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Flat Earth Belief Growing Worldwide

Started by Ecurb Noselrub, November 17, 2019, 03:37:28 PM

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billy rubin

Quote from: Randy on June 05, 2020, 02:23:48 AM
I wonder why no one has tried to tunnel through the wall instead of going over it. It would be a scientific boon to find out what is on the other side. Surely there has to be enough of their ilk to chip in and launch an expedition.

no one has ever been there.

this particular point is a sore spot with flat earthers, because it requirez them to invoke conspiracy. no one has ever visited the ice wall and returned. those that claim to have been to the south pole are mistaken or lying. in general southern hemisphere issues dont align well with customary flat earth theory, and people dont like to dizcuzs them.

set the function, not the mechanism.

billy rubin

Quote from: Old Seer on June 05, 2020, 04:17:07 AM
Quote from: Randy on June 05, 2020, 03:56:09 AM
I don't recall what keeps the air from getting out. Is there supposed to be a dome?
Thats why I haven't cared to deal with this idea. so it's rather new to me even tho I've been aware of this since a teener. It's just as religions, there's always a way to make it work.

If there's a dome then where does it end. If one goes e or w one would have to see more stars or never get to the dome. I thought I would take the short route and now I'm thinking of looking over all the posts to see where You're all wrong. I don't think so.  ;D

the uzeful lesson about flat earth is that it reveals how much of what we think we know actually consizts of just trusting what  tell us.

if you cant prove it yourself then what you believe is faith, whether its a round earth or a lucky rabbits foot.

set the function, not the mechanism.


Quote from: billy rubin on June 05, 2020, 11:15:16 AM
Quote from: Randy on June 05, 2020, 02:23:48 AM
I wonder why no one has tried to tunnel through the wall instead of going over it. It would be a scientific boon to find out what is on the other side. Surely there has to be enough of their ilk to chip in and launch an expedition.

no one has ever been there.

this particular point is a sore spot with flat earthers, because it requirez them to invoke conspiracy. no one has ever visited the ice wall and returned. those that claim to have been to the south pole are mistaken or lying. in general southern hemisphere issues dont align well with customary flat earth theory, and people dont like to dizcuzs them.
No one? That sounds like a cop out or a bad B horror movie.
They tried. They visited. And then... they disappeared.
The Ice Wall - Coming this Christmas to a theater near you.

I can't remember why they said it was unapproachable. I found this quote from The Flat Earth Society.
QuoteIf now we sail with our backs continually to this central star, "Polaris," or the centre of the earth's surface, we shall arrive at another region of ice. Upon whatever meridian we sail, keeping the northern centre behind us, we are checked in our progress by vast and lofty cliffs of ice. If we turn to the right or to the left of our meridian, these icy barriers beset us during the whole of our passage. Hence, we have found that there is a great ebbing and flowing sea at the earth's centre; with a boundary wall of ice, nearly a hundred miles in thickness, and three thousand miles in circumference; that springing or projecting from this icy wall, irregular masses of land stretch out towards the south, where a desolate waste of turbulent waters surrounds the continents, and is itself engirdled by vast belts and packs of ice, bounded by immense frozen barriers, the lateral depth and extent of which are utterly unknown.
I emboldened the text about the southern wall. They don't seem to have a reason for not being able to explore it considering all the technology at their disposal.
"Maybe it's just a bunch of stuff that happens." -- Homer Simpson
"Some people focus on the destination. Atheists focus on the journey." -- Barry Goldberg


It's them militaries from all them bad places, like Russia™ and The US Government™ what doesn't let them regular folks to go on a Antarctic cruise and because no-one even knows what a astrolabe is, and sextant sounds like something teenagers do on their mobile phones, and what with the GPS and GLONASS being some shadow government bullshit from them abovementioned ™s, it's absolutely impossible to determine where you are on such a cruise and that, my friends, is further proof that the Earth is flat.  :smilenod:

Trouble is, of course, that that theory does not stand up to even a slight touch of the Gillette Razor (Ba-dum-tissh*)

*Reference to Penn Jillette's interpretation of Hanlon's Razor in Penn and Teller: Bullshit. From memory, "Cockup before conspiracy. Teller prefers the French version; 'Voulez vou coucher avec moi ce soir?'"
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.

billy rubin

Quote from: Randy on June 05, 2020, 11:49:21 AM
Quote from: billy rubin on June 05, 2020, 11:15:16 AM
Quote from: Randy on June 05, 2020, 02:23:48 AM
I wonder why no one has tried to tunnel through the wall instead of going over it. It would be a scientific boon to find out what is on the other side. Surely there has to be enough of their ilk to chip in and launch an expedition.

no one has ever been there.

this particular point is a sore spot with flat earthers, because it requirez them to invoke conspiracy. no one has ever visited the ice wall and returned. those that claim to have been to the south pole are mistaken or lying. in general southern hemisphere issues dont align well with customary flat earth theory, and people dont like to dizcuzs them.
No one? That sounds like a cop out or a bad B horror movie.
They tried. They visited. And then... they disappeared.
The Ice Wall - Coming this Christmas to a theater near you.

I can't remember why they said it was unapproachable. I found this quote from The Flat Earth Society.
QuoteIf now we sail with our backs continually to this central star, "Polaris," or the centre of the earth's surface, we shall arrive at another region of ice. Upon whatever meridian we sail, keeping the northern centre behind us, we are checked in our progress by vast and lofty cliffs of ice. If we turn to the right or to the left of our meridian, these icy barriers beset us during the whole of our passage. Hence, we have found that there is a great ebbing and flowing sea at the earth's centre; with a boundary wall of ice, nearly a hundred miles in thickness, and three thousand miles in circumference; that springing or projecting from this icy wall, irregular masses of land stretch out towards the south, where a desolate waste of turbulent waters surrounds the continents, and is itself engirdled by vast belts and packs of ice, bounded by immense frozen barriers, the lateral depth and extent of which are utterly unknown.
I emboldened the text about the southern wall. They don't seem to have a reason for not being able to explore it considering all the technology at their disposal.

one expkanation is that its poisonous. but ive never been there, so for all i personally can know from direct evidence, they ckuld be right.

set the function, not the mechanism.

billy rubin

Quote from: Asmodean on June 05, 2020, 01:07:40 PM
It's them militaries from all them bad places, like Russia™ and The US Government™ what doesn't let them regular folks to go on a Antarctic cruise and because no-one even knows what a astrolabe is, and sextant sounds like something teenagers do on their mobile phones, and what with the GPS and GLONASS being some shadow government bullshit from them abovementioned ™s, it's absolutely impossible to determine where you are on such a cruise and that, my friends, is further proof that the Earth is flat.  :smilenod:

its not proof the earth is flat so much as it makes it obviouz that the average person is unable to tell, and has to rely on indirect evidence to conclude sphericity.

i know of only one or two methods that i could use, unaided, to disprove the flat earth. azide from those, im like most everybody else and can only recjte the creed.

set the function, not the mechanism.


Quote from: billy rubin on June 05, 2020, 01:19:26 PM
Quote from: Randy on June 05, 2020, 11:49:21 AM
Quote from: billy rubin on June 05, 2020, 11:15:16 AM
Quote from: Randy on June 05, 2020, 02:23:48 AM
I wonder why no one has tried to tunnel through the wall instead of going over it. It would be a scientific boon to find out what is on the other side. Surely there has to be enough of their ilk to chip in and launch an expedition.

no one has ever been there.

this particular point is a sore spot with flat earthers, because it requirez them to invoke conspiracy. no one has ever visited the ice wall and returned. those that claim to have been to the south pole are mistaken or lying. in general southern hemisphere issues dont align well with customary flat earth theory, and people dont like to dizcuzs them.
No one? That sounds like a cop out or a bad B horror movie.
They tried. They visited. And then... they disappeared.
The Ice Wall - Coming this Christmas to a theater near you.

I can't remember why they said it was unapproachable. I found this quote from The Flat Earth Society.
QuoteIf now we sail with our backs continually to this central star, "Polaris," or the centre of the earth's surface, we shall arrive at another region of ice. Upon whatever meridian we sail, keeping the northern centre behind us, we are checked in our progress by vast and lofty cliffs of ice. If we turn to the right or to the left of our meridian, these icy barriers beset us during the whole of our passage. Hence, we have found that there is a great ebbing and flowing sea at the earth's centre; with a boundary wall of ice, nearly a hundred miles in thickness, and three thousand miles in circumference; that springing or projecting from this icy wall, irregular masses of land stretch out towards the south, where a desolate waste of turbulent waters surrounds the continents, and is itself engirdled by vast belts and packs of ice, bounded by immense frozen barriers, the lateral depth and extent of which are utterly unknown.
I emboldened the text about the southern wall. They don't seem to have a reason for not being able to explore it considering all the technology at their disposal.

one expkanation is that its poisonous. but ive never been there, so for all i personally can know from direct evidence, they ckuld be right.
How would they know it was poisonous if no one whose been there ever returned?
"Maybe it's just a bunch of stuff that happens." -- Homer Simpson
"Some people focus on the destination. Atheists focus on the journey." -- Barry Goldberg

billy rubin



the ice wall is really insolvable, though, randy. ive never seen it or not seen it, and so there isnt anything there to assert or dispute except hearsay.

thats whats interesting about human credulity:

the earth is flat. antarctica is just an icewall.

no its not. antarctica is a continent.

ever been there?

no, but i saw it on a national geographic special.

well, i saw the icewall in a photo from scotts expedition.

thatwas a glacier calving icebergs, not an icewall.

how do you know that?

i read about it in a geography book.

lotta books, huh.

yes. i believe what i read. just not the books i already disagree with.

set the function, not the mechanism.


Here's another hypothesis as to the difficulty, nigh impossibility, of getting to the ice wall.

QuoteHow far the ice extends; how it terminates; and what exists beyond it, are questions to which no present human experience can reply. All we at present know is, that snow and hail, howling winds, and indescribable storms and hurricanes prevail; and that in every direction "human ingress is barred by unsealed escarpments of perpetual ice," extending farther than eye or telescope can penetrate, and becoming lost in gloom and darkness.

I got this and the last quote I mentioned from here:
"Maybe it's just a bunch of stuff that happens." -- Homer Simpson
"Some people focus on the destination. Atheists focus on the journey." -- Barry Goldberg

billy rubin

if youre reading rowbotham youre gtetting to the foundations of modern flat earth theoory for sure.

robotham was a strange kind of emiricist, which is what the zetitic sort of means. it refers to inquiry by going from observations to theory, without looking for a hypothesis to test. so if all the observations that we have indicates that the earth is flat (and it looks flat), then the conclusion should be that it is flat.

a hard-core occams razor approach that skips falsification.

the problem was that rowbotham became wedded to the idea of a fat earth and persisted in it even after soe serious refutations, and this flaw continues among the flat earthers still.

its very similar to christian biblical creationism, but moreinteresting.

set the function, not the mechanism.


I studied Creationism in private school. They drilled it into our heads. I'm surprised they didn't teach a flat Earth since the bible seems to lead to one. Fortunately they didn't and I only had one thing I had to get out of my head.
"Maybe it's just a bunch of stuff that happens." -- Homer Simpson
"Some people focus on the destination. Atheists focus on the journey." -- Barry Goldberg

billy rubin

what is there to teach besides chriztian scripture?

set the function, not the mechanism.


They still teach math, the other sciences, English, social studies, and so-on. They do pepper scriptures throughout the books. They have to teach evolution I think (it's been decades) but they water it down or teach why it is "false".

We taught ourselves. We had cubicles and P.A.C.E (Packet of Accelerated Christian Education) books that we progressed through at our own pace. We had whole sections of the bible to memorize by the end of the month. They made sure we were fully indoctrinated. We were even taught the sins of Rock & Roll.
"Maybe it's just a bunch of stuff that happens." -- Homer Simpson
"Some people focus on the destination. Atheists focus on the journey." -- Barry Goldberg

billy rubin

i was specifically curious about creationism.

did you mean that they taught it as a specific field of earth history, or assumed it as part of everything else?

set the function, not the mechanism.


Let me see if I can tell this one straight. In any subject if it disagreed with biblical teachings it was "corrected" with scripture. The flood happened. The universe was created in six days.

I remember reconciling the time line with something along the lines of "with God a thousand days is as one". It's probably not accurate as I've strayed away from my teaching. Any way, I'm pretty sure it was assumed to be a part of everything else. They had to teach what was required to be accredited but that didn't mean they couldn't distort it.

It's a chapter in my life that I'm not proud of and have tried to bury under the real world.
"Maybe it's just a bunch of stuff that happens." -- Homer Simpson
"Some people focus on the destination. Atheists focus on the journey." -- Barry Goldberg