theory” that explains the reality of ‘multiverse of dimensional universes’ along with the “holographic reality of universe”.

They didn’t even think about it… They couldn’t even imagine in their minds or in their dreams that…

The concept of “Subhanallah” is the articulation of multiverse of dimensional universes taking “a new state in every moment” by the six dimensional movements of the strings in the string dimension…

“Alhamdulillah” is the articulation of that singular movement (the singularity in the plurality) in this dimension, which can only be evaluated by the One who created it.

“Allahuakbar” does not mean ‘god is most great’ and therefore it is not possible to translate the call to prayer (azan) to another language like that; whereas it indicates that the ONE that created the infinite dimensions in One’s own knowledge cannot be comprehended with knowledge that is created.

When it was said that “it is the praise of the angels that carry the highest heaven (arsh)”, they found it easier and more appropriate to interpret the highest heaven as the throne of the god who sits up in the sky, instead of realizing the depths within the creation of the existence!


Multiverse of dimensional universes, parallel universes, whatever is happening in one universe appearing in the other (like the ripples of a pebble dropped into water) or such similar kinds of approaches as the same consciousness exists in different universes at the same time, are all statements that denotes “going to particle from the whole” from the point of truth (haqiqah).

“The holographic reality” was articulating that the entire plural appearance (arising from the perceiver) is in fact, the “disclosure of ONE consciousness (ilm-wisdom) in every micro depending on their structural qualities”.

Well, alright, this is all nice but…

Then what about the questions such as “Why did the prophet come? Why did the Koran come? If there is no god, who is going to judge us? Are Barzakh (the intervening space), the Day of Judgment (Mahshar), Sirat (bridge of hell), Doomsday (Qiyamah), all fairytale? Who is going to throw us into hell or place us in heaven?” and such empty words like “God, is this your justice; keeping us alive for 60 years, then burning us for 600 thousand million years? What kind of justice is this?” and so forth...

They who do not have mind nails (understanding of the concepts), can not combine the pieces of woods, build a boat, and sail out to the ocean!.. Then, the pieces of woods will remain separate in the sea. Maybe they can hold onto one piece of wood and try to survive!

The ancients tried to explain the mystery of solving this subject among the metaphors in those days:

“Man will not be able to attain Allah, if Allah does not allow him to reach that perfection!”

We have tried to explain this for our present time as in the following words:

“The path that goes to ONENESS from multiplicity is closed; only those who learn to observe the multiplicity from [the point of] ONENESS will reach the mysteries!”

Those who make assessments about Mohammad Mustafa, the Rasul of Allah (peace be upon him) within the limited capacity of the theologians who consider him as a chosen messenger prophet by god who is sitting on his highest heaven with flying angels carrying his throne, will certainly drown in the waves of these countless questions we have listed above.

The ones with the limited understanding cannot comprehend the system and the order and will accept the “DEEN-RELIGION” as a dogma!

They say “Islam is one of the monotheistic religions” as they fail to realize what is being referred with the noun “ALLAH”!

They have not been able to perceive the message “la ilaha”... meaning “there is no god…”

That’s why they base their belief on the conception of a god in the sky and his mailman or messenger or prophet on earth!

They could not realize it at all, that the phenomenon is a journey of eternity, which is a kind of infinite conscious perception emerging inside a string cone that is expanding from a point.

The goal is to be able to comprehend that multiverse of dimensional universes is a conical projection of one single point; and also to be able to perceive that everything in that conical projection is also a conical projection that is emerging from its own point.

Furthermore, it should be known that, the point, from which the projection of strings originates to form the multiverse of dimensional universes, is only one of the points among an infinite number of points on the platform of infinity!

Thus, with the name “ALLAH”, it is being referred to the ONE that envelops all these infinite number of points and creates infinite worlds from every single “point”, and this quality is tried to be denoted by the word “AKBAR”.

It is for this reason that the holy Koran accentuates that “Allah is transcendent (Ghani) of all worlds”. (Ghani: Transcendent of what is perceivable).

Since the multiverse of dimensional universes is like cones inside a cone, all the universes take their existence from a single common “point”.

Because the existence of the “point” is the intelligent-conscious unfoldment on the plane of “points” so called the “attribute of knowledge”. What is denoted by the “absolute intellect” (aql al-awwal) is the intelligent unfoldment of attribute of knowledge in a “point”.

From the point of holographic reality, all the conic projections and their outcomes as the “conditional intelligences” take their existence from the “points” in their inner selves. The sign that “Allah is the Rabb of all worlds” explains to us all this as much as we have been able to observe it.

Here, in the direction of all these facts…

That magnificent consciousness, the Rasul of Allah, “READ” the system and “sunnatallah” through the statement of “IQRAA (read)” and explained to us the nature of the system and the order we live in, called “sunnatallah” under the guidance of the information from the angelic power of Gabriel (Jibril) that came to his consciousness from the “point” of his inner Truth (haqiqah)!

The Rasul of Allah and the last Nabi Mohammed Mustafa (peace be upon him) declared that…

There is no god and hence the concept of god has no ground; there exists only the One that is being referred to by the name ALLAH. ALLAH is not a god to be worshipped outside of us, but our Rabb in our essence to be served (the One that creates our existence and puts it into a new form every moment).

Beyond this world (ahirat), every person will live the results and the consequences of whatever kind of servitude (mental-physical) was carried out through himself throughout his life on this earth.

