
Actually sport it is a narrative

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Started by Drich, April 02, 2020, 07:23:53 PM

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No one

That's a big step drick, admitting that you are completely clueless.

Perhaps there is hope for you.


OK, this is an introduction thread. Drich has provided a clear introduction, and people have responded to it. Please take squabbles and sniping elsewhere, or just drop it.

Drich, I suggest you start a thread in whichever board you'd like to set up your travelling pulpit in, or respond to any existing thread that you find worthwhile.
"Religion is fundamentally opposed to everything I hold in veneration — courage, clear thinking, honesty, fairness, and above all, love of the truth."
— H. L. Mencken


Quote from: No one on April 02, 2020, 09:04:03 PM
That's a big step drick, admitting that you are completely clueless.

Perhaps there is hope for you.
see what i mean??? mindless/takes no intelligence to come up with there for pointless to defend or remark to, and topicless one liners..

what am i supposed to say to that other than treat you like small mentally handicap child who speak his own language?? little to nothing you bring to the conversation is of any merit to the discussion at hand... just wild ad hom lashing out.

No one

Once again, you completely miss the point.


Quote from: Recusant on April 02, 2020, 09:04:21 PM
OK, this is an introduction thread. Drich has provided a clear introduction, and people have responded to it. Please take squabbles and sniping elsewhere, or just drop it.

Drich, I suggest you start a thread in whichever board you'd like to set up your travelling pulpit in, or respond to any existing thread that you find worthwhile.
thank you


"I've had several "spiritual" or numinous experiences over the years, but never felt that they were the product of anything but the workings of my own mind in reaction to the universe." ~Recusant

No one

To save everyone's time we could just link all of drick's pointless prattle from the other forums.


Quote from: Drich on April 02, 2020, 07:23:53 PM
I came here looking to bring clarity and understanding to those interested in Christianity. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Hello, Drich, welcome to the forum.  :computerwave:

Thank you for the offer. I, however, am not interested in Christianity, and I do not wish to be treated, by you, "like a small mentally handicap child who speaks his own language..." So goodbye.


"May your god bless you."
~Whatever the fuck that means.

"I've had several "spiritual" or numinous experiences over the years, but never felt that they were the product of anything but the workings of my own mind in reaction to the universe." ~Recusant


Quote from: Drich on April 02, 2020, 09:00:37 PM
Quote from: xSilverPhinx on April 02, 2020, 08:40:37 PM
Quote from: Drich on April 02, 2020, 08:35:36 PM
Quote from: Recusant on April 02, 2020, 08:30:29 PM
Quote from: Drich on April 02, 2020, 08:01:51 PMI've been doing this since 2005ish on atheists and christian sites alike. some of you may know me or i may be 'no one of consequence." to others  ;D but in truth most of you know mostly the sunday school religious versions which is usually limited to the amount of study one puts in once a week for an hour till about middle or first few years of high school.
People like that don't typically know there is a difference between doctrine and canon.

then there are those who are a little more hard core. their faith was tested or they cried out to God and no one responded.

next are those who lost something or some one and blame/hate God for it.

Then just about everyone else considers themselves psudointellects who have read the works of some other atheist philosopher and thinks through them they have it all figured out. These guys can recite what they believe but can not defend it when shown to be incontridiction or error and often default to ad hom attack when backed into a corner.

there are a few 'snow flakes' among you individual with unique stories and back grounds but they are really few and far between.

the real question is, did you really think i came here unprepared? :???:

It's so comforting to be categorized.  :tellmemore:
you could be a snow flake.. but being atheist represent only 4% of the total global population, most of you share the same sad story. A story I once shared till i was proven wrong about God. then i felt i needed to share my experience knowledge not to change anyone, but to give them the knowledge or exposure to God's truth to make their own INFORMED decisions.

