
Departing the Vacuousness

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I'm so happy to be here :)

Started by Americangirl406, August 08, 2012, 07:12:28 AM

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Hi Americangirl406,

Welcome to the forum and hope you enjoy it. What sort of things are you researching?
Retired member.


Quote from: Crow on August 10, 2012, 02:10:22 PM
Quote from: AnimatedDirt on August 08, 2012, 05:32:17 PM
If I may, you mention saved by grace and not by works, but it seems you don't believe this as your words betray this.  You were trying to do what?  Being a Christian is not about attaining a certain point of 'goodness'.  Being converted to Christianity does not (should not necessarily) be a point where your life makes an immediate 180.  The changes in one's life don't all happen at the moment one is converted ( although for some it may ).  They are gradual.  Salvation is immediate, but Sanctification is a life-time process that never ends, is never finished this side of life.

Healing comes to some faster than others.  But healing is ever present in that we still live in a world that sin is still present.  We are human...imperfect humans that make mistakes.

We are to use our brains.  If God created us, our brains are to be used and to think things through.  God says, "Come, let us reason together."  This means we can talk to God and tell Him how we feel, our frustrations even our anger.  There is no minimum number of 'holy spirit experiences' that crosses one from non-Christian to Chrisitian or new Christian to 'better' Christian...  Our experiences differ.  I've never had a 'holy spirit experience' that I can say, "The HS spoke to me and...".  I CAN say that in hindsight, I've seen how God has worked in my life here and there, but in the moment, I've not been able to tell.

I respect your position today and am not trying to do anything but clarify at least from my position as a Christian.

I would disagree with Stevil;

As an atheist one does have a moral guider.  The society one chooses to live in.

The scriptures are the laws of this society.

The teachings are those ideals one embraces and nurtures.

I would agree with Stevil;

You can't bestow responsibility for your own sins onto Jesus, but He will take them.

Quote from: Stevil on August 08, 2012, 10:42:55 AM
You have to become an independant adult and take control of your own life, be responsible and take accountability for your own [actions]. But you must also be patient and forgiving on yourself, of course you will make mistakes, that's part of life, nobody's perfect.


Preaching nonsense.

Of course.


Hi there, and a warm welcome to you! :)

You're among friends here while you get things sorted out. Take all the time you need, too - I've been through the messy process you're going through, and generally, lots of time, questions, thought and honestly sometimes just taking a break and goofing off are very much needed. :) I'm glad to hear that your husband's supportive of you, that's awesome. You'll also find a lot more support here.

See you around HAF!

"Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb we are bound to others. By every crime and act of kindness we birth our future." - Cloud Atlas

"To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is to never die." -Carl Sagan