The realm of grave is the truth (haqq) [part of the system]; the person who passes away to that dimension will interrogate the reality of that dimension compared to what he experienced in this world… The recording angels in the grave will not be coming from outside; they exist in everyone’s essence and will be revealed in their consciousness.

The torment of grave and the heaven of grave are also the truth. Both will be lived automatically, it is inevitable.

The doomsday will come! The world will melt and vanish! All human spirits will come together, retaining their consciousnesses, in a new environment. In that environment, people will form into groups in view of what they believed in this world and will go after the person that they believed.

Hell is an environment where all the people will go into during that time. The ones who lived the Day of Judgment will pass through the dimension or condition identified as hell. This passage is called “Sirat”; the ones who manage to get out, will continue to live in another dimension (heaven).

This is a process. Everybody is going to experience it as the Rasul of Allah informed us.

All the spiritual practices with the name of “ibadat” that are recommended to humans in this lifetime are so that we may not have difficulties in afterlife and reach for a better future. The spiritual practices that will be done have nothing to do with gaining favor in the eyes of a god in the sky. Fulfilling these spiritual practices for afterlife and preparing yourself for your future environment is just like taking precautions not to get sick or taking pills when you get sick in order to get well. Whatever a person will do, he/she will do it for him or herself.

There is no one above other than that which is created!

Every person will discover his or her Rabb in his or her own origin!

Upon passing away to the next dimension by EXPERIENCING death, people will question themselves from the point of their origin according to the reality of life and the dimension that they are in; this situation is defined as “judgment (being interrogated)”! The verse “That day your self (nafs) is enough as an interrogator” draws attention to this reality.

Whoever does an atom's weight of good shall see its result, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil shall suffer its consequences inevitably. The Chapter of Quake (Surah Zalzala) will be experienced once more after tasting death.

No excuse such as unawareness or lack of knowledge about these facts will count in the system, because there will be no god out there for anybody to present an excuse to!

Here, my friend, as much as it could be explained, these are some part of the codes of the “RELIGION” under the light of realities of our present time, which has been explained in metaphors throughout the past.

The life is yours! Decide what to do with it for yourself with your own mind! Evaluate the case for yourself!

Either, make best use of what the Rasul of Allah declared, or choose another way for yourself other than this! The choice is yours; bearing the consequences will also be yours! That’s why RELIGION does not allow compulsion. Everybody lives the outcomes and consequences of their own minds. It is not possible for someone to have others accept his own faith by force.

Many greetings to our intellectuals who say “religion is dogmatic; it cannot be explained with science; religion and science are separate subjects; it is nonsense to unite religion with science!”

* “Allahuakbar” does not mean ‘god is great’ and therefore it is not possible to translate it literally as the words cannot be found for this specific meaning.

Related links for further reading: ... egant.html ... ho_big.jpg


I realise English may not be your first language but I have to say, I had great difficulty comprehending your argument and to be honest it was too long and jumbled for me to read it all. Is there any way you could summarise what you're trying to say in a more succinct form?


I'm confused as well. Why do you think someone would care on this forum how you would call your God or your Allah? Sounds just like semantic nitpicking to me.
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


i m so soryy because of i could not read all of it.but i can say that muslims in Turkey think that muslims' god and christians' god is the same god but they prefer to call it Allah and most of muslims call it God too,as a citizen of a country that most of citizens of it are muslim.

i will be so happy if you correct when i say somethins wrong in grammer rules.

Yours truly
Tanrı öldü,Gott ist tot,Dio é morto,God is dead,Dios ha muerto,Jumala on kuollut,Dieu est mort,Tuhan sudah mati,Bóg nie żyje,Deus está morto


Quote from: "reasonable-truth"The words “GOD”, “DEITY” in English and “DIEU” in French and “GOT” in German do all mean a concept of “being to worship” as their equivalents in other languages...

That is, people denote a GOD or a DEITY out-there through all these words!

Yet the word “ALLAH” is a PROPER noun for a BEING!

It's all slang for the same game, baby.
"On the moon our weekends are so far advanced they encompass the entire week. Jobs have been phased out. We get checks from the government, and we spend it on beer! Mexican beer! That's the cheapest of all beers." --- Ignignokt & Err


Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.


Quote from: "Asmodean":eek:

Did you actually type all that?!

I'll have to bookmark this for later. A bit too tired for over 200 word posts right now...  :D

I know, right? That there's a zealot. How often do we get evangelical Muslims in here?
"On the moon our weekends are so far advanced they encompass the entire week. Jobs have been phased out. We get checks from the government, and we spend it on beer! Mexican beer! That's the cheapest of all beers." --- Ignignokt & Err

Jolly Sapper

So Allah is not part of the invisible super friend club because Allah is a "proper" name but Jehovah or Zeus or Shiva aren't proper names therefore they aren't gods?

Whats you're definition of a "proper" name then, reasonable-truth?  "God" or "deity" are nouns but a particular object can have a noun and a pronoun and a proper noun all describing that particular object.  I must have missed the grammar lesson where I was supposed to find out that the three types of nouns are mutually exclusive.

Now maybe I misunderstood the gist of your OP.  The only other thing I can think of is that you were trying to say that Allah is less an intelligent being and more a cosmic force that runs throughout the universe.  

How far off is this from what you were trying to say?


Quote from: "Jolly Sapper"So Allah is not part of the invisible super friend club

"On the moon our weekends are so far advanced they encompass the entire week. Jobs have been phased out. We get checks from the government, and we spend it on beer! Mexican beer! That's the cheapest of all beers." --- Ignignokt & Err