I really don't think this is the place for you.  :thoughtful: You want to preach to people you think haven't heard all of it before...

so you heard it all?

so which religion is correct?
do you know how to reconcile all of evolution into a literal 7 day creation?
to whom did adam's children marry when they got out of the garden?
can God create a rock so big he can not lift it?
what of the problem of evil/epicurean paradox?
how can christian worship a God who send their loved ones to jail?
why is it wrong for God to punish gay people if he made them that way?
if jesus did not come to change the law than why is jewish worship different than christian?
Why is falsification no longer a valid argument against God?
why does God send us to hell to burn forever?
why do your prayers fail
wh none of you have witnessed God
why do bad things happen to good people
what is the trinity
why faith fails.
Why Your death bed confession will fail.. and 100 other answers to 100 other topics.

answer any three correctly/biblically in a simple and concise way (don't give me a bunch of random verses i hate that crap) and i will move on.

I'm not interested in what you're selling.
I am what survives if it's slain - Zack Hemsey

billy rubin

Quote from: Drich on April 02, 2020, 08:10:01 PM
Quote from: billy rubin on April 02, 2020, 08:02:02 PM

i was into beez pretty heavily a few years back. ive got four packagez suppozedly showing up here in mid april from georgia, but who knowz how that might turn out.
what kind? i have italians.. we have a huge aperiary a few miles up. i get all my stuff from there. never got them through the mail before. kinda scary for the mail man..
new chicks in tbe living room as well, until the weather warms.
we had a hen that went broody so we stuffed a dozen eggs under her and she hatched out 9 of them. And I got 10 more ducks from tractor supply on line... 4 were DOA. one had a messed up leg. they refunded the difference. (harlequins and peking's)
on the bible, maybe i should have phrased the queztion differently. what canon do you prefer? moztly in america we uze only about tbree of them, but in my neighborhood there are a lot of ethiopians, so we have a fourth.
canon do i prefer? do you mean vulgate holy bible or septuagint?

got to go . im in a preferred occupation az well and juzt loadex my truck with oil field brine for the injection well.
a good friend of mine use to do that in south dakota.

hi drich

i used to run beez commercially. lost em all to disappearing diseaze and didnt have thehundred grand it would have cost to fill things back up. so the packages are just to have around the house to see which way i want to go. these will be crozsed buckfast italians, they say. hard to tell realky because lots of people claim buckfast who really shouldnt. ill be driving north an hour to pick them up.

on canon,  i m asking  which collection of books it is that you consider authoritative. theprotestant, roman catholic, grrek/russian orthodox or ethiopian orthodox traditionz all accept different ones. i dont have any real knowledge of the other canons and theyre pretty thin on the ground around here anyway. you can call them vulgate/holy bible if you prefer, but the zeptuagint is old testament and deuterocanon only, so that leaves out the chritian books. one orthodox greek i onow does use whatever passes for the septuagint these days for the OT but im not sure what he does for the new.

"holy bible" iis an awkward term because it has no fixed collection of texts or supporting apparatus. mostly its just what zondervan slaps onto what they want to publish. there is more than one collection of books that end up being called holy bible, the 1611 and the various "authorized versions" of the kjv being one notable example.

im guessing that youre protestant/nondenominatioal? im asking because you explained that you were onterested in prezentting a biblically-based version of christianity, so the obvious question to ask is which bible and which christianity. all of them claim biblical support to some degree.

juzt looking to see what your focus is.

set the function, not the mechanism.


Hi Dritch. Welcome to the forum.

Our religion section is way down the list of the places or subjects that interest us. Scan the subject titles in the forum to see evidence of that.

If you come here to proselytize, you are not in a fertile pasture. .....Aside from that caution, you are welcome, and encouraged to join in the friendly, often intellectual, frequently humorous fun stuff..   

Leave your bible, whichever one you favor, for use in other forum groups.  We have already read them.


Quote from: Drich on April 02, 2020, 08:32:24 PM
Quote from: No one on April 02, 2020, 08:27:26 PM
Understood. I've seen its nonsense on several other atheist forums.

what you've seen is the product of your own involvement.

if you are open honest and want to have a sincere discussion when have I EVER been nothing but accommodating and respectful?? if however you want to call me names and not be a happy atheist, then why should i respond to you in a respectful way? Truthfully how can i respond at all most of the time if all you offer are one line insults??

How can a delusional theist ever be sincere?
If religions were TV channels atheism is turning the TV off.
"Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt." ― Richard P. Feynman
'It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.' - Terry Pratchett
Remember, your inability to grasp science is not a valid argument against it.


Quote from: billy rubin on April 02, 2020, 11:32:08 PM
Quote from: Drich on April 02, 2020, 08:10:01 PM
Quote from: billy rubin on April 02, 2020, 08:02:02 PM

i was into beez pretty heavily a few years back. ive got four packagez suppozedly showing up here in mid april from georgia, but who knowz how that might turn out.
what kind? i have italians.. we have a huge aperiary a few miles up. i get all my stuff from there. never got them through the mail before. kinda scary for the mail man..
new chicks in tbe living room as well, until the weather warms.
we had a hen that went broody so we stuffed a dozen eggs under her and she hatched out 9 of them. And I got 10 more ducks from tractor supply on line... 4 were DOA. one had a messed up leg. they refunded the difference. (harlequins and peking's)
on the bible, maybe i should have phrased the queztion differently. what canon do you prefer? moztly in america we uze only about tbree of them, but in my neighborhood there are a lot of ethiopians, so we have a fourth.
canon do i prefer? do you mean vulgate holy bible or septuagint?

got to go . im in a preferred occupation az well and juzt loadex my truck with oil field brine for the injection well.
a good friend of mine use to do that in south dakota.

hi drich

i used to run beez commercially. lost em all to disappearing diseaze and didnt have thehundred grand it would have cost to fill things back up. so the packages are just to have around the house to see which way i want to go. these will be crozsed buckfast italians, they say. hard to tell realky because lots of people claim buckfast who really shouldnt. ill be driving north an hour to pick them up.

on canon,  i m asking  which collection of books it is that you consider authoritative. theprotestant, roman catholic, grrek/russian orthodox or ethiopian orthodox traditionz all accept different ones. i dont have any real knowledge of the other canons and theyre pretty thin on the ground around here anyway. you can call them vulgate/holy bible if you prefer, but the zeptuagint is old testament and deuterocanon only, so that leaves out the chritian books. one orthodox greek i onow does use whatever passes for the septuagint these days for the OT but im not sure what he does for the new.

"holy bible" iis an awkward term because it has no fixed collection of texts or supporting apparatus. mostly its just what zondervan slaps onto what they want to publish. there is more than one collection of books that end up being called holy bible, the 1611 and the various "authorized versions" of the kjv being one notable example.

im guessing that youre protestant/nondenominatioal? im asking because you explained that you were onterested in prezentting a biblically-based version of christianity, so the obvious question to ask is which bible and which christianity. all of them claim biblical support to some degree.

juzt looking to see what your focus is.
Sorry to hear about your bees. I only have the two hives had three lost one over the winter.

holy bible often refers to the protestant bible. but i get what you are saying, as there are several different codeacees that are used/compiled to create different translations. I generally work with any of those which are used to compile that bible. I have and can borrow from the vulgate from time to time (maccabees) to fill in history but that's about it.

The reason I went with the protestant bible was i found it to be a map, or set of instructions to find God. I used it as such and found God.


Quote from: Icarus on April 03, 2020, 06:26:19 AM
Hi Dritch. Welcome to the forum.

Our religion section is way down the list of the places or subjects that interest us. Scan the subject titles in the forum to see evidence of that.

If you come here to proselytize, you are not in a fertile pasture. .....Aside from that caution, you are welcome, and encouraged to join in the friendly, often intellectual, frequently humorous fun stuff..   

Leave your bible, whichever one you favor, for use in other forum groups.  We have already read them.
ook thank